Key Benefits:
Prime Minister,
On the report of the Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry,
A National Commission for the Coordination of Professional Professions is established with the Minister for Liberal Professions, which examines all issues of interest to these professions
Commission includes:
1 ° A representative from each of the following ministers:
-the Minister of Justice;
-the Minister responsible for Social Affairs, Labour and Solidarity; and
-the Minister responsible for Liberal professions.
Depending on the agenda, the President may invite other ministers to be represented at committee meetings;
2 ° Representatives of the liberal professions thus appointed:
-nine representatives Trade unions of the professions designated for three years by the National Union of Professions after consulting the professional organisations concerned;
-four representatives of the chambers of the liberal professions designated for Three years by the National Chamber of Liberal Professions;
-four representatives of the orders, national chambers, national companies, national or higher professional councils, appointed for three years by the committee of Liaison of the orders after consultation with the organisations concerned.
Each of the categories of representatives mentioned in the 2 ° includes persons from each of the three main sectors of the liberal professions: Health, legal professions, technical professions;
3 ° Six qualified persons appointed for three years by the Minister for Liberal Professions.
Committee members other than ministers' representatives are Replaced, if prevented, by a designated alternate under the same conditions.
The National Consensus Commission is chaired by the minister for liberal professions or his representative.
Decree No. 96-840 of 23 September 1996 on the coordination of state action in respect of the professions is repealed.
The Minister of Social Affairs, Labour and Solidarity, the Minister of Justice, the Minister of Justice, the Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry, and the Secretary of State for Small and They shall be responsible for the execution of this Decree, which shall be published in the Official Journal of the French Republic.
Done at Paris, January 3, 2003.
Jean-Pierre Raffarin
By the Prime Minister:
The Minister of Economy,
Finance and Industry,
Francis Mer
The Minister of Social Affairs,
of Work and Solidarity,
François Fillon
The Seals Guard, Minister of Justice,
Dominique Perben
Secretary of State
to small and medium-sized enterprises,
to business, crafts,
to the liberal professions
and consumption,
Renaud Dutreil