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Decree Of 11 December 2006 On The Appointment (Headquarters)

Original Language Title: Arrêté du 11 décembre 2006 portant nomination (administration centrale)

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JORF No. 3 of 4 January 2007
Text No. 43

Order of December 11, 2006 Appointment (Headquarters)

NOR: DEFP0601703A ELI: Not available

By order of the Minister of Defence dated December 11, 2006, the Attachments Major central administration of the 2nd class whose names are appointed to the rank of Principal Senior Administrative Officer of the 1st Class of the Ministry of Defence for the year 2006:

Starting from 1 January 2006

M. Pierret (Jean-Michel), Directorate of Military and Civilian Personnel.

Starting February 1, 2006

M. Cambounet (Jean-Luc), School Polytechnique.

As of March 1, 2006

M. Bernard (Pierre-Jean), Directorate of Legal Affairs.

As of April 1, 2006

Ms. Constant (Françoise), directorate of statuses, pensions and social reintegration.

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