Key Benefits:
The Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry and the Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries,
In view of Regulation (EC) No 1493/1999 on the common organisation of the market Wine:
Given the code of consumption;
Given the rural code;
In the light of the decree of 19 August 1921 amending the regulation of public administration for the application of the law of 1 August 1905 on the suppression of fraud in the sale Goods and falsifications of foodstuffs and agricultural products, in particular Article 13;
Having regard to the Decree of 11 January 1984 concerning the controlled designations of origin "Saint-Emilion" and "Saint-Emilion grand cru" ;
Given the proposal of the National Wine and Life Committee of the National Institute of Appellations of Origin on 6 and 7 September 2006,
Is registered for the classification of the wines of the controlled appellation of origin "Saint-Emilion grand cru", proposed by The National Wine and Life Committee of the National Institute of Appellations of Origin, listed below:
A. -First major wines classified:
a) Château Ausone, Château Cheval Blanc.
b) Château Angélus, Château Beau-Séjour Bécot, Château Beau-Séjour (Duffau-Lagarosse), Château Belair, Château Canon, Clos Fourtet, Château Figeac, Château La Gaffelière, Château Magdelaine, Château Pavia, Château Pavie-Macquin, Château Troplong-Mondot, Château Trottevielle.
B.-Grand Crus classified:
Château L' Arrosée, Château Balestard-la-Tonnelle, Château Bellefont-Belcier, Château Bergat, Château Berliquet, Château Cadet-Piola, Chateau Canon La Gaffelière, Château de Mourlin, Château Chauvin, Château Clos des Jacobins, Clos de l' Oratory, Clos Saint-Martin, Château La Clotte, Château Corbin, Château Corbin-Michotte, Château La Couspaude, Couvent des Jacobins, Chateau Dassault, Château Destieux, Château La Dominique, Château Fleur-Cardinale, Château Fonplegade, Châteazu Fonroque, Château Franc Mayne, Château Grand-Corbin, Château Grand-Corbin-Despagne, Château Les Grandes Murailles, Château Grand Mayne, Château Grand Pontet, Château Haut-Corbin, Château Haut-Sarpe, Château Laniote, Château Larcis-Ducasse, Château Laroque, Château Laroque, Château Laroze, Château La Serre, Château Matras, Château Monscuquet, Château Moulin du Cadet, Château Pavie-Decesse, Château Le Prieuré, Château Ripeau, Château Saint-Georges Côte Pavie, Château Soutard, Château La Tour-Figeac.
This Order applies after the 2006 harvest.
The Order of 8 November 1996 concerning the classification of raw wines Wines with a controlled designation of origin "Saint-Emilion grand cru" is repealed.
Policy Director General And the Director General of Competition, Consumer Affairs and Enforcement of Fraud shall each be responsible for the execution of this Order, which shall be published in the Official Journal of the French Republic.
Done at Paris, December 12, 2006.
Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries,
For the Minister and by delegation:
By preventing the Director General
Economic Policies,
European and International:
The Rural Engineer,
Water and Forestry Engineer,
E. Giry
The Minister of the Economy,
Finance and Industry,
For the minister and delegation:
The service manager,