Key Benefits:
The President of the Republic,
On the report of the Prime Minister and the Minister for Foreign Affairs,
Given Articles 52 to 55 of the Constitution;
Law No. 2006-1408 of 17 November 2006 authorising the approval of the agreement between the Government of the French Republic and the Swiss Federal Council on the connection of the motorway A 35 to the national road N 2 between Basel and Saint-Louis, signed in Bern on 13 July 2004;
In light of the amended Decree No. 53-192 of 14 March 1953 on the ratification and publication of international commitments entered into by France,
Agreement between the Government of the French Republic and the Swiss Federal Council on the connection of Highway A 35 at National Highway No. 2 between Basel and Saint-Louis, signed in Berne on July 13, 2004, will be published in the Official Journal of the French Republic.
The Prime Minister and the Minister for Foreign Affairs shall each have responsibility for the execution of this Decree, which shall be published in the Official Journal of the French Republic.
The Government of the French Republic and the Swiss Federal Council,
hereinafter referred to as the Parties,
Due to the exchange of letters of the 4 and 9 January 1963 laying down the position of the crossing point of the French-Swiss border by the motorway from Mulhouse to Basle and the principles of connection of the Swiss and French motorways;
Given the Franco-Swiss arrangement relating to the Compensation due for the use of the juxtaposed national inspection offices of 9 November 1981 and the complementary Franco-Swiss arrangement relating to allowances payable for the use of juxtaposed national inspection offices on 10 November 1981 ;
Due to the exchange of letters of 11 January and 24 May 1983 concerning the temporary junction of Autoroute A 35 to the Swiss road network;
Considering that the work of connecting the French motorway A 35 and the Swiss national road N 2 between Basel and Saint-Louis have been completed,
The crossing of the border by the N 2 highway from Switzerland is done at point A defined by its coordinates in the French systems: XF = 992 '933.75; YF = 299' 249.31; HF = 258.28, And Swiss: XCH = 269 '397.1; YCH = 609' 370.75; HCH = 258.40,
Have agreed as follows:
Article 1
By way of derogation from Article 3 (2) of the Agreement In addition to the French-Swiss supplementary allowance for the use of juxtaposed national control offices on 10 November 1981, the costs are allocated as follows:
1. The costs of acquiring the land and the rights necessary for the construction of the work shall be borne by the Parties for the sections situated in their respective territories.
2. The cost of completing the highway tape on each of the two territories is 100 % borne by each party in respect of its territory.
3. The cost of completing the straps located in France is 100 % borne by the French Party.
4. In accordance with the agreement accepted by the technical directorates on 17 April 1996, the cost of realising the shoulder straps in Switzerland has been estimated at 1.55 MFS for France, which is subject to review at the completion of the work. The revised final amount in accordance with the Swiss Consumer Price Index for the French Party is fixed at 1.6485 MFS. The deadline for payment is three months after the entry into force of the agreement. The balance of the transaction shall be borne by the Swiss Party.
Article 2
Operation and Maintenance of the Work
The competent local administrations of the Parties shall settle by arrangements Specific issues relating to the operation and maintenance of the work.
Article 3
Entry into Force
Each Party shall notify the other Party of the completion of the For the entry into force of this Agreement. The latter shall enter into force on the date of receipt of the last notification.
Done at Berne on July 13, 2004, in two originals in the French language.
Done at Paris, January 2, 2007.
Jacques Chirac
By the President of the Republic:
The Prime Minister,
Dominique de Villepin
The Minister of Foreign Affairs,
Philippe Douste-Blazy
For the Government
of the French Republic:
Jacques Rummelhardt
Ambassador of France
For the Swiss Federal Council:
Rudolf Dieterle
of the Federal Office of Roads