Key Benefits:
Two competitions are organized by the Directorate General of Customs and Rights Indirect for the recruitment of customs trainee controllers, speciality "surveillance and aeronautics: pilot plane".
I. Eligibility Requirements
In addition to the conditions General requirements for access to public jobs in the state (French nationality, physical fitness ...), candidates must meet the following special conditions:
a) External competition:
-be the holder of the baccalaureate or the Equivalent titles or diplomas appearing on the list set out in the Decree of 10 February 2004.
This condition of graduation is not effective against mothers of at least three children and top-level athletes;
-be the holder of At least one of the following licenses, valid:
-civil aviation pilot civil licence (with full CPL/IR);
-other certified level I to IV patents in specialty, pursuant to the July 16 Act 1971;
-more than 1500 hours of flight (flight + simulator).
b) Internal competition:
-be a public servant or public official of the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Industry and count, as of January 1, 2006, three years six months At least effective public services in those services, the actual time taken by the active national service, if any, to be deducted from those three years six months.
As such, it is further stated that Provisions of Article 1 of Decree No 98-433 of 2 June 1998 amending Decree No 79-88 of 25 January 1979 laying down the special status of the customs officers'body' the probationary period shall be assimilated to public services Strength in the body ";
-hold at least one of the following licenses, valid:
-civil aviation pilot civil licence (with full CPL/IR);
-other approved level I to IV patents in the Specialty, pursuant to the Act of July 16, 1971;
-justifying more than 1500 hours of flight (flight + simulator).
II. -Number of Seats Offered
The total number of seats available for competitions and the volume of positions available to recipients of the Code of Military Disability Pension and Victims of War and Workers With disabilities will be the subject of a subsequent opinion in the Official Gazette of the French Republic.
The same applies to the proportion of jobs to be filled by the contract under the provisions of Decree No. 95-979 of 25 August 1995 on certain procedures for the recruitment of disabled workers into the public service of the State.
III. -Dates of the written tests for these two competitions (internal and external)
4, 5 and 6 April 2006.
IV. -Registration form
In addition to the postal service (registration by filing a written file), a teleprocedure via the internet at is made available to the candidates Who so wish.
This procedure takes place in two phases: a pre-registration phase, which assigns a registration number communicated to the applicant by post, and a validation phase, using this number.
End Date of Pre-registration is scheduled for January 20, 2006, inclusive. Candidates may amend their file data up to February 3, 2006 inclusive. Any changes must be re-validated until the above date.
If this route is not possible, applicants retain the option of registering with the filing of a written record.
Date Application deadline (postmark) or withdrawal of registration files is fixed as of January 20, 2006. The deadline for sending (the postmark) or the filing of the registration dossiers is 3 February 2006.
V. Competitions and testing programs
An order of 3 March 1997 (OJ 1997, 11 March 1997) established the general conditions for the organisation of professional competitions and examinations within the DGDDI.
An order of 25 November 2005 amending the order of 21 June 2004 (OJ of 2 July 2004, page 12037) fixed the Nature and programme of tests.
IV. -Services to be addressed by candidates
For all information, applicants should contact:
-in the provinces, the interregional customs directors;
-in Paris and in the Ile-de-France region, at the Inter-regional customs management of Ile-de-France, service of examinations and competitions: 3, rue de l' Eglise, BP 21, 94471 Boissy-Saint-Léger Cedex;
-or connect on the website of the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Industry, at The address: contests/index.htm;
-or on the website of the Directorate-General for Customs and Indirect Rights: