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Decision Of 19 December 2005 Rapporteurs Appointing Experts To The Committee Responsible For Monitoring The Advertising And Dissemination Of Recommendations On The Proper Use Of Medicines

Original Language Title: Decision of 19 December 2005 appointing rapporteurs experts to the committee responsible for monitoring the advertising and dissemination of recommendations on the proper use of medicines

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JORF No. 3 of 4 January 2006 Page 142
Text No. 65

Decision of 19 December 2005 appointing experts to the committee responsible for the control of advertising and the dissemination of recommendations on the proper use of medicinal products

NOR: SANM0524781S ELI: Not available

By decision of the Director General of the French Health Security Agency Health products as of 19 December 2005, the following names are appointed expert rapporteurs to the Committee responsible for the control of advertising and the dissemination of recommendations on the proper use of medicinal products. Additional title for the year 2005:
M. Christian Gisselbrecht.
M. Philippe Vinceneux.

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