Key Benefits:
By Order dated January 3, 2006, are appointed members of the Access Commission Administrative documents:
1 ° As Magistrate of the Court of Cassation
M. Jean Merlin, Honorary Dean of the Court of Cassation, Member.
Ms. Martine Betch, Adviser to the Court of Cassation, alternate member.
2 ° As judge of the Court of Auditors
M. Philippe Limouzin-Lamothe, Senior Adviser at the Court of Auditors, titular member.
MR. Pierre-Yves Richard, Senior Adviser at the Court of Auditors, alternate member.
3 ° As Member
M. Emile Blessig, MP, titular member.
M. Pierre Albertini, Member of Parliament Substitute.
4 ° Senator
M. Yves Detraigne, Senator, full member.
M. Michel Dreyfus-Schmidt, Senator, alternate member.
5 ° As an elected representative Territorial community
M. Jacques Oudin, General Counsel, Full Member.
M. Charles Descours, General Counsel, Alternate Member.
6 ° As teacher of education Top
M. Alain Prost, Honorary Professor of History, Member.
M. Jérôme Huet, Professor of Law, alternate member.
7 ° As a qualified personality in the field Archives
Mme Elisabeth Rabut, curator générale du patrimoine et inspectrice générale des archives, titular member.
Miss Geneviève Etienne, General Heritage Curator and General Inspector of Archives, alternate member.
8 ° Qualified personality
for personal data protection
M. Jean Massot, Honorary President of the Council of State, Member of the National Commission on Informatics and Liberties, Member.
M. Emmanuel de Givry, adviser to the Court of Cassation, member of the National Commission on Informatics and Liberties, alternate member.
9 ° Qualified personality
in terms of competition and price
M. Philippe Nasse, Honorary Senior Advisor to the Court of Auditors, Vice-President of the Competition Council, Member Owner.
Mme Marie Picard, maître des requêtes au Conseil d' Etat, substitute member.
10 ° Qualified personality
for public information release
M. Jean-Joël Tronc, director of strategy and brand of company Orange France, titular member.