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Order Of 27 December 2004 Setting The Number Of Places Offered In 2005 For Admission In The First Year At The School Of Management Of The National Institute Of Telecommunications

Original Language Title: Arrêté du 27 décembre 2004 fixant le nombre de places offertes en 2005 à l'admission en première année à l'école de gestion de l'Institut national des télécommunications

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JORF No. 3 of 5 January 2005 Page 231
Text No. 24

Decree of 27 December 2004 fixing the number of places offered in 2005 for admission in the first year to the management school of the National Telecommunications Institute

NOR: INDI0404317A ELI: Not available

By order of the Minister Delegate to Industry as of December 27, 2004, the number Places offered in 2005 for the first year admission of the management school of the National Institute of Telecommunications is fixed as follows:
HEC Filière and literary stream: 100 places;
Filière SPE: 60 places;
Filière SIEG: 20 seats.
The jury will be able to increase the number of seats available to one of the categories of candidates within the limit of 5 places by reducing the number of places available to other categories.

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