Key Benefits:
An external competition for titles will take place at the Mauriac Hospital (Cantal), In accordance with the conditions laid down in Article 12 (1) (a) of Decree No. 91-868 of 5 September 1991 amending the special statutes of the technical staff of the hospital public service, with a view to the provision of 1 post of senior hospital technician, Quality and accreditation branch, vacant at this institution.
May apply an application for a diploma attesting to an undergraduate degree, a diploma or a degree approved at the III level or a diploma or diploma. Certification in the national inventory of professional qualifications issued in one or more of the above specialities as well as in any other field of a technical and scientific nature entering the missions of the Establishments within the hospital public service.
This competition is also open to candidates with a degree awarded in another Member State of the European Community or in another State Party to the Agreement on Space European Economic and whose assimilation with one of the diplomas set out above has been recognised by the committee provided for by the decree of 21 July 1994.
Applications must be submitted no later than one month after the date of the Publication of this notice in the Official Journal, by registered letter (the stamp of the position being authentic), to the director of the hospital centre of Mauriac, avenue Fernand-Tallandier, 15200 Mauriac, from which all the Additional information for the establishment of the record, the date and location of the competition.