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Decree Of 21 December 2006 Establishing The Cessation Of Functions And Appointment (Advances And Revenue Commissioners)

Original Language Title: Arrêté du 21 décembre 2006 portant cessation de fonctions et nomination (régisseurs d'avances et de recettes)

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JORF No. 2 of 3 January 2007
Text #60

Decree of 21 December 2006 on termination of office and appointment (administrators of advances and receipts)

NOR: JUSB0610804A ELI: Not available

By Order of the Seals Guard, Minister of Justice, dated December 21, 2006 :
It is, from the date of the award of accounts, terminated the duties of Ms. Marcadet (Claudine), wife Cocheril, 2nd Class Senior Administrative Assistant, in her capacity as Interim Executive Officer of the Tribunal Chateaubriant.
Ms. Aubin (Chantal), wife Jouanolle, Chief Clerk of the Second Degree, is, as of the date of the award of accounts, appointed as the incumbent of the Châteaubriant District Court.
Ms. Marcadet (Claudine), wife Cocheril, Second Class Senior Administrative Assistant, shall, from the same date of the award of the accounts, be appointed as Alternate Chief Executive Officer of the said Tribunal.

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