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Order Of 8 December 2005, Detachment (Decentralized Services Of The Treasury)

Original Language Title: Arrêté du 8 décembre 2005 portant détachement (services déconcentrés du Trésor)

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JORF No. 2 of 3 January 2006
Text No. 42

Detachment Order of December 8, 2005 (Deconcentrated Treasury Services)

NOR: BUDR0501371A ELI: Not available

By order of the Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry and the Minister Delegation to the budget and state reform, Government spokesperson, dated 8 December 2005, Miss Alexandra Brun, inspector of the public treasury, is placed on secondment with the city of Toulon as territorial attaché for a Up to three years from 15 November 2005.

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