Key Benefits:
The Minister of Health and Solidarity,
Given the Social Security Code, and in particular articles L. 931-1, L. 931-4, R. 931-2-1, R. 931-2-5 and R. 931-2-7 of Title III of Book IX ;
In view of the Order of 11 May 1955, as amended authorizing the institution of foresight of employees of the companies of the Group of Deposits and Other Communities (IPSEC) to function;
Given the letter of the Minister for Social Affairs, of the Health and the city of 16 November 1994 approving the IPSEC to practice the operations of branches 1, 2 and 20;
Seen, with the supporting documents, the application submitted by the institution of foresight interested,
Pursuant to Article L. 931-4 of the Social Security Code, the approval of the institution of foresight of the Employees of the companies of the Group of the Caisse des Deposits et autres collectivités (IPSEC), whose head office is located at 16-18, place of the General-Catroux, 75848 Paris Cedex 17, is extended to the operations of the following branch mentioned in Section R. 931-2-1 of the above code:
22 Insurance related to investment funds.
The Director of Security Is responsible for the execution of this Order, which shall be published in the Official Gazette of the French Republic.
Done at Paris, December 21, 2005.
For the Minister and by delegation:
By preventing the Director
from Social Security:
The Deputy Director Pensions and
institutions of complementary social protection,
F. The Morvan