Key Benefits:
The jobs of the following Regional Director of Prison Services are Likely to be vacant in January 2004:
Regional Director of Prison Services in Lille;
Regional Director of Prison Services in Paris;
Regional Director of Prison Services in Strasbourg;
Director Regional Prison Services in Toulouse.
These jobs are governed by the provisions of Decree No. 2002-725 of 30 April 2002 on the employment status of the Regional Director and the functional director of the prison services, Official Journal of the French Republic of 4 May 2002.
You may apply:
-the off-class directors of the prison service, who have held their rank for at least two years, exercising or having performed duties Head of establishment in at least two institutions as Director of Prison Services;
-officials and judges mentioned in Decree No. 2001-529 of 18 June 2001 on conditions for access to jobs Direction of the decentralised services of the State.
Applications will be sent by the hierarchical road to the Ministry of Justice (Office of the Director of the Prison Administration), 13 Place Vendôme, 75042 Paris Cedex 01, within a period of 15 days from the date of publication of this notice in the Official Journal.
Applicants will present a letter of motivation, a detailed curriculum vitae, and the assessments of how they are to be used in the five Last years.