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Decree Of 30 December 2004 Approving Of An Organization Designed To Support Used Packaging In The Conditions Laid Down By Decree No 92-377 Dated April 1, 1992

Original Language Title: Arrêté du 30 décembre 2004 portant agrément d'un organisme ayant pour objet de prendre en charge les emballages usagés dans les conditions prévues par le décret n° 92-377 du 1er avril 1992

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JORF No. 1 of January 1, 2005 Page 144
Text No. 83

Decree of 30 December 2004 on the approval of an organisation whose purpose is to take care of used packaging under the conditions laid down in Decree No 92-377 of 1 April 1992

NOR: DEVP0430459A ELI:

Minister of Interior, Internal Security and Local Freedoms, Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry, Minister of Agriculture, Food, fishing and rurality, the Minister of Ecology and Sustainable Development, the Minister for the Interior and the Minister Delegate to Industry,
In view of Directive 94 /62/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of the Union European Commission of 20 December 1994 on packaging and packaging waste modified;
In view of the Environmental Code, and in particular Title I and Chapter 1 of Title IV of its Book V;
In light of Decree No 92-377 of 1 April 1992 Amended to apply, for the waste resulting from the abandonment of packaging, the amended Act No. 75-633 of 15 July 1975 on the disposal of waste and the recovery of materials;
Having regard to the Order of 23 July 1992 as amended Relating to the approval provided for by the above-noted Order in Council for the establishment of an Accreditation Advisory Panel;
In light of the Order of February 28, 2000, as amended for the approval of the Adelphe SA Corporation;
Due to the company's application for registration Adelphe SA, 25 March 2004;
In view of the opinion delivered on 9 April 2004 by the aforementioned advisory committee,

Article 1

In accordance with Article 6 of the decree of 1 April 1992 as amended above, the company Adelphe SA is hereby approved, at the Specific terms and conditions specified in the Annex, to ensure the management of waste resulting from the abandonment of used packaging of products consumed or used by households, for which producers or importers have Contracted with the incumbent.

Item 2

Approval is issued for a renewable six-year period beginning on January 1 2005.
Approval may be withdrawn under the conditions laid down in Article 9 of the decree of 1 April 1992, if it appears as at 30 September 2005 that the Adelphe company has not taken the necessary measures to restore its balance Financial.

Article 3

The Adelphe company will produce by 30 June 2008 at the latest a balance sheet of the support paid to the Local communities in 2005, 2006 and 2007 by a certified organization. The terms of reference for this balance sheet shall be submitted in advance for an opinion to the committee referred to in Article 1 of the decree of 23 July 1992.
This balance sheet will include a comparison with the forecast in the application package Of authorisation, taking into account the parameters determining the amounts of these supports, in particular the importance of the population served by the selective collections and the tonnage of packaging waste collected selectively per capita. An analysis of the possible gaps between planned and actual support will be carried out.
The results of this review will be presented to the committee referred to in Article 1 of the decree of 23 July 1992.

Article 4

On request of the Adelphe company, the specific terms and conditions specified in the Annex may be modified by the The authorities which have authorised the company, after the opinion of the committee referred to in Article 1 of the decree of 23 July 1992 mentioned above.

Item 5

The annex to this decree can be consulted in the direction of the prevention of pollution and risks (under-direction of products and waste), 20, avenue de Ségur, 75007 Paris, and the seat of Adelphe SA, 49, rue Raymond-Jaclard, 94146 Alfortville.

Article 6

The Director General of Local Communities, the Director General of the Competition, consumption and enforcement of fraud, the Director of Economic and International Policy, the Director of Pollution Prevention and Risk, and the Director General of Industry, Technology The information and posts shall each be responsible for the execution of this Order, which shall be published in the Official Journal of the French Republic.

Done at Paris, 30 December 2004.

Minister of Ecology

and Sustainable Development,

Serge Lepeltier

The Minister of the Interior,

Internal security

and local freedoms,

Dominique de Villepin

Minister of Economy,

Finance and Industry,

Hervé Gaymard

The Minister of Agriculture, Food,

de la pêche et de la ruralité,

Dominique Bussereau

Associate Minister in the Interior,

Marie-Josée Roig

Industry Minister,

Patrick Devedjian

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