Key Benefits:
The Minister of Solidarity, Health and Family Affairs, Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry, and Minister of Ecology and Development Sustainable,
Due to the Environmental Code;
Due to the Public Health Code;
Due to Act No. 61-842 dated August 2, 1961 on the Control of Air Pollution and Odour;
Given the Order in Council of September 28, 1982 Authorising the creation by Electricité de France of two tranches of the Nogent nuclear power plant in the Aube department;
In light of Decree No. 93-743 of 29 March 1993 on the nomenclature of operations subject to authorisation or Declaration pursuant to Article 10 of Law No. 92-3 of 3 January 1992 on water;
In light of Decree No. 95-540 of 4 May 1995 on discharges of liquid and gaseous effluents and water withdrawals from basic nuclear installations ;
In view of Decree No. 2002-255 of 22 February 2002 amending Decree No. 93-1272 of 1 December 1993 establishing a Directorate-General for Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection;
Having regard to Decree No. 2002-460 of 4 April 2002 on the General protection against the dangers of ionising radiation;
In view of the decree of 25 August 1987 on the authorisation to reject radioactive waste gases by the Nogent-sur-Seine nuclear power station (slices 1 and 2);
Vu The decree of 25 August 1987 on the authorisation to reject liquid radioactive waste by the Nogent-sur-Seine nuclear power plant (slices 1 and 2);
In view of the decree of 26 November 1999 laying down general technical requirements relating to the Limits and the terms and conditions of the levies and discards subject to authorisation, carried out by the basic nuclear installations;
In view of the Decree of 31 December 1999 laying down general technical regulations to prevent and limit Nuisance and external risks arising from the operation of the basic nuclear installations;
In the light of the decree of 15 March 2002 laying down the requirements applicable to the works and installations of the levies necessary for the feeding of the Demineralized water production station of the Nogent-sur-Seine nuclear power station;
In view of the decree of 26 April 2004 authorizing Electricité de France to reject effluents resulting from the biocidal treatment of the circuits of the aero-fridges of the Reactors n ° 1 and n ° 2 of the Nogent-sur-Seine nuclear power plant;
In view of the decree of 15 October 2004 authorising Electricité de France to reject effluents resulting from the antitartar treatment of the circuits of the aerorefrigerant reactors n ° 1 and No. 2 of the Nogent-sur-Seine nuclear power station;
In view of the prefectural order No. 87-2609 of 26 June 1987 concerning the taking of water in the river public domain;
In view of the prefectural order No 94/1427 A of 17 May 1994 authorising discards Non-radioactive liquid effluents for the Nogent-sur-Seine nuclear power station (slices 1 and 2);
Given the master plan for the management and management of the waters of the Seine-Normandie basin adopted on 10 June 1996 by the basin committee and approved On September 20, 1996, by the Warden of the Basin by Order No. 96-1868;
Due to the request for authorization to collect and release effluent presented on March 24, 2003 and completed on January 29, 2004 by Electricité de France;
Vu The interpretative decree n ° 04-1759 of 6 May 2004 concerning the opening of the public inquiry;
Given the files of the public inquiry as well as the opinions expressed during the inquiry conducted from 9 June to 9 July 2004;
In view of the opinion of the Minister responsible for Health of 27 April 2004;
In view of the opinion of the Minister responsible for civil safety of 13 April 2004;
In view of the opinion of the Departmental Health Council of the Department of the Dawn of 13 October 2004;
Vu The opinion of the municipal councils of the municipalities concerned;
In view of the opinion of the delegate of the basin as of 6 October 2004;
In view of the opinion of the prefect of the Department of the Dawn of 10 December 2004;
In view of the opinion issued on 29 December 2004 By the European Commission pursuant to Article 37 of the Euratom Treaty,
This Order has the effect of authorizing Electricité de France (EDF), hereinafter referred to as the operator, whose registered office Social is located 22-30, Avenue de Wagram in Paris (75008), to continue, subject to compliance with the provisions of this decree, water withdrawals and discharges of liquid and gaseous effluents, whether radioactive or not in the environment, for The normal operation of the nuclear site of Nogent, located on the territory of the commune of Nogent-sur-Seine. This site includes basic nuclear installations n ° s 129 and 130, corresponding to reactors 1 and 2 of the Nogent plant.
This Order applies to the following transactions in the nomenclature of the March 29, 1993 Order in Council:
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I.-This order applies to all samples and releases carried out by both the basic nuclear installations and the installations classified for the protection of The environment (ICPE) located within the INB perimeter. It fixes:
-the limits and technical conditions of water withdrawals in the Seine and the discharges of liquid and gaseous effluents to which the operator is authorised to proceed;
-the means of analysis, measurement and control of works, Installations, works or activities authorised by this Order as well as the monitoring of their effects on the environment;
-the conditions under which the operator reports on the levies and discharges he carries out, as well as The results of monitoring their effects on the environment, the ministers responsible for health and the environment, the DGSNR, the prefect of the Aube, the regional management of industry, research and the environment Champagne-Ardenne (DRIRE) and the navigation service of the Seine (SNS), responsible for the police of water;
-the modalities of the controls exercised by the DGSNR, the DRIRE Champagne-Ardenne and the SNS responsible for the water police;
-the modalities Public information.
II. -This authorisation shall not be valid for occupation of the public inland waterway. The renewal of this authorisation must expire at the request of the service manager of the licensed domain.
III. -The order shall be taken subject to the rights of third parties.
IV. -All provisions must be made in the design, construction, maintenance and operation of the installations of the site, in particular by using the best available technologies at an economically acceptable cost, for Limiting water consumption and the impact of discharges, on the environment and on populations.
This principle also applies to devices intended to measure the level of releases in order to assess their impact on the environment and Populations.
All water and effluent discharge facilities shall be designed and operated in accordance with the plans and technical provisions contained in the licence application file submitted by the operator. They are not contrary to the provisions of this Order and the Authoring Order.
V.-Unless otherwise agreed by the NDMS for cases explicitly mentioned in this Order, no release may be made If the storage and discharge circuits of the effluents, the treatment devices for such discharges and the devices and means of radiation protection are not in accordance with the regulations in force and the requirements of this Order.
Where a prior agreement of the RSNB is required, it may take the form of a generic agreement for the site. To this end, the operator will present a generic application presenting and justifying the conditions under which these operations are conducted.
VI. -The operator must carry out the checks and measures necessary for the proper functioning of the installations. In particular, operating instructions for all installations explicitly include the checks to be carried out, in normal operation and following a stoppage for modification or maintenance work, so as to allow for all Circumstances compliance with this Order.
Treatment and storage facilities are designed, operated, regularly maintained and controlled in a manner that reduces risk and, where applicable, downtime during They cannot carry out their function fully and in such a way as to be able to check their effectiveness at all times.
Their good working condition is continuously monitored using the operating parameters characteristic of the Facilities.
Continuous sampling and measurement stations are equipped with alarms reporting to the operator any interruption in their operation. This provision shall also apply to the hydrocollector located at the mid-discharge station cited in paragraph I of Article 28.
In the event of failure of the measuring devices prescribed in this Order, the operator shall make arrangements Necessary to remedy the unavailability of the equipment.
VII. -Each effluent discharge line is intended to provide a sampling point for the collection of samples for the implementation of the monitoring and control program provided for in this Order.
These points are located in In such a way that they allow for representative measurements of the effluent discharged. They are arranged in such a way as to be easily accessible and allow for safe intervention and sampling.
VIII. -The control officers, in particular those of the DRIRE Champagne-Ardenne and the SNS responsible for the water police, have constant free access to the water collection and discharge facilities. The operator shall provide them with any assistance necessary to carry out the samples and analyses.
The DRIRE Champagne-Ardenne and the SNS responsible for the water police may carry out the verification of the devices set up by the operator for Assessment of water flows collected.
I.-For the operation of the installations of this site, EDF collects water in the following media:
-the Seine, in particular for the supply of the refrigeration circuits of the two nuclear boilers;
-the slick Alluvial of the Seine for the supply of the demineralization station;
II. -Facilities are designed and operated to limit water consumption.
Open circuit refrigeration is prohibited, except for the open circuit cooling circuits existing at the time of signature of this Order and Necessary for the operation and safety of the installations: raw water circuit first rescued, circuit supporting and purging of atmospheric refrigerants, allowing to compensate the evaporated water and to limit the scaling, the refrigeration systems Conventional circuit (IRC), nuclear auxiliaries (nuclear island RRI) and the effluent treatment building (TRI).
III. -The operator is responsible for:
-accidents to third parties and public works due to its facilities;
-consequences of the occupation in the event of an unauthorized transfer of the facilities.
I.-The works of Sampling in streams is not an obstacle to the evacuation of flood waters. These works maintain in the stream bed the minimum flow rate that permanently guarantees the life, circulation and reproduction of the species. They do not interfere with the movement of migratory fish into rivers, streams and graded channels. They shall take into account the provisions of the master planning and water management scheme (SDAGE) of the Seine-Normandie basin.
Water is collected in the Seine through a water intake channel located on the right bank (KP) 485,390). From the northeast to the southwest, it extends over 50 m long. The bottom of the channel is 59.85 NGF N, in comparison with the Seine, the bottom of which is 59.00 NGF N in this zone.
This channel provides the gravity feed of a water intake basin, approximately 2.5 hectares in size. Its average capacity is 125 000 m³ for an average level of the Seine at 63.00 NGF N.
Rated plans of the works are presented to the DRIRE Champagne Ardenne and to the SNS responsible for the water police.
II. -The extraction of groundwater is carried out in two points; these sampling installations have the following characteristics:
-drilling n ° 1 (Lambert coordinates: X = 687 508.78; Y = 91 277.40): at 30 m depth, of a diameter Of 420 mm, equipped with a pump immersed for a maximum flow of 230 m³ /h, for the production of demineralized water;
-drilling n ° 2 bis (Lambert coordinates: X = 687 076.19; Y = 91 531.43): at 30 m depth, of a diameter of 500 mm, equipped A submerged pump for a maximum flow rate of 230 m³ /h for the production of demineralized water.
These works are equipped with an anti-return valve or any other equivalent device for protecting groundwater. Drilling is carried out in such a way as to prevent the release of separate groundwater.
III. -The works of connection on the public drinking water system shall be equipped with one or more cutoff tanks or any other equivalent means of avoiding, in particular, the phenomenon of a return of water, a Disruption of network operation or contamination of distributed water.
IV. -Solid relief products must not be disposed of in the Seine but disposed of in accordance with the regulations in force.
I.-The sampled volumes cannot exceed the following maximum values:
Pickup in the Seine
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Drawdown Alluvial
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II. -Water withdrawals shall be subject to the following conditions:
The flow rate of the intake of the Seine will be returned in full, with the exception of the evaporated fraction; this fraction shall in no case exceed 1.85 m³ /s in peak flow, and It will average 1.5 m³ /s of the year.
In severe etizing, that is, when the rate at Pont-sur-Seine is less than 15 m³ /s, the evaporated fraction will be reduced to 1.7 m³ /s.
The rate reserved in the Seine downstream of the rejection of the In all circumstances shall be greater than 8 m³ /s.
I.-The sampling facilities at the Nogent site are equipped with measuring devices to determine the flows and volumes collected from the various sample media. Water intake rates can be estimated by calculation.
In all cases, the relative uncertainty about flow knowledge must be less than 5 %.
The operator will transmit the calculation method used at the DRIRE Champagne-Ardenne, The SNS responsible for the water police and the DGSNR.
II. -The volumes collected are determined daily. The data, concerning the volumes taken, shall be stored and a refund shall be made on the register provided for in the register provided for in Article 31 on a monthly basis.
I.-The operator must constantly maintain in good condition and at his expense the occupied lands and the Sampling works and installations (including measuring devices) which must remain in conformity with the conditions of the authorisation.
Where rehabilitation work is required, the operator shall take the notice of the service responsible for The police in the environment where the levy is being collected.
II. -Checks shall be carried out regularly on the water sampling facilities in the Seine in order to check the validity of the results provided by the flow measurement devices or the estimate made from the pumps Levy.
III. -In the event of failure of the measuring devices prescribed in Title II, the operator shall immediately notify the DRIRE Champagne-Ardenne and the SNS responsible for the police of the water and shall take all necessary steps to limit the period of unavailability of the Equipment. It will have to justify the anomalies.
Releases of off-gases, whether radioactive or non-radioactive, are permitted only within the following technical limits and conditions. Uncontrolled releases are prohibited. Releases of uncontrolled gaseous radioactive effluents are prohibited, with the exception of the diffuse releases cited in paragraph IV of Article 12.
Facilities are designed, operated and maintained to limit effluent emissions to The atmosphere. These emissions shall be collected at source, channelling and, if necessary, processed in accordance with paragraph IV of Article 2, so that the corresponding discharges are kept as low as reasonably possible.
Conditions for The collection, treatment and release of off-gases are such that they do not cause any risk of ignition or explosion or the production of new polluting substances due to the mixing of the effluent.
Effluent Discharges In no case shall gaseous radioactive material add actinides to the environment.
I.-Treatment devices are designed to cope with variations in the flow, temperature, or composition of the effluent to be treated, in In particular on the occasion of the start or stop of the installation causing the discards.
II. -Releases to the atmosphere are evacuated, after treatment, through chimneys or exhaust systems designed to allow for good release of releases. The form of the pipes, especially in their nearest part of the outlet to the atmosphere, is designed to maximize the ascent and diffusion of the effluent into the atmosphere. These ducts are implanted in such a way as to prevent the discharge of discharged effluent into nearby ducts or intakes.
The operator must take into account the local meteorological parameters for gaseous radioactive releases Concerted and spread them for the greatest possible dilution.
I.-Radioactive effluents from the Nogent nuclear site are released by two chimneys known as "chimneys of nuclear auxiliaries (BAN)". They are intended to reject all radioactive gaseous emissions from reactor installations. These emissions are collected, filtered and eventually stored before release to the atmosphere. These chimneys are attached to the reactor buildings.
Off-gases from the effluent treatment building are released from the stack 1 stack.
These stacks have the following characteristics:
-height Minimum above ground: 70 m;
-inside diameter: 3 m.
They must allow the evacuation of all radioactive gaseous effluents from the reactors at the Nogent nuclear power plant to the atmosphere.
II. -The off-gases of the four emergency generator sets (two per slice) are released by four exhaust ducts. Their dimensions are:
-height: 23.82 m;
-diameter: 1.05 m.
For the combustion turbine backup generator:
-height: 2.8 m;
-section: 2.01 m x 2.44 m.
For the Diesel engine generator For the security building:
-height: 6.5 m;
-diameter: 0.17 m.
The ends of these chimneys are located at a higher level than the tallest roof in the buildings concerned.
The gaseous radioactive effluents from the Nogent nuclear power plant are rejected exclusively by the chimneys referred to in paragraph I of Article 9. For this purpose, the operator shall, in particular, ensure the correct lineage of the ventilation circuits. On the one hand, the operator may, on the one hand, carry out permanent discharges (ventilations of buildings) with continuous monitoring and, on the other hand, concerted discharges of radioactive effluents previously stored in reservoirs And the deflating of a reactor building (BR) and requiring prior checking before discharge.
For any operation leading to the communication to the atmosphere, via the ventilation circuits, of any capacity Containing radioactive waste, the flow rate shall be adjusted to promote dilution and avoid exceeding the stack alarm threshold. In this context, gases must be characterised directly or indirectly (e.g. through primary activity) in advance of the discharge. These precautions apply in particular to the following operating operations:
-oxygenation of the ball from the primary circuit volumetric control circuit;
-the primary circuit.
Opening the pressurizer man hole Should lead to similar precautions.
Before discharge, radioactive hydrogenated effluents must be stored for a minimum period of time, unless prior agreement has been reached by the DGSNB, thirty days.
Minimum total capacity of tanks Storage of hydrogenated gaseous radioactive effluents (RS tanks) is 1500 m³ per unit reported under standard conditions of temperature (273.15 Kelvin) and pressure (101.3 kg Pascal). It is distributed in at least three tanks, identified RS1-1, RS1-2, etc., for Band 1, and RS2-1, RS2-2, etc., for Band 2. The temporary unavailability of a reservoir must be the subject of a prior agreement of the RSNB.
All provisions must be made to make it impossible to discharge effluents from more than one RS reservoir at a time or to proceed Simultaneously the deflating of a reactor building. This last operation can only take place for one reactor at a time.
All gaseous radioactive effluents are filtered before release. The concerted discards from the RS tanks are systematically accompanied by a passage on iodine traps.
Installation devices for specific installations such as iodine traps are doubled by a manual command. The operator shall take the necessary maintenance and periodic inspection arrangements in order to ensure that the efficiency of the filtration systems required by the safety studies is sufficient at all times. The effectiveness of the commissioning devices is tested once a year.
I.-The activity of radioactive effluents released to the atmosphere in gaseous or solid or liquid aerosols by the facilities of the site must not exceed the following annual limits:
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If these thresholds are exceeded, the operator shall carry out an information under Article 33.
II. -The activity rate at each stack must not exceed the following limits:
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These activity rates are at Average over 24 hours for rare gas discharges, on average over the four administrative periods defined in Article 12 for the other parameters.
If these thresholds are exceeded, the operator will provide information to the Title of section 33.
III. -Without prejudice to the application of general operating rules, concerted discharges of a tank, a reactor building or resulting from tests using radioelements shall be carried out only if the stack ventilation rate Concerned is greater than 180,000 m³ /h. Under this flow, concerted releases are prohibited and permanent releases must be made under the conditions prescribed by the RSNB.
IV. -The volume activity measured in air at ground level shall not exceed, in accordance with the sampling conditions referred to in Article 14, the following limit values:
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If these thresholds are exceeded, the operator shall carry out an information under Article 33.
V.-The sulphur content of fuel used for group feeding Backup electrogenes must be less than 0.2 % by mass.
VI. -For effluents, whether radioactive or not, for which permanent self-monitoring is provided on chemical substances, 10 % of the series of results of measurements for these chemicals may exceed the prescribed limit values, without However, more than double these values. These 10 % are counted on a 24-hour working day basis.
The operator shall carry out checks and analyses in order to verify compliance with the discharge limit values specified in Chapter III of Title III. The operator must be able to provide the distribution of air emissions by stack.
Appropriate sampling and control equipment and means should be used to collect representative samples of releases Carried out, in storage tanks and reactor buildings (before release) or in chimneys (during releases).
I.-Releases of radioactive effluents from the Nogent nuclear power plant are subject to monitoring and analysis Following the stack of each BAN:
-a measure of effluent discharge is carried out on an ongoing basis;
-a continuous, continuous recording of the overall beta activity of the effluent is carried out in the Stack. This record shall provide representative indications of the volumetric activities irrespective of the activity rate (in particular for high flows, and as low as technologically possible at an economically acceptable low cost Rates). This measuring device is equipped with a double-security alarm (means of detection and transmission of redundant information), with a delay in the control room, the trigger of which is set at 4 megabecquerels per cubic metre (MBq/m³) ;
-for carbon 14, continuous sampling is carried out on appropriate molecular sieve filters or by baffling with quarterly activity determination;
-for each of the four monthly periods Defined as follows: from 1 to 7, from 8 to 14, from 15 to 21, from 22 to the end of the month, the analysis of the components of the gas effluent discharged continuously for each stack is performed under the following conditions:
-tritium is Collected continuously with determination, over the above four periods, of the activity;
-the absence of actinides in the chimney is checked by continuous sampling over the period and then analysis to ensure a threshold of decision As low as reasonably possible and to a maximum of 0.001 Bq/m³;
-for iodes, the activity is determined from continuous sampling on specific adsorbents. For the four periods mentioned above, the evaluation of the global gamma activity and a gamma-ray spectrometric analysis, in particular the measurement of iodine activity 131 and 133;
-for rare gases, is carried out. Determination of the principal radioelements is performed by gamma spectrometry on a instantaneous sampling over the above four periods;
-for the other fission and activation products, the activity is determined from Continuous sampling. The evaluation of the overall beta activity and a gamma-ray spectrometric analysis to determine the main components are carried out at a minimum.
II. -Before discharge of the RS tanks or the air of the reactor buildings, the gaseous effluents are the subject of a measure of the overall beta activity and the analyses of their constituents, carried out on a levy. These analyses are identical to those described in paragraph I of Article 12 for continuous releases with the exception of carbon 14; however, the maximum decision threshold for the control of absence of actinides is reduced to 0.025 Bq/m³ in the light of the Low volumes removed. No discharge shall be made if the results of the overall beta measure and the analyses are not compatible with the discharge limits laid down by this Order.
III. -In the event of an exceedance of the alarm threshold laid down in paragraph I of Article 12, the operator shall suspend any concerted discharges in progress and any operation leading to the direct communication to the atmosphere of any insulable capacity Referred to in Article 10. It shall immediately carry out analyses of continuous sampling under the conditions laid down in this Article in order to determine the origin of the discrepancy and shall immediately inform the authorities thereof in accordance with the procedures laid down in Article 33.
IV. -Air emissions associated with diffuse releases are estimated on a monthly basis, with a view to ensuring that emissions are negligible. These estimates will include, in particular, the volumes and activities (tritium, iodine) rejected. Diffuse releases include:
-releases of secondary circuit steam through the atmospheric discharge circuit;
-radioactive releases to the vents of Ex, T and S tanks, as well as the water reservoir of Cooling of swimming pools.
I.-The good condition of all gaseous radioactive waste transfer ducts between The different facilities and the waterproofing of the effluent storage tanks must be checked at least annually.
II. -The proper operation of the associated equipment and alarms on the ducts shall be checked at least once a month and the calibration of such equipment shall be ensured on a regular basis.
III. -It is verified that the presence of artificial ß-emitting aerosols is not detected in the discards of the ventilation circuits of other facilities that may be contaminated, in particular the hot workshop and the laundry, by sampling in Continuous in the chimney on each period defined in Article 12, then analysis (global beta measure) to ensure a decision threshold not exceeding 0.001 Bq/m³.
I.-Monitoring of environmental radioactivity by the operator is at least:
-permanent measurement of ambient gamma exposure rate in at least 10 points The site boundary with monthly frequency reading;
-the continuous recording of ambient gamma radiation in 4 measurement points near the site boundary, one of which is necessarily located below the wind Dominant ("1 km" monitoring), and 4 other measurement points within a 5 km radius of the site ("5 km" monitoring);
-at each measurement point of the "1 km" network, a suction station and Continuous sampling of atmospheric dust (aerosols) on a fixed filter, which is identified and analyzed at least once a day; on these dust, a measure of the total gross beta activity of artificial origin is performed. If the value of 0.002 Bq/m³ is exceeded, the operator shall carry out a complementary isotopic analysis by gamma spectrometry and shall carry out an information under Article 32;
-continuous sampling under prevailing winds With measurement of atmospheric tritium over the periods specified in item 9;
-continuous sampling of rainwater with monthly determination of overall beta activity and that of tritium;
-two monthly samples Distinct from grass, including 1 from the prevailing winds. On these samples, at least a measure of global beta activity and gamma spectrometry can be used to measure potassium activity 40. The sample taken under the prevailing winds is also the subject of a quarterly determination of the activity of carbon 14 and the elemental carbon content;
-two monthly samples of milk collected in the vicinity of the plant Two points, one of which is located under the prevailing winds. On these samples, the measurement of overall beta activity and a measure of potassium activity 40 is achieved at a minimum;
Once a year, these analyses are complemented by the determination of carbon contents 14;
-a campaign Annual collection of surface layers of the land. On these samples, at least a measure of the overall beta activity and gamma spectrometry is carried out to measure the activity of potassium 40;
-an annual campaign of levies on the main productions Agricultural products, particularly in the areas under prevailing winds; on these samples, the measurement of overall beta activity and gamma spectrometry is carried out, in particular, to measure the activity of potassium 40. The carbon content of 14 is also determined.
The location of the various measurement and sampling points mentioned above is specified in the Annex to this Order. Any changes must first require the approval of the RSNB. A summary card is filed in the prefecture of the Aube, where it can be consulted.
II. -The continuous sampling and measurement stations of the "1 km" and "5 km" networks are equipped with alarms indicating to the operator any interruption in their operation.
I.-Releases of liquid effluents, whether radioactive or No, shall be permitted only within the limits and technical conditions set out below. Uncontrolled releases are prohibited. Releases of uncontrolled radioactive liquid effluents are prohibited.
Facilities are designed, operated and maintained to limit the discharge of liquid effluents. These effluents must be collected at the source, channelled and, if necessary, treated, so that the corresponding discharges are kept as low as reasonably possible.
Liquid Radioactive Effluents must not under any circumstances Add actinides to the environment.
II. -All installations capable of producing radioactive effluents have the equipment to collect and store separately, depending on their nature and level of activity, the radioactive effluents they produce.
These Equipment shall be designed and operated in such a way as to avoid the risk of dissemination to the environment, particularly in groundwater.
Treatment (or pre-treatment) facilities for liquid effluents required for compliance with Release limit values provided for in section 19 are designed to deal with variations in the characteristics of the raw effluent (flow, temperature, composition, etc.), including the transient states of the facilities at the origin of the effluent Effluents, particularly during the start-up or shutdown of the reactor.
Convepipes for the transport of hazardous fluids and the collection of or likely to be polluted or susceptible to effluent are watertight and resistant to the physical and chemical action of Products that they might contain.
III. -No liquid radioactive release is permitted by means other than those intended for that purpose. In particular, no liquid radioactive discharge shall be made outside the works of paragraph I of Article 16 which follows. These structures must allow for a good dilution of releases to the environment.
IV. -This Order shall also apply to discharges made during the biocidal processing of the circuits of the aero-refrigerants of reactors n ° 1 and n ° 2 of the Nogent-sur-Seine power plant.
Biocidal treatment of the circuits of the aero-fridges Reactors n ° 1 and 2 aim to limit, in particular, the concentration of amoebae Naegleria fowleri (Nf) resulting from the operation of the plant, in the waters of the Seine downstream of the point of discharge, below a value compatible with the requirements of Public health, particularly on the basis of the last opinion of the Conseil supérieur d' hygiene publique de France (CSHPF). The undertaking and the cessation of treatment shall be the subject of prior information from the operator to the prefect of the Dawn, the Directorate General for Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection (DGSNR), the departmental management Health and Social Services (DDASS) of the Aube and the Regional Directorate for Industry, Research and Environment (DRIRE) Champagne-Ardenne.
V.-The polyacrylates used are free of phosphorus and nitrogen, and Regulations in force for products used in the manufacture of food water. Any change of product used will have to be reported, before its use, to the DRIRE Champagne-Ardenne, to the DDASS of the Aube and Seine-et-Marne, and the SNS responsible for the water police.
I.-The main release structure of the Nogent nuclear site (mixing basin), located on the right bank of the Seine (KP = 485,590), is common to both reactors, and allows for the collection of the following effluents:
-Purge effluents from refrigeration circuits, including those resulting from biocidal and antitartar treatment;
-the Overlough of the rescued raw water weir (SEC) of each operation and the discharges of the ESA circuits and raw water circuits rescued from the refrigeration SRI (SEN) of each of the stops;
-liquid radioactive effluents (KER [T] - TER [S]);
-possibly radioactive effluent from the engine room (SEK [Ex]);
-discharge pits of the demineralization station;
-BTE intermediate refrigerant effluent.
This book Shall also ensure the pre-dilution of liquid radioactive waste referred to in paragraph I of Article 20.
II. -The secondary structure (KP = 485,560) collects and rejects in the Seine only the washwater of the rotary filters of the pumping station, as well as the lost waters of the ESA pumps and the lost waters of the SEN room.
III. -The role of the SEO network is, in particular, to collect and remove liquid, non-radioactive, non-corrosive and post-discharge effluents from disposal facilities and common facilities.
SEO Network is Consisting of two separate networks: one said "stormwater", the other said "sewage and sewage".
The SEO network "valves and sewage" ensures the collection and evacuation to the treatment plant of the city of Nogent-sur-Seine.
On "Stormwater" SEO network ensures the collection, purification and disposal to the intake basin:
-used raw water from the engine room;
-water tank discharge water Demineralized;
-water from the SEH and SKH networks.
ditches draining the access roads to the south of the site and around the aerorefrigerants are discharged into the flood channel.
IV. -The following table shows the origin of the water conveyed by each emissary:
Releases to the Seine
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Releases to the intake basin
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Floodway release channel
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I.-A plan for all liquid effluent discharge networks is established by The operator, regularly updated, in particular after each significant change, and dated. It is held at the disposal of the DGSNR, the DRIRE Champagne-Ardenne and the SNS responsible for the water police.
II. -It is prohibited to establish direct links between the effluent collection networks to undergo treatment and the receiving environment or the remediation networks outside the facility, with the exception of the networks assigned to Valves and waste.
The connection to the collective sanitation network in the city of Nogent-sur-Seine is in agreement with the network manager. A Convention shall lay down the characteristics of the effluent discharged in accordance with the thresholds of this Order, in particular paragraph 4 of Article 27. The obligations of the industry in the area of self-monitoring of its discharges are recalled as well as the modalities.
III. -Discharges of liquid radioactive effluents shall be carried out only after treatment if necessary, storage in the tanks referred to in points IV and V of Article 17, and shall be checked in accordance with Article 24.
Reservoirs of Storage permits the separation of effluents from the plant based on their origin and activity. They are strictly reserved for the storage of effluent before discharge.
IV. -Treatment circuits include:
For radioactive effluents, a primary effluent treatment circuit (PET) and a wastewater treatment circuit (TEU). These circuits are connected to storage tanks, called "T" tanks, intended to receive, in particular after treatment: non-recycled effluent from the primary circuit, waste drains from primary water leaks, or Disposal of equipment, chemical decontamination effluents, resins of resins, floor drains from soil wash water, manure from laveries, non-recycled purges and samples The water of steam generators, the discharge waters of the swimming pools of the combustible buildings;
A circuit intended to collect the potentially radioactive effluents (drainage waters of the engine rooms, purges of circuits ...). This circuit is Connected to tanks known as Ex.
In addition to the storage tanks for radioactive effluents, tanks known as "health tanks" or "S tanks" may be used only after prior agreement of the DOGR.
V.-The storage capacity of effluent prior to release for all facilities is at least:
-for tanks T (KER), 2,250 cubic metres distributed in at least three tanks of 750 cubic metres each, identified T1, T2, etc. ;
-for S (TER) tanks, 3,000 cubic metres in at least four 750 cubic metre tanks each, identified S1, S2, etc. ;
-for Ex (SEK) tanks, 1 500 cubic metres in at least two 750 cubic metre tanks each, identified as Ex1, Ex2, etc.
Provisional unavailability of a tank shall be the subject of a prior agreement of the DOGR.
VI. -The pipe that causes the effluent to be discharged from the T and S tanks in the discharge pipe must be unique, made of corrosion-resistant and fully screwed materials.
VII. -Non-radioactive effluent from the site must be treated, prior to discharge, in order to comply with the discharge limit values defined in this Order. This treatment is carried out in particular through the treatment plant of the town of Nogent-sur-Seine for sewage and waste water and separators for water from areas using or storing oil and oil.
All Surface water that can be polluted by hydrocarbons is, before transiting into the collection system, processed by means adapted to the risks, sized to treat the water flow corresponding to the first ten minutes A ten-year periodicity storm.
I.-Effluents from the demineralized water station are discharged into the work Main discharge, after buffer storage in two neutralization pits, with a unit capacity of 350 cubic meters. The number of flusts of pits may not exceed two empdanges per day.
II. -Sludge from the siltation of the intake basin and the intake channel is disposed of under conditions that are in accordance with the regulations. In the event that the application is envisaged, an authorisation must be sought in advance from the relevant services.
III. -The effluents resulting from the biocidal treatment of the circuits of the aero-fridges are distributed as follows:
-effluents resulting from the mass chlorination of each of the circuits of the aerrefrigerants of reactors n ° 1 and n ° 2 after the opening of the Purge of the circuit;
-effluents resulting from the injection of monochloramine upstream of the condenser in the circuits of the aerrefrigerants of reactors n ° 1 and n ° 2.
Effluents resulting from maintenance, maintenance, and Periodic inspection and testing of these treatment and discharge equipment is recorded.
If monochloramine injection is insufficient to achieve the objective referred to in paragraph 4 of Article 15, chlorination operations Could be hired. The undertaking of these operations is the subject of prior information from the operator to the prefect of the Aube, the DDASS of the Aube and the DRIRE Champagne-Ardenne.
Mass chlorination operations are limited to four per year for The entire site and the corresponding releases can only be carried out for one reactor at a time.
Liquid effluent discharges from all site installations must meet the following limit values:
I.-Annual Limits of Rejected Activities:
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If these thresholds are exceeded, the operator will carry out an information under section 33.
II. -The rate of activity at the point of discharge for a rate D (l/s) of the Seine is at the maximum, in average over 24 hours, of:
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If these thresholds are exceeded, the operator will perform section 33 information.
III. -The limit values specified in this article shall apply only for a flow rate of the Seine between 20 cubic metres per second at least and 160 cubic metres at most. During periods of water flow (Seine flows between 15 and 20 cubic metres per second) and in periods of floods (Seine flow between 160 and 300 cubic metres per second), discharges are subject to the prior agreement of the DGSNR.
IV. -The volume activity measured in the environment according to the sampling conditions referred to in Article 28 shall not exceed the following limit values:
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If these thresholds are exceeded, the operator shall carry out an information under Article 33.
I.-The effluents stored in the T, Ex and S tanks of the nuclear power plant shall be rejected in the general discharge referred to in Article 16.
Radioactive effluents from the T and S tanks are discharged to The Seine after mixing with discharges from the demineralization and purging station of atmospheric refrigerants at a minimum dilution rate of 500. In the event that the reservoir under consideration contains only purges and water samples from the steam generators or the water of the engine rooms, this dilution of 500 may not apply.
When global beta activity (tritium and Potassium 40 excluded) measured in the tanks T and S is greater than or equal to 20 kBq/L, the effluent must undergo appropriate treatment or be subject to specific release provisions, validated by the RSNB.
II. -The waters stored in Ex storage tanks may be released, provided laboratory measurements have previously confirmed that their activity is less than 4 Bq/l for the overall beta activity (tritium and potassium 40 excluded) and 4 000 Bq/l for tritium. In the event that these limits are exceeded, the corresponding effluent will have to be discharged under the same conditions as a T or S tank after treatment, and after prior agreement of the RSNB.
However, when Tritium activity is between 400 and 4000 Bq/l, these discharges shall be taken into account for the calculation of the activity rate referred to in Article 19. An analysis of the causes of releases between 400 and 4000 Bq/l will be included in the registers as well as in the annual report, as defined in Articles 31 and 35 respectively.
III. -Before their storage in the T and S tanks, the effluent must have been filtered to stop all particles of hydrodynamic diameter greater than 5 micrometres, with the exception of the non-recycled steam generators and the Engine room waters that are filtered to at least 25 microns.
IV. -The following provisions are made for the discharge of effluents contained in the T and S tanks:
-only one tank can be drained at a time;
-continuous monitoring of the radioactivity is carried out on the discharge line in Upstream of its discharge into the cooling waters, associated with an alarm activated by two measurement chains in accordance with paragraph I of Article 30, set to a threshold of 40 kBq/l in global gamma and triggering automatic discontinuation of discharges. If this threshold is exceeded, the operator shall carry out an information under Article 34.
Settings The following provisions shall, without prejudice to the limits set out in Article 19 for radioactive effluents, be complied with by the chemical of all the site's effluents, without prejudice to the limits set out in Article 19, the flows indicated being flows by periods 24-hour calendar.
The tables below define releases for each emissary.
The selected criteria are appreciated at the end of each emissary, in a place suitable for collection.
The operator must Take such measures as it deems appropriate in order to ensure compliance with these criteria, without prejudice to compliance with the implementation of the verification measures provided for in Chapter IV.
I.-Emissary A1: demineralization station.
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II. -Emissary A2: Unrecycled radioactive effluents (T and S tanks) from the two nuclear islets.
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III. -Emissaries A3: possibly radioactive effluents from the engine rooms (Ex reservoirs).
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IV. -Accumulation of the A2 and A3 emissaries: unrecycled radioactive effluents (T and S tanks) from the two nuclear islets and possibly radioactive effluents from the engine rooms (Ex Reservoir).
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V.-Emissary A4. -Effluents resulting from anti-tartar treatments of cooling circuits.
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VI. -Emissary A4. -Effluents resulting from biocidal treatments.
The treatment of amoebae by monochloramine, in order to meet the objectives set out in paragraph IV of Article 15, is intended to maintain a concentration of Monochloramine in condenser output of 0.25 mg/l +/ - 0.05 (expressed as total residual chlorine).
Without prejudice to the objectives referred to in paragraph IV of Article 15 and the limits set out in this Order, the operator
: -Conduct optimization tests to maintain a concentration of monochloramine in condenser output less than 0.2 mg/l (expressed as total residual chlorine). This mode of operation is the subject of prior consultation with the prefect of the Dawn and an agreement of the CSHPF;
-adapting the treatment to particular climatic conditions leading to the maintenance of a concentration of monochloramine at exit Of condenser greater than 0.3 mg/l (expressed as total residual chlorine). This mode of operation is the subject of prior information of the prefect of the Aube, the DDASS of the Aube and the DRIRE Champagne-Ardenne.
During the treatment of monochloramine, the chemical parameters of the effluent resulting from this Processing must comply, before release to receiving environment:
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For the chlorination operation The chemical parameters of the effluents resulting from the operation must respect, before discharge to the natural environment, the following provisions, the flows indicated being flows by periods of 24-hour rolling. The mass chlorination operation shall take place over a maximum of 24 hours.
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Calculating added feeds Above is forwarded to the DGSNR and the DRIRE Champagne-Ardenne.
Except for the prior agreement of the RSNB, the simultaneous release of effluents resulting from the mass chlorination of each of the air-fridges and effluent streams from the Demineralization station or T and S tanks is prohibited.
VII. -Senior Commissioner B1. Chemical parameters for all site effluents must follow the following provisions:
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The calculation of the above mentioned concentrations for biocidal processing parameters is transmitted to the DGSNR and the DRIRE Champagne-Ardenne.
VIII. -Impacts in Seine:
During the treatment of monochloramine, the concentration of organohalogenated compounds (AOX) measured in the environment must be as follows:
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At any time, the concentration of boron, sulphates and polyacrylates measured in the Seine must comply with the following provisions:
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Before the start of treatment with polyacrylates, and during temporary increases in polyacrylates in effluents, EDF Will notify downstream drinking water producers.
The polyacrylates used by the operator will comply with the following provision:
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The sulfuric acid used by the operator will comply with the following provisions:
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I.-Releases of liquid effluent from the site should be such as;
-the pH of the effluent at the end of Each emissary is between 6 and 9;
-the colour of the effluent does not cause visible colouring of the receiving environment;
-they do not cause any discomfort to the reproduction of the fish or the lethal effects after mixing with the water Receivers 50 metres from the point of discharge. Effluents must not interfere with the reproduction of the benthic fauna or present any lethal character against it at a distance of 50 metres from each discharge point;
-they do not contain any hydrocarbons in quantity Likely to result in the appearance of a film visible on the surface of the water downstream of the discharge or on the banks and structures nearby;
-they do not smell, at the time of production, or after five days of incubation at 20 ° C ;
-the downstream temperature of the rejection after mixing with the water of the Seine is below an average of 12 hours slippery at 28 ° C;
-the difference between the temperature downstream of the discharge after mixing with the water of the Seine and the temperature of the Seine upstream (heating) is less on average on 12 hours slippery at 3 ° C.
When the flow rate of the Seine becomes less than 20 cubic metres/s from November to February (severe winter stretching), the Difference between the temperature downstream of the rejection after mixing with the water of the Seine and the temperature of the Seine upstream (heating) on average over 12 hours can exceed 3 ° C, without exceeding 4 ° C.
II. -When the climatic conditions no longer allow to respect the limits of thermal discharge defined to the I and under the conditions mentioned below, an exceedance of the temperature downstream of the rejection after mixing with the waters of the Seine is Authorised 2 % of the time in a calendar year without exceeding 30 ° C on average over 12 hours.
The difference between the temperature downstream of the rejection after mixing with the Seine water and the temperature of the Seine upstream (heating) is less than average on 12 hours slippery at 1.5 ° C.
Use of these measures will be minimized to the extent possible. In all cases, it will be limited to situations where the electricity transmission network (TEN) requires the functioning of the Nogent nuclear power station at a minimum power level or for which the balance between consumption and Electricity generation requires the operation of the Nogent power plant.
These limits apply as long as the above electricity generation requirements are maintained.
III. -For liquid, radioactive or non-radioactive effluents, of which permanent self-monitoring is provided on chemical substances, 10 % of the series of results of measurements for these chemicals may exceed the limit values But not more than double these values. These 10 % are counted on a monthly basis.
The operator shall carry out checks and analyses on the site's discharge equipment and articles in order to ensure compliance with the limit values specified in Chapter III of Title IV.
I.-No discharge of liquid radioactive waste from the Tanks T and S cannot be carried out without knowing the result of a preliminary analysis of the radioactivity representative of the whole volume to be rejected.
This analysis includes:
-a measure of tritium;
-a measure Global beta;
-a global gamma measurement;
-a determination of the isotopic composition by gamma spectrometry.
For carbon 14, the measurement is performed on each of the T and S tanks intended to be rejected. Given the time frame for analysis, the rejection can be achieved without the result of the analysis being known.
II. -No discharge of liquid effluents from an Ex reservoir shall be carried out without knowledge of the result of a prior analysis of the radioactivity representative of the whole volume to be rejected. This analysis includes:
-a global beta measure;
-a tritium measurement.
III. -The absence of actinides is checked in storage tanks by an analysis:
-on a monthly aliquot to ensure a decision threshold of less than 0.37 Bq/l for the tanks T, S, Ex;
-each rejection for the T and S tanks, to ensure a decision threshold of less than 1 Bq/l.
IV. -A brewing is performed to obtain homogeneity before sampling.
I.-For chemical components of Effluents, the operator shall carry out checks and analyses on the storage tanks and waste materials of the site in order to verify, a priori or a posteriori, the compliance with the limit values specified in Chapter III of this Title.
Des Appropriate sampling and control equipment and means shall permit the collection of representative samples of the discharges, in the storage tanks (before release) and at the ends of the outfalls (during releases) Carrying effluent other than cooling water.
Measurements are performed on a sample in accordance with the current standard which, on the date of this Order, is the NFEN 872 standard.
The specific locations of Points where samples will be taken, are subject to the agreement of the DGSNR and the SNS responsible for the water police.
II. -The following parameters are controlled according to the terms below. The standards contained in the tables are those in force on the date of notification of this Order.
A. -Emissary A1: effluent discharged from the demineralization station:
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B.-A2 and A3 Commissioners: Unrecycled radioactive effluents (T and S tanks) from the nuclear island and possibly radioactive effluents from the engine rooms (Ex Reservoir):
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C.-Emissary A4: flashes of the cooling circuits of the reactors n ° 1 and 2, during the biocidal processing periods:
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D.-Emissary A4: Purge effluents from the cooling circuits of reactors n ° 1 and n ° 2:
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E.-Emissary A4: effluent from purges of cooling circuits of reactors n ° 1 and n ° 2, linked to anti-tartar vaccination:
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The operator will forward to the DGSNR and the DRIRE Champagne-Ardenne the formulae which will be used for the determination by Calculation.
F.-Emissary B1: in the Seine rejection book:
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G.-In the book of rejection in Seine, during Biocidal processing periods:
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H.-In the Seine reject book:
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III. -In addition to the periodic checks mentioned above, the operator shall ensure the continuous measurement of temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen and conductivity in:
-the effluents of the main release emissary;
-the medium The receiver upstream of the release points and downstream of the releases, in the area where the mixture is made.
The location of measurement points is defined in consultation with the SNS responsible for the water police.
I.-The operator is continuously performing a flow measurement of the effluent from the storage tanks in the release line before mixing with the Cooling waters.
II. -The operator shall establish a device for the continuous determination of the discharge of discharged effluent.
III. -The operator shall establish a device for the continuous determination of the flow rate of the receiving environment at the point of discharge.
Maintenance of processing or preprocessing facilities is provided on a regular basis. To do this, the main operating parameters are:
-measured periodically or continuously monitored;
-assigned if necessary to an alarm;
-carried over to a potentially computerized registry.
The following items are Available on site:
-operating and monitoring guidelines;
-recording of continuously measured parameters;
-results of monitoring and balance sheet analysis of effluent treatment facilities;
-records of failures and repairs or preventions performed.
I.-To avoid risks Release into the environment, in particular in groundwater, of the leakproofness of all the pipes for the transfer of radioactive waste between the various installations on the site, including the effluent pipes to the Releases, as well as all tanks, are subject to annual minimum checks. The T and S tank release piping to the cooling water pipe is fully visited four times a year to verify the watertight and good condition.
II. -The proper operation of the measuring apparatus and associated alarms on the pipeline is checked monthly. These devices are also controlled and adjusted as often as necessary.
III. -The proper operation of valves and valves is verified according to a periodic test programme carried out to the knowledge of the DGSNR and the DRIRE Champagne-Ardenne.
IV. -Control of the absence of radioactivity in the networks of non-radioactive effluents (wastewater systems, stormwater ...) must be carried out at least once a week, with a decision threshold as low as possible and in no case greater than 0.5 Bq/l in global beta and 50 Bq/l tritium.
Monitoring of environmental radioactivity performed by the operator shall be at least on the following controls:
I.-To verify compliance with requirements In Article 19, a levy shall be taken for each discharge of the T and S tanks. This sampling shall be carried out, at mid-release, in the mixing zone at 900 m downstream of the discharge to a point defined in agreement with the DGSNR (hydrocollector). A measurement of filtered water (determination of overall beta activity, potassium and tritium) and suspended solids (overall beta activity) is performed on this sampling.
In addition, a pickup is also performed in Upstream of the plant during each discharge.
In addition, including non-discharge periods, measurements are performed on a daily average aliquot of the water in the receiving environment, obtained from the hourly sampling of the The downstream hydrocollector. A determination of tritium activity is performed on this sample. A sufficient proportion of the volume of hourly samples taken by the hydrocollector shall be retained in order to carry out the additional measures provided for below.
As soon as the results of the measures referred to in this Article reach the Levels in volumetric activity:
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The operator suspends the current release and performs the The following additional tests:
-measure on the upstream collection of the plant to investigate the origin of the pollution;
-if it turns out that the releases from the plant can be at the source of the pollution, measure on each of the Samples referred to in paragraph I of this article;
-detailed spectrometry of the incriminated sample (s).
In such a case, Section 34 information will also be provided.
Possible recovery of the Rejection may not be effective until the outcome of such investigations and under the conditions laid down in Article 19.
II. -Annual sampling of sediments, aquatic plants and fish is carried out in the Seine upstream and downstream of the site. On these samples, the measurement of total beta activity and gamma spectrometry is carried out to a minimum.
III. -Control of the groundwater underlying the installations shall be carried out monthly by sampling from the existing 5 piezometers in and near the site of the site. The precise locations of these piezometers are subject to the agreement of the DGSNR. On these samples, a measurement of filtered water (determination of overall beta activities, potassium, and tritium) and suspended solids (determination of overall beta activity) is performed.
Locating the different Points of measurement and sampling mentioned above is specified in the Annex to this Order. Any changes must first require the approval of the RSNB. A summary card is filed in the prefecture of the Aube where it can be consulted.
I.-Monitoring The operator's physicochemical and biological environment must be able to monitor the natural evolution of the receiving environment and detect an abnormal evolution that would arise from the operation of the plant.
II. -Three stations were selected to monitor the impact of the operation of the plant on the receiving environment:
-a station upstream of the site, Lieutene "Les Pâtures", commune of Marnay-sur-Seine:
-a station at the immediate downstream of the discharges, Known as Nogent-sur-Seine, located between the downstream of the discharges and the upstream of the confluence of the Berge canal, in an area where the complete mixing of the effluent is carried out;
-a station downstream of Nogent-sur-Seine to the lieutenant "La Grève", known as the "La Grève" Motte-Tilly.
III. -The nature of the measurements at the three stations mentioned in paragraph 2 is at least the following:
Physicochemical analyses at the three stations:
-water temperature;
-dissolved oxygen;
- Sulphates (only at the Motte-Tilly site);
-polyacrylates (only at the Motte-Tilly site);
-nitrogen Kjeldahl (NTK);
-les Phosphates;
-suspended solids (TSS);
-hydrazine (to be carried out until December 31, 2007, only at the upstream and immediate site of the site);
-morpholine (measure to be done only Upstream and immediate downstream of the site);
-chemical oxygen demand (COD);
-total organic carbon (TOC);
-complete alkaline title (TAC);
-chlorophyll A and B;
-calcium ;
-heavy metals (aluminum, chromium, copper, iron, manganese, nickel and zinc) on a semi-annual basis;
-copper and zinc in sediments (measure to be performed only until complete replacement of Tier 2 packings).
Aquatic plant species:
-annual mapping of aquatic phanerogamic vegetation;
-monthly periphyton sampling during the maximum biological activity period;
-sampling Of phytoplankton during periods of time at the request of the SNS for the water police.
Benthic macroinvertebrates:
-faunistic composition;
-global biological quality index determination;
-determination of The biotic index.
The fish stand:
-faunal composition;
-spatio-temporal evolution.
-relative abundance;
-health status for each species.
Oligochaete monitoring will be conducted annually in End of drawing upstream of the intake (left bank and right bank), downstream close to the discharge (left bank and right bank) and downstream downstream (commune of La Motte-Tilly).
Monitoring is also completed as follows: To follow the anti-tartar treatment of the cooling circuits, the standards in the tables are those in force on the date of notification of this Order.
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IV. -The schedule of samples and measurements is as follows:
-for physicochemical parameters: monthly;
-for macroinvertebrates: biannual (spring and summer);
-for fish fauna: annual.
V. During the Monochloramine treatment period, follow-up upstream and downstream of the site will be completed in the following manner, the standards contained in the tables are those in effect on the date of notification of this Order.
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VI. -Groundwater monitoring shall be carried out in accordance with the following procedures:
In addition to the provisions of paragraph III of Article 28, the operator shall monitor groundwater.
For example, samples and Analysis shall be carried out each semester on the five piezometers.
The measured parameters will include:
- Hydrocarbons; and
-metals (iron, manganese, nickel).
VII. -In the cases referred to in Article 22-II, the operator shall carefully monitor the environmental impact of discharges on the fauna of rivers and rivers and their health impact, and on bathades and water leisure activities downstream. To this end, the sampling and water monitoring and monitoring program is completed as follows:
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An additional measurement campaign covering all these parameters will be carried out one month after the return to a situation no longer under the operating conditions referred to in Article 22-II.
VIII. -The sampling schedule, the nature and number of checks can be modified, in agreement with the DGSNR, in particular to take account of the state of the Seine during the year, and the return of experience.
IX. -Access to the measurement or sampling points on the structure of the discharge channel shall be provided, in particular to permit the measurement equipment approach.
I.-The operator shall take the Provisions necessary to ensure that levies and regulatory measures can be carried out in all circumstances. In particular, for gaseous radioactive effluents, and except for the prior agreement of the RSNB, the doubling of measuring devices and continuous sampling at the chimneys of each BAN shall be ensured.
On the other hand, all appliances for The control of liquid and gaseous radioactive waste must be electrically rescued.
II. -On the site, the operator has a laboratory for measurements of radioactivity in the environment and a laboratory for the control of radioactive waste. These two laboratories are physically separate and exclusively dedicated to radiation protection and physico-chemical measures. Some analyses may be contracted out to outside laboratories after agreement by the RSNB.
III. -The operator has two laboratory vehicles whose equipment is fixed in agreement with the DGSNR and which are maintained in a state of operation inside and outside the nuclear site regardless of the circumstances.
IV. -The operator permanently has qualified personnel qualified on radio analysis and chemical analyses.
V.-The different measuring apparatus of the laboratories referred to in paragraph II of this Article and those prescribed in this Article Arrested for the control of effluent discharges and water withdrawals shall be the subject of a monthly maintenance and verification of their proper operation and of a calibration according to an appropriate frequency. The records of the verifications and calibrations shall be included in the control registers provided for in Article 31.
VI. -The technical requirements for the conduct of sampling and analysis, the characteristics of the necessary apparatus, its conditions of establishment and operation must comply with the technical rules laid down by the SNB. The location of sampling points, sampling and monitoring conditions and laboratory conditions (number of tests per sample, analytical technique, treatment of results ...) are determined in accordance with the RSNB.
VII. -The original recordings and the results of analysis or checks shall be stored for a minimum period of 3 years and kept at the disposal of the screening officers at any time.
VIII. -The expenditure relating to the taking of samples and the analyses necessary for verification of compliance with this Order shall be borne by the operator.
IX. -Additional measures may be requested by representatives of the DGSNR, the SNS responsible for the water police or the DRIRE Champagne-Ardenne. The choice, by the operator, of the competent body to carry out these measures must be given the agreement of the service responsible for the application. The costs of such measures shall be borne by the operator.
X. - The operator has a meteorological station to continuously measure and record wind speeds and directions, atmospheric pressure, humidity Air, temperature, rainfall.
Wind data must be retransmitted in the control room and available in all circumstances.
I.-The operator maintains a register of the water samples taken, on which the monitoring results provided for in Article 6 are represented. The operator shall maintain a register of the controls provided for in this Order.
II. -For radioactive releases, the operator shall, on a continuous basis, maintain a register for each type of effluent, gaseous or liquid, the use of which is in accordance with the guidelines of the DGSNR:
-a maintenance and calibration register of the Continuous or non-continuous measurement devices as well as analytical laboratory measurement devices;
-a monthly report record for each release category (continuous or discontinuous) and for each release category:
-the number, date, duration and activity of the discharge, its volume and (in the case of liquid effluents) the average flow rate of the stream in which the discharge occurs;
-the effluent flow rate, in the discharge stack (for Off-gases) or in the pipeline (for liquid effluents);
-the composition and activities or volumetric quantities measured for each category of radioactive effluent stored before release or during releases;
-for Radioactive gaseous effluents, detailed weather conditions (pressure, temperature, wind direction and speed, precipitation ...) during release;
All operating incidents such as pipeline rupture, abnormal elevation of secondary circuit radioactivity, leaks of liquid or gaseous effluents, uncontrolled release, unavailability of tank Regulations, filter breaks, variations in flow rates, fan stops, flow measurement equipment failure and activities are mentioned on the monthly report register.
-a registry of measures in the environment Under this Order, including volumetric activities measured after dispersion in the receiving environment of liquid and gaseous effluents.
III. -For chemical substances in effluents, the operator shall maintain a document summarizing the analyses and measurements made pursuant to this Order.
This registry contains settings for the Determination of the fluxes and characteristics of the polyacrylates used (sodium content, acrylic acid content, DCO value).
IV. -All such registers and the results of the checks prescribed pursuant to this Order shall be kept by the operator. It may be the subject of computerised processing provided that it can be easily consulted by competent services (DGSNR, DRIRE Champagne-Ardenne, SNS responsible for the water police).
I.-A copy of the sheets Monthly summaries of the registers referred to in paragraph II of Article 31, signed by the operator, shall be transmitted in such a way that it has reached the DRIRE Champagne-Ardenne and the DGSNR no later than 5 of the following month in respect of The discard register and the following month with regard to maintenance, control and environmental records. Records of the total beta activity of the effluent at the stack of each BAN shall be attached to the corresponding register.
II. -The DGSNR and the DRIRE Champagne-Ardenne must be able to have at each moment the names and contact details of the competent radiation protection officials responsible for ensuring the permanent offices on the site, under the responsibility of the operator.
III. -Without prejudice to its own monitoring of the environment which it carries out under this Order, the operator shall transmit, for analysis, to an organisation designated by the DGSNR for samples including the list and the sampling conditions thereof Are hereby specified by this Directorate.
Any incident or malfunction of the nuclear facility that may affect directly or indirectly the provisions of this Arrested, such as leak of a tank or pipeline of gaseous and liquid effluents, uncontrolled release, abnormal elevation of radioactivity or any other parameter of effluent discharged, unavailability of regulatory tanks, deterioration Of filters, exceeding the trigger threshold, reducing flow to the main stack, failure of flow measurement devices, activities or physico-chemical parameters, etc., is the subject of immediate information to the DRIRE Champagne-Ardenne, the SNS responsible for the water police, the DDASS of the Aube and the DDASS of Seine-et-Marne, in the prefecture, the DGS and the DGSNR, according to their respective fields of competence.
In addition to the services listed above, any problems Information on the use and treatment of polyacrylates will be immediately available to producers of drinking water located downstream of the plant.
The event must be reported on the documents referred to in sections 31 and 39. The operator shall take the necessary measures to limit the period of unavailability of the equipment.
Any significant increase in radioactivity in the environment is the subject of information from the DRIRE Champagne-Ardenne and the DGSNR.
These requirements do not preclude provisions relating to the reporting of significant accidents and incidents relating to the safety of nuclear power plants, nor to the alert measures provided for in the internal emergency plans or in the plans Specific intervention.
In addition to the information provided for in Articles 32 and 33, the operator transmits monthly to the Champagne-Ardenne DRIRE, to the SNS responsible for the water police, to the DDASS of the Dawn, to the DDASS Of Seine-et-Marne and the DGSNR, according to their respective fields of competence, the results of the monitoring of water withdrawals, liquid and gaseous releases and their impact on the environment provided for in this Order.
This information Includes the overall results for discharges of radioactive waste (volumes, activities ...) and, for physicochemical parameters, the values of the rejected flows. For the other controls requested in this Order, the operator shall indicate compliance with the limits. This information is supplemented by an analysis of the possible deviations from the limits in the order.
In addition, in case of exceedances of the levels referred to in Article 12, I of Article 14, IV of Article 20 and I of Article 28, The operator informs, in this context, the DRIRE Champagne-Ardenne and the DGSNR of the situation and the results of the complementary measures carried out.
The transmission of results is done in a form defined in agreement with the DGSNR, the DRIRE Champagne-Ardenne, the SNS responsible for the water police, the DDASS of the Aube and the DDASS of Seine-et-Marne.
The operator informs without delay, by any means at his disposal, the prefect of the Aube, the DDASS of the Aube and Seine-et-Marne, the DRIRE Champagne-Ardenne, the DGSNR, the DGS, the SNS responsible for the water police of any risk of exceeding the concentration threshold in amoebae Nf referred to in paragraph IV of Article 15.
The concentration of Nf amoebae in the water downstream in the Seine is calculated according to the Formula:
C = Cr x Qr x k/Qf:
Cr is the measured concentration of Nf amoebae at the point of rejection in the Seine;
Qr is the average daily flow rate of the rejection in the Seine;
Qf is the daily average flow rate of the Seine;
k is A coefficient to account for the heterogeneities of the mixture between the effluent and the river.
Before each treatment campaign, the operator informs the prefect of the Aube of the value of the coefficient k retained and provides the Justifications that led to his determination.
I.-For each treatment campaign with monochloramine, the operator transmits to the prefect of the Aube, to the DDASS of the Aube and Seine-et-Marne, to the DRIRE Champagne-Ardenne, to the SNS responsible for the police of the water The following information:
-before March 31, a project describing the terms and conditions of future processing operations, including and justifying variances from previous campaigns;
-from the start of processing and up to End of treatment, a weekly record of the results of daily counts of pathogenic amoebae in cooling circuits and counts in the environment;
-one week after each mass chlorination, the amounts Of injected reagents, the duration of the purge corresponding to this phase, the results of the controls referred to in Article 24;
-at the end of each month of the treatment period with monochloramine, the quantities of reagents injected, the Supplies carried out, the results of continuous pH measurements, the residual monochloramine concentration, the results of the controls cited in section 24, the chlorine, sodium and nitrogen balance.
II. -Three months after the end of each treatment campaign, an end-of-campaign report that sets out the comprehensive review of this campaign is forwarded to the DGHS, Directorate of Pollution Prevention and Risk Prevention (SIPD), at the Directorate of Pollution Prevention and Risk Management. Prefecture of the Aube, the DRIRE Champagne-Ardenne, the DDASS of the Aube and Seine-et-Marne and the SNS responsible for the water police. This assessment takes up and analyses the results mentioned above, explains the deviations from the forecasts, presents and comments on the results of the monitoring carried out on releases and the environment.
On this balance sheet is attached the result of the Technological research and monitoring carried out by the operator in accordance with the provisions of paragraph IV of Article 15. A note on the applicability and cost of implementing the technologies referred to in the case of nuclear power plants will be attached as well as a comparison with the treatment subject to this authorisation.
The operator informs DGSNR, DGEMP, SIPD, DE and DRIRE Champagne-Ardenne and the prefecture of the Dawn of any possibility of exceeding the temperature limits laid down in Article 22-I and the justifications associated with the operation referred to in Article 22-II.
In the case of application of the provisions of Article 22-II, the operator transmits to the DRIRE Champagne-Ardenne, to the Prefecture, the SNS responsible for the water police, the DDASS of the Aube, the Champagne-Ardenne, the monitoring committee of the basin, and the DGSNR the results of the checks carried out on liquid discharges and in the environment in application of Article 29-VII. This transmission occurs on or before the working day following the receipt of the results for temperature and visual observations and is weekly for the other continuous measurements, and in summary monthly for all the Parameters.
Every year the operator prepares a report Which is intended to be made public in order to characterise the operation of the installations, specifying in particular the number of reactor stops, and taking into account all the controls and monitoring provided for in this Order.
This report includes, in particular, the following information:
A reminder of the provisions of the authorization order (effluent discharge and water sampling standards, effluent and water sampling control, program of Monitoring);
The status of annual water withdrawals and control of sampling environments;
The status of annual releases and their monthly distribution (in activity, and in flux for chemical substances), as well as the balance sheet Monitoring of releases and the environment. Exceptional operations leading to the use of chemical substances subsequently found in releases, such as sulphuric acid, tartrifuges or biocides, are described with their main characteristics. This information shall be accompanied by the comments necessary for their proper understanding: map to a suitable scale of the monitoring programme (location of the study stations), the situation of discharges in relation to the regulatory limits, Comparison of measurement results in the environment with initial measurements, explanations of possible abnormal results, impact on human health and the environment, with the possibility of referring to the environmental impact assessment And sanitary present in the application file for the renewal of authorisations for water withdrawals and discharges, etc. ;
The estimate, as realistically as possible, of the doses received by the population as a result of the activity carried out in the past year; this estimate applies to the reference groups of the population concerned by the site, including: Characteristics are recalled in the report, and is based in particular on:
-the evaluation of doses due to external irradiation, with indication, where appropriate, of the quality of the radiation in question;
-the evaluation of the incorporation of Radionuclides with an indication of their nature and, if necessary, their physical and chemical states, and determination of the activity and concentrations of these radionuclides;
Description of Maintenance of Equipment and Works Intervenor in water withdrawals or effluent discharges;
The description of incidents or malfunctions that have been reported pursuant to section 33 of this Order (leakage of off-gases or Liquid, uncontrolled release, abnormal elevation of the radioactivity of certain installations, deterioration of filters, failure of flow and activity measuring devices, etc.), as well as corrective measures taken by the operator;
La Multiannual perspective of the results (comparison with previous results), including those relating to the oldest known reference state;
The presentation of the efforts made by the operator to protect the The environment;
A follow-up to the effectiveness of the anti-tartar treatment on the bending of packings;
A state of knowledge on the toxicity of morpholine and its derived products, and in the case of evolution of this knowledge, a Day of the health impact assessment.
Scientific reports and tables of gross results are appended to this report.
The annual report is sent no later than April 30 of the following year to the RSNB, SIPD, the DGS, the Direction of the water, to the prefect of the Aube, in five copies to the SNS responsible for the water police, to the DRIRE Champagne-Ardenne, to the DDASS of the Aube, to the DDASS of Seine-et-Marne, to the DIRECT and to the local commission of information.
This authority is granted in a personal capacity, Precarious and revocable without compensation.
The provisions of this Order shall apply upon notification of the The following articles, which shall be applicable at the latest within the time limits indicated below in relation to this date of notification:
(a) Article 2, paragraph VI: alarms of sampling stations located upstream of the intake, at Level of the main discharge structure, and downstream "half rejection" (mid-release hydrocollector) will be operational by 31 December 2006;
(b) Article 12, paragraph I:
-the continuous sampling device at the chimney of each BAN for carbon measurement 14 will be operational by June 30, 2006. Pending, a calculation estimate will be made;
-the continuous stack sampling device for each BAN for the tritium measurement will be operational by December 31, 2005.
(c) Article 14, paragraph I: Continuous sampling under prevailing winds for the measurement of atmospheric tritium will be operational before 31 December 2005;
(d) Article 17, paragraph 2: a convention will have to be established with the Nogent City Hall before 31 December 2006 ;
e) Article 22: The system for assessing the average temperature of the Seine on 12-hour rolling hours will be operational by 31 December 2005.
The Prefectural Order No. 87-2609 of 26 June 1987 concerning the taking of water on the above mentioned river public domain is repealed.
Prefectural Order No. 94/1427 A of 17 May 1994 authorising the release of non-radioactive liquid effluents for the Nogent-sur-Seine nuclear power plant (Slices 1 and 2) are repealed.
The Order of August 25, 1987, relating to the authorization of effluent discharge Gaseous radioactive material by the Nogent-sur-Seine nuclear power station (slices 1 and 2) above is repealed.
Order of 25 August 1987 concerning the authorisation to reject liquid radioactive waste by the Nogent-sur-Seine nuclear power plant (tranches 1 and 2) is repealed.
The order of 15 March 2002 laying down the requirements for the works and sampling installations necessary for the feeding of the demineralised water production station Of the nuclear power station of Nogent-sur-Seine referred to above is repealed.
The Order of April 26, 2004 authorizing Electricité de France to reject the effluent resulting from the biocidal treatment of the circuits of the aerrefrigerants of reactors n ° 1 and n ° 2 of the nuclear power station of Nogent-sur-Seine referred to above is repealed.
The inter-ministerial order of 15 October 2004 authorizing Electricité de France to reject effluents resulting from the antitartre treatment of the circuits of the Aero-fridges of reactors No. 1 and No. 2 of the nuclear power plant of Nogent-sur-Seine referred to above are repealed.
The The Director General of Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection, the Director General of Health and the Director of the Prevention of Pollution and Risk shall each have responsibility for the execution of this Order, each of which shall be Published in the Official Journal of the French Republic.
You can view the table in OJ
No 1, 01/01/2005, text number 56
Done at Paris, December 29, 2004.
The Minister of Economy,
Finance and Industry,
For the Minister and delegation:
The Director General
nuclear safety and radiation protection,
A.-C. Lacoste
The Minister of Solidarity,
Health and Family Affairs,
For the Minister and by delegation:
The Director General of Security
nuclear and radiation protection,
A.-C. Lacoste
Minister of Ecology
and Sustainable Development,
For the Minister and by delegation:
By preventing the Director
from the Pollution and risk prevention,
delegated to major hazards:
The general engineer for bridges and pavements,
J.-P. Henry