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Order Of 27 December 2004 Extending The Approval Of A Design Of Machine To Vote

Original Language Title: Arrêté du 27 décembre 2004 prorogeant l'agrément d'un modèle de machine à voter

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JORF No. 1 of January 1, 2005 Page 32
Text No. 14

Order of 27 December 2004 extending the approval of a voting machine model

NOR: INTX0407923A ELI:

The Minister of the Interior, Internal Security and Local Freedoms,
Given the Election Code, and in particular Article L. 57-1;
Given the Order of November 17, 2003 Approval of the technical regulation laying down the conditions for the approval of voting machines;
Having regard to the order of 17 November 2003 laying down the conditions for the approval of inspection bodies responsible for verifying the conformity of machines to be voted on Technical regulation laying down the conditions for the approval of voting machines;
Having regard to the order of 17 December 2003 concerning the application of the order of 17 November 2003 laying down the conditions for the approval of inspection bodies responsible for verifying the Compliance of the machines to vote on the technical regulation laying down the conditions for the approval of voting machines;
In view of the decree of 23 February 2004 approving a voting machine model;
In view of the report of the company Bureau Veritas On February 11, 2004;
Due to the opinion of Bureau Veritas as of December 15, 2004,

Item 1

The approval of the version "2.07 F" of the voting machine of NEDAP is extended until February 28 2005.

Article 2

This Order will be published in the Official Journal of the French Republic.

Done at Paris, December 27, 2004.

For the minister and delegation:

The general secretary,


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