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Order Of 20 December 2004 On Assignment As An Endowment For The Benefit Of The University Of Perpignan, Of A Federal Property

Original Language Title: Arrêté du 20 décembre 2004 portant attribution à titre de dotation au profit de l'université de Perpignan d'un ensemble immobilier domanial

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JORF No. 1 of January 1, 2005 Page 30
Text No. 10

Order dated December 20, 2004, allocating as endowment to the University of Perpignan of a federal real estate set.

NOR: MENS0402719A ELI:

By order of the Minister of National Education, Education Research and the Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry of December 20, 2004, is awarded as endowment for the benefit of the University of Perpignan, a public institution of a scientific, cultural and cultural nature. Professional, a real estate estate domanial sis lieudit La Butte est, à Perpignan (Pyrénées-Orientales), cadastré section ES n ° 35, of a total area of 27 430 square meters, as this set is delimited on the plan annexed to the present Stopped (1).
This property set is listed in the general table of State properties under number 660-00435 under the heading "University of Perpignan".
Staffing, if any, will extend to buildings or additions to Construction that would later be built on the above mentioned field.
This real estate will be provided free of charge to the state when the staffing is completed.

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