Key Benefits:
In accordance with Regulation (EC) No 2289/2002 of 19 December 2002, Published in the Official Journal of the European Communities No L 348 of 21 December 2002, effective 22 December 2002:
1. The review of Regulation (EC) No 1600/1999 provided for in Regulation No 1325/2002 (Notice to Importers published in the OJ of 1 August 2002) and concerning imports of stainless steel wire of a diameter equal to or greater than 1 mm, containing in Weight 2.5 % or more of nickel, other than those containing by weight 28 % or more, but not more than 31 %, of nickel and 20 % or more, but not more than 22 %, of chromium, covered by CN code ex 7223.00.19, originating in India, produced and sold for export To the Community by Garg Sales Co. Pvt. Ltd (additional code TARIC A 404) is closed;
2. The anti-dumping duty of 55.6 % of the net free border price before customs clearance, established by Regulation (EC) No 1600/1999 (Notice to Importers published in the OJ of 30 July 1999) and repealed by Regulation No 1325/2002, is reinstated for imports As referred to in point 1 of this opinion with effect from 24 July 2002;
3. The customs authorities shall be invited to terminate the registration of imports referred to in point 1 of this opinion.