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Association Law

Original Language Title: Yhdistyslaki

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In accordance with the decision of the Parliament:


General provisions


The association may be set up with a view to common implementation. It must not be contrary to law or good practice.

The association is governed by this law.

Scope of application

This law does not apply to an entity whose purpose is to acquire a profit or other direct economic interest to participate in it, or whose purpose or quality, otherwise, is primarily economic.

This law shall apply to the Community, which is regulated by law or regulation, only to the extent that it is expressly provided for.

Religious communities are in force, which is provided for separately.

Prohibited associations

The association, which must be regarded as being subject to the degree of obedience and mass formation required by its members, or in the form of a wholly or partly military arrangement, as a result of the division of armed forces, shall be prohibited.

§ 4 (22.12.2009)
Organic associations

An association whose activities include training in the use of firearms and which are not exclusively for hunting purposes shall not be established without the authorisation of the Regional Administrative Agency.

§ 5
Economic activity

The association shall only pursue a trade or gainful activity determined by its rules or otherwise directly linked to the realisation of its purpose or which must be considered to be of an economic value.

Legal effects of registration

The association may acquire rights and make commitments and be a party to the courts and other authorities if it is registered as provided for in this Act.

The members of the registered association are not personally responsible for the association's obligations.


Establishment of the association

§ 7
The Charter

The establishment of the association shall be the subject of a charter which shall be accompanied by the rules established for the association. The Charter must be dated and signed by at least three associations. The natural person who is the founder shall be 15 years of age.

§ 8

The statutes shall state:

1) the name of the association;

2) the municipality of Finland as the place of residence of the association;

(3) the purpose and function of the association;

(4) an obligation for a member to make membership fees and other payments to the association;

(5) the number or minimum and maximum number of auditors of the members of the Board of the Association and the Association's auditors, as well as the term of office; (16.7.2010/678)

6) the financial year of the association;

(7) when the Board of Directors and the auditors, as well as the performance auditors, are selected, the accounts are fixed and the discharge decided; (16.7.2010/678)

(8) how and in which time a meeting of the association shall be convened; and

9) how the association's assets must be used if the association is dissolved or closed down.

§ 9
Dual-language, name of association

The statutes of the association may stipulate that the association is both Finnish and Swedish. Such an association may, under the conditions laid down in Article 51, be entered in a register in bilingual.

In addition to the consequences of paragraph 1, the statutes of all associations may stipulate that the association has the English, Swedish and the English name, or the name of the two mentioned languages, in which case any of the names concerned are: May be used as the association's name.




A member may be a private person, community and foundation.

If the actual purpose of the association is to influence state affairs, members of the association may only be Finnish citizens and foreigners domiciled in Finland, and associations of which directly or indirectly, or Only those mentioned above shall be members of the associations indirectly involved. (29.12.1989/31)

Paragraph 3 has been repealed by L 30.12.1992/1614 .

List of Members

The members of the association shall be kept by the Board. That list shall include the full name and address of each member. (30.12.1989, P.

The member of the association shall be given the opportunity to have access to the information referred to in paragraph 1 upon request. The disclosure of information on the membership list shall otherwise be provided for in the (171/87) . Extradition can be decided by the Board of Directors.

Personal registration L 471/1987 Has been repealed by the Personal Data L 52/1999 .

Accession to membership

Anyone wishing to join the Association shall notify his intention to the association. The Board of Directors shall be decided by the Board of Directors, unless otherwise specified in the rules.

The resignation of the association

Members shall be entitled to withdraw from the association at any time by informing the board or its chairman in writing. A member may also resign from the meeting of the Association to be recorded in the minutes. The rules may stipulate that the resignation shall take effect only after a specified period of notice. The amount of time shall not exceed one year.

Separation of the association

The association may be distinguished from the dismissal of the member in the statutes. However, the association shall always be entitled to a dismissal if:

(1) has failed to fulfil the obligations to which he is connected by joining the association;

(2) has substantially damaged the association in the association or beyond; or

3) no longer meets the conditions of membership laid down by law or statutes.

§ 15
Differentiation procedure

A membership shall be decided by the association at its meeting, unless otherwise specified in the rules. The decision shall mention the reason for the dismissal. At a meeting of the Association, the Member is not prevented from voting on a matter of self-expulsion.

Before taking a decision, the Member concerned shall be given an opportunity to give an explanation on the matter, except when the reasons for the expulsion are due to the non-payment of the membership fee.

If, according to the rules, the Board of Directors decides that the Board of Directors decides, the rules may stipulate that the member may have the right to suspend the application within the time limits laid down in the statutes for a meeting of the Association.

The rules may provide that the association may consider a member to be divorced from the association if the member has failed to pay for the period specified in the rules.


Power of decision

Users of decision power

The assembly shall include its members. However, the rules may, as provided for in the following provisions, provide that the power of decision is exercised by:

(1) the members of the association;

(2) the association, together with the private individuals directly or indirectly affiliated to it, in a federal vote.

§ 17 (16.7.2010/678)
Decision of Members

Members shall exercise their power of decision at the association's meeting.

The rules may provide that the meeting may, under the conditions set out in the statutes, also participate by post or communication or other technical assistance instrument during the meeting or before the meeting. In such a case, the right to participate and the accuracy of the counting of votes shall be determined in a manner comparable to those of the ordinary association meeting. If the actual purpose of the association is to influence state affairs, such participation may only be granted during the meeting.

The rules may provide that members shall exercise their discretion in the matters specified in the statutes, without meeting in separate votes, by post or by means of a communication link or any other technical assistance instrument. However, the order may not concern the matter referred to in Article 23 (1).

Members may unanimously decide on a matter falling within the Assembly of the Association without a meeting. The decision shall be made in writing, dated and signed by each member of the association. The written decision shall, by the way, apply to the minutes of the meeting of the Association.

Authorised powers of decision

Where the powers of decision are delegated to the delegated powers, the rules shall state the number of delegates or the way in which they are operative, the term of office, the choice and the functions of the delegation.

The rules may also provide that the seats or parts of the authorised persons must be shared between the members of the association or their groups, on the basis of the criteria set out in the statutes. In this case, it may also be stipulated that the authorised members or groups shall be selected from the candidates. If someone has failed to set up the candidates, they can be authorised to choose other candidates.

The delegates will exercise their power of decision at the meeting.

§ 19 (16.7.2010/678)
Federal vote

The power of decision may be laid down in the statutes for the purpose of a federal vote in a union in which, according to the rules, there are only associations or associations and individuals. These rules shall specify in which cases or under which conditions the power of decision shall be exercised in a federal vote. The Bundestag cannot touch the matter referred to in Article 23 (1).

The vote shall be taken by means of a separate vote, by post or by means of a communication link or other technical assistance instrument.



§ 20 (22.12.2009)
Association meeting

The association's meeting shall be kept under the rules. If it has not been convened, each member of the association shall have the right to request that the meeting be held.

An extraordinary meeting of the association shall be held when the association's meeting so decides or the government considers it to be necessary, or at least one tenth of the members of the association's voting rights to deal with the case it has declared. If, according to the statutes, the statutes may only be associations or associations and individuals, the rules may stipulate that a minority which may require an extraordinary meeting shall be less than or equal to one tenth. The Statute of the other association can only provide for a smaller minority.

The request for a meeting shall be made in writing to the Board of the Association. The Board of Directors shall, without delay, convene a meeting. If the meeting has not been convened or the request may not have been made to the Government, the Regional Administrative Agency shall, on the application of the meeting requiring the meeting, authorise the applicant to convene a meeting at the expense of the association or to require the At the risk of a fine.

Authorised meeting

What is laid down in this Act for the association's meeting shall apply mutatis mutandis to the authorised meeting. However, an extraordinary meeting shall be held only where the delegation so decides, or the government considers it appropriate, or the amount referred to in Article 20 (2) is deemed to be authorised for the purposes of the proceedings it has announced.

§ 22 (16.7.2010/678)
Organisation of other decisions

Where the case in the statutes is to be decided by the association at a specified time without a meeting by means of a separate vote, by post or by means of a communication link or any other technical assistance instrument, the members of the association shall: Right in writing to require the government to organise such decision-making. If, despite the government's request, decision-making has not been made or if the request has not been made to the government, the regional administrative agency shall, on the application of the member of the decision-making process, authorise the applicant to organise: The vote, the postal vote, or the vote by means of a technical assistance instrument, at the expense of the association, or under threat of a fine.

Issues to be decided at the meeting

The Assembly or, where the rules are so determined, the delegates shall decide: (16.7.2010/678)

1) amending the statutes of the association;

(2) the transfer or affixing of property, or the transfer of assets of a substantial part to the activities of the association;

(3) the voting and voting order referred to in Article 30;

(4) the selection or dismissal of the government or its member or auditor or performance inspector; (16.7.2010/678)

(5) the adoption of the accounts and the discharge; and

6) the dismantling of the association.

The rules may stipulate that the Board of Directors may decide on the sale, exchange and attachment of the association's property.

§ 24 (16.7.2010/678)
Meeting call

The assembly shall be convened in the manner prescribed by the rules. The meeting shall include the date and place of the meeting.

If a meeting may also be held by post or telecommunications or other technical assistance instrument, this shall be mentioned in the notice of the meeting. In addition, the meeting shall include a reference to the meeting in the event of a limited use by post or by means of a technical assistance instrument.

No decision may be taken at the meeting referred to in Article 23 of the Decision and in any other comparable case unless it has been mentioned in the notice of the meeting.

Voting rights for Members

Unless otherwise specified in the statutes, each member of the 15-year-old shall have the right to vote and each vote entitled one vote. A private person shall not exercise his right to vote through an agent, unless the rules are so provided for.

The rules may stipulate that, for a given period, the defaulting of the payment of its membership fee shall not exercise the right to vote. The rules may provide that, in order to exercise the right to vote, a member shall inform the association in advance of his participation in the meeting by the date specified in the invitation to the meeting.

§ 26
Accessibility at the association meeting

No member shall be allowed to vote or make decisions for decisions when deciding on an agreement between him and the association or any other matter in which his or her private interests are incompatible with the interests of the association.

A member of the Board of Directors or any other person entrusted with the management of an association shall not be allowed to vote when deciding on the election or dismissal of the auditor or the performance inspector, the adoption of the accounts or the discharge In the case of administration, for which he is responsible. (16.7.2010/678)

The obstacles to the persons referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 shall also apply to their agent or representative.

§ 27
Decision-making order

The association decision shall, unless otherwise provided for in the rules:

(1) the opinion supported by more than half of the votes cast;

(2) by the vote the President of the Assembly declares himself in favour, or, if the decision is taken without a meeting in a separate vote, by post or by means of a communication or other technical assistance instrument; The outcome; and (16.7.2010/678)

(3) the amendment of the rules, the dissolution of the association or, in the case of the main part of the association's assets, the opinion which has been supported by at least three quarters of the votes cast.

However, the decision to amend the rules in accordance with Article 17 (2) or Article 19 (1) or to replace majority voting with proportional representation shall, however, be valid if the decision has been supported by more than half the vote The votes cast and otherwise have been adopted in accordance with the provisions amending the rules.

Notwithstanding the inadequacy of the decision, a decision shall be taken to amend the rules concerning the manner in which the election is conducted, the number of members, the composition of the institution or the obligation to pay, even if the change would lead to: If the decision has been taken as provided for in paragraph 1 (3) or in the case referred to in Article 2 (2), a particular interest or an infringement of the equality of Members.

If, according to its rules, the association is part of another association, the rules may stipulate that their amendment is also required for the approval of the association to which the association is directly or indirectly concerned.

ARTICLE 28 (16.7.2010/678)

The elections to be held shall take the form of a qualified majority, unless the choice of persons is taken unanimously or otherwise provided for in the rules. Without a meeting in separate votes, by post or by means of a communication or other technical assistance instrument, the election shall be proportional to the proportional representation, unless otherwise specified in the rules. The right to take part in the establishment of candidates for the election of candidates shall be guaranteed to all eligible persons.

§ 29
Election of elections

In the case of majority voting, the majority of the votes cast have been received, unless the rules provide for a qualified majority.

If, according to the law or by the rules, the election must be proportional to the election, the rules shall specify how the election will take place.

A proportional election may be laid down in the rules:

1) using the candidate lists in such a way that each vote is placed on the list of candidates as a whole, in which case the first person on the list of candidates will be able to use the whole number of votes for the candidate list, the second half of the votes cast, the third The number of one-thirds of the votes and so on shall be determined in the order of the symbols of the candidates;

2) using lists of candidates, but with each vote being given to a candidate in a candidate list, giving the highest number of votes in each of the candidate lists to the full voting list for the candidate list, the second half; The number of votes cast, the third of the votes cast, the number of votes cast and the number of votes cast shall be determined in the order of the symbols of the candidates;

(3) without using the candidate lists in such a way that each of the votes cast shall be distributed among the candidates entered in the ballot box in the form of one vote, the second half of the votes cast, the third one-third vote, and so on; Shall continue to be determined in accordance with the votes cast by the candidates; and

(4) in accordance with the other rules.

The proportional election shall be transmitted by means of a closed ticket or a communication link or other technical assistance facility using a similar technical method. A balance in the election will be solved with a lot of money. (16.7.2010/678)

ARTICLE 30 (16.7.2010/678)
Vote and order of elections

Where the decision-making powers of the association are used by means of a separate vote, by post or by means of a communication link or any other technical instrument, the association shall approve the voting and electoral order for that purpose, which shall be required to: The provisions of this Act and the provisions supplementing the statutes of the association.

Preparation of the Protocol

The chairman of the meeting shall ensure that a protocol is drawn up of the decisions taken at the meeting. The minutes shall be signed by the President of the meeting and shall be checked by at least two meetings of the person elected for that purpose or approved by the association itself.

If the decision-making power has been used without a meeting in a separate vote, by post or by means of a communication or other technical assistance instrument, the Board of Directors shall ensure that the procedure for decision-making, vote Of the calculation and its outcome and the minutes of the decision taken and signed by the Chairman of the Board of Directors. (16.7.2010/678)

The members of the association shall be entitled, upon request, to receive the minutes referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2.

Discharge of the decision

If the decision of the association is not born in an appropriate order or is otherwise contrary to the rules of the law or association, the members of the association, the government and the member of the Board of Directors shall institute proceedings against the association in order to declare a decision Invalidated. The right to lodge a complaint is not the one that has contributed to the decision at the meeting.

The action shall be instituted within three months of the adoption of the decision or, if the decision has been taken without a meeting in a separate vote, by post or by means of a communication link or any other technical assistance instrument, within three months. As soon as the Protocol on the Decision is dated. If the action is not brought within the time limit, the decision shall be considered valid. (16.7.2010/678)

If the Board of Association has brought an action, the association meeting shall be convened without delay to select a representative for the association's behalf.

§ 33
The failure of the decision

Irrespective of the case, the decision shall be void if it infringes the law.

A decision which, subject to the provisions of Article 27 (3), is also an integral part of a decision which reduces the particular interest of a member under the rules in the association or in terms of content or decision-making powers.

A member of the association, a government or a member of the Board of Directors, and the person who considers that the decision infringes its right, may institute proceedings against the association in order to confirm that the decision of the association is null and void.

§ 34
Implementation ban

Where proceedings against the association have been brought, the court may prohibit the implementation of the association's decision or order it to be suspended. Such a prohibition or order may also be withdrawn.

The decision of the court referred to in paragraph 1 shall not be subject to an appeal.


Administration of the association

ARTICLE 35 (16.7.2010/678)

The association shall have a government comprising at least three members. According to the law and regulations and the decisions of the association, the Board of Directors must carefully manage the affairs of the association. The Board of Directors shall ensure that the accounts of the association are lawful and that the financial management is organised in a reliable manner. The government represents a union.

The government shall have a President. The Chairperson shall not be a disabled person. Other members of the Board of Directors shall be 15 years of age. The one in the class cannot be a member of the government.

The President of the Board of Directors shall have his habitual residence in Finland, unless the Government of Patente and the registries grant authorisation to derogate from this.

§ 36
Associations of the association

The President of the Government shall have the right to write the name of the association, unless this right is restricted in the manner referred to in paragraph 3 below.

The statutes of the association may stipulate that the right to write the name of the association shall also include:

(1) one or more government members;

(2) on the basis of its status; or

(3) a person who has a personal right to do so individually by the government.

Powerful or bankrupt cannot represent the association or act as its name. The right to write the name of the association may be restricted by the rules so that two or more persons have only one right to write the name of the association. No other restriction shall be entered in the register of associations.

The association's signature must include the name of the association and the signature of the author or designator.

The summons and any other service shall be deemed to have been sent to the association when it has been served on the person who is entitled, alone or in combination with another, to write the name of the association.


A member of the Board of Directors or a member of an association may not participate in any proceedings or any other consideration of an agreement between him and the association, in which his private interests may be in conflict with the interests of the association With.

ARTICLE 38 (18/09/1210)
Financial audit

The association's audit is in force, as is the case with the law and the audit law. (17/01/2015) Provides.

L to 12/10/2015 Article 38 shall enter into force on 1 January 2016. The previous wording reads:

ARTICLE 38 (16.7.2010/678)
Financial audit

The association's audit is in force, as is the case with the law and the audit law. (209/2007) Provides.

§ 38a (16.7.2010/678)
Performanaudit audit

The association shall have a performance inspector if the association does not have an auditor. In addition, if only one operator is selected, a stand-alone inspector shall be selected which shall be subject to the performance of the performance audit.

The performance inspector shall be a natural person. The performance auditor shall have such knowledge of economic and legal issues as is necessary in relation to the activities of the association. The performance auditor may not be a disabled person or who is bankrupt or whose operational capacity is limited. The performance inspector shall be independent in the performance of the inspection.

Where the performance inspector has not been elected in accordance with the rules of this law or association, the Office shall, in accordance with Article 8 (3) and (4) of Chapter 2 of Chapter 2 of the Court of Auditors, determine the notification of the notification by the Office. Is provided for. (18/09/1210)

L to 12/10/2015 (3) will enter into force on 1 January 2016. The previous wording reads:

Where the performance inspector has not been selected in accordance with the rules of this law or association, the Office shall, in accordance with Article 9 (3) and (4) of the Court of Auditors, determine the notification of the notification by the Regional Administrative Office in accordance with Article 9 (3) and (4). Provides.

The Executive Officer shall verify the economic and administration of the association to the extent necessary for the activities of the association and shall issue a written performance audit report on the annual accounts of the association or of the Meeting. If the inspection has shown that the association has suffered damage or that there has been a breach of this law or rules, it shall be mentioned in the inspection report.

The obligation of the Government of the Association to assist the performance inspector and the presence of the performance inspector during the meeting and the obligation of professional secrecy shall be governed by Articles 9 and 10 of Chapter 3 and Article 8 of Chapter 4 of the Court of Auditors as regards the auditor. Provides. (18/09/1210)

L to 12/10/2015 The amended paragraph 5 shall enter into force on 1 January 2016. The previous wording reads:

The obligation of the Board of Directors to assist the performance inspector and the presence of the performance inspector during the meeting and the obligation of professional secrecy shall be governed by Articles 18, 19 and 26 of the Audit Act as regards the auditor.

Obligation to pay damages

A member of the Board of Directors, a member of the association and the performance inspector shall be liable for the damage he or she has caused, intentionally or negligently, to the association. The same applies to this law or to the statutes of the association, in violation of the association or any other injured party. An employee's liability for damages is regulated separately. The liability of the auditor is laid down in Section 3 of Chapter 10 of the Court of Auditors. (18/09/1210)

L to 12/10/2015 Paragraph 1 shall enter into force on 1 January 2016. The previous wording reads:

A member of the Board of Directors, a member of the association and the performance inspector shall be liable for the damage he or she has caused, intentionally or negligently, to the association. The same applies to this law or to the statutes of the association, in violation of the association or any other injured party. An employee's liability for damages is regulated separately. The statutory auditor's liability is governed by Article 51 of the Court of Auditors. (16.7.2010/678)

As regards the settlement of damages and the division of liability between two or more liable parties, the (412/74) Chapters 2 and 6 are provided for.

The compensation for damage caused to the association may also be brought before the courts of the association's seat.



Clearing and settlement activities

Where the association has decided to erupt, the Board of Directors shall provide for winding-up operations, unless the association has chosen one or more other liquidators to replace the government. However, it is not necessary to take action if the association has, at the same time, accepted a final report from the Board of Directors that the association does not have any debts.

The economic activity of the association which has decided to defer shall be continued only to the extent required by the appropriate examination. Clearing and settlement men have the right to ask for a public challenge to the creditors, as well as the right to bankrupt the property of the Society. If, after the payment of the debts, the remaining funds cannot be used in accordance with the rules laid down in the rules, the liquidator shall disclose them to the State, where possible, for the purpose of: Promotion. Clearing and settlement officers shall prepare and maintain the final settlement.

The association shall be deemed to be charged with the entry into the Register of Associations.

Declaration of the association unravelled

If the association's activities have ceased and the association has not been dissolved, the member and any other person concerned shall apply to the Court of domicile of the association for an unravelling declaration. The application shall lead to an opportunity for the association to be heard. The application shall be granted if the activities of the association are exhausted. Unless otherwise shown, the activities of the association shall be deemed to have ceased if 10 years have elapsed since notification of the association in the Register of Associations.

At the same time, the court or tribunal shall, if necessary, provide the applicant or other person, as a liquidator, to provide for settlement activities. Accordingly, the provisions of Article 40 (2) shall apply mutatis mutandis.

Mitigation of settlement activities

If a member of the association or any other person whose right to an association is affected by an association wishes to criticise the measure of the liquidators, it is necessary for him to bring an action against the liquidators within six months of the date of termination of the discharge. In the association register. The incentive must be brought before the courts of the association's seat.


Abolition of the association

Discharge and warning

The District Court of the Society may, in the case of the prosecutor, the Police Government or a member of the Association, declare the association to be abolished:

(1) where the association acts substantially against the law or good practice;

(2) where the association acts substantially against the purpose laid down in its rules; or

3) where the association acts contrary to the authorisation referred to in Article 4 or the provision of Article 35 (3).


If the public interest does not require the cessation of the association, a warning may be issued instead of the suspension.

If the association is declared to be closed or issued with a warning, an association, directly or indirectly, may also be called upon to act as a defendant in the proceedings, to declare or to give it a warning if it is Contributed to the procedure referred to in paragraph 1 of the first association.

If the funds of the dissolved association cannot be used as laid down in the statutes or the use of such an association would be contrary to the law or good practice, the funds of the association must be declared lost to the State.

Temporary operating ban

Where a case has been brought to an end, the court may, at the request of the party concerned, provisionally prohibit the activities of the association if it is likely that the association is in breach of the provisions of Paragraph 43 (1).

At the request of the prosecutor or the police, the prohibition referred to in paragraph 1 may already be issued before the closure of the association has been initiated, if it is likely that the association will act substantially against the law or good practices Or unlawful extension of the activities of the dissolved association. Such a prohibition shall lapse unless the challenge of the suspension of the association has been requested within 14 days of the date of the prohibition, and shall remain in force until such time as the matter is referred to the Court. (28.6.2013/508)

If the court has issued a temporary ban, it shall, every time, decide on the validity of the prohibition. The decision on the prohibition of action shall not be subject to any appeal by appeal.

Where a temporary operating ban has been imposed on the basis of Article 43 (1) (1), a new association shall not be set up for the purpose of continuing the association's activities.

Disclosure and liquidators

Once the association has been declared closed or suspended, the association's activities must be stopped immediately. The association's Board of Directors may, however, continue the trade or gainful activity of the association and manage the property of the association until such time as the decision to terminate becomes final, unless the Court decides otherwise.

If the court does not allow the Board to manage the property of the association during the period referred to in paragraph 1, the court shall order at least one person, as a man, to be the property of the association.

At the same time as the Court declares the association disbanded, it shall, where appropriate, provide a liquidator or more liquidator. In this case, where applicable, the reporting of liquidators and liquidators in the event of liquidation of the association shall be complied with in this Act.

Legal court

The action for the suspension of the association shall be examined by the court in the place where the association is domiciled. At the same time, this court may also consider the closure of the association referred to in Article 43 (3).


Registration in the association register

§ 47

The register is kept by the Patents and Registration Board. (12/04/10/98)

The association register and its documents shall be public. Every person has the right to obtain extracts and certificates from the association register and the documents it contains, in accordance with the law on public authorities' activities (18/09/1999) Provides. (21.5.1999/685)

L demography management 76/1984 Has been repealed by L 166/1996 , see RekRegistry Administrator 166/1996 Articles 3 and 6 .

Declaration of Perugia

The notification to register the association (notice of withdrawal) shall be made in writing to the Patents and Registration Board. (12/04/10/98)

The declaration, which shall be accompanied by the statutes and the rules of the association, shall indicate the full name, address, home and personal identification number of the Chairperson of the Board of Directors of the association and association of the association, and any The restriction referred to in Article 36 concerning the right to roll. If you do not have a Finnish social security number, please indicate the date of birth. (13.12.1994/1177)

The President of the Board of Directors shall sign the declaration and declare that the information mentioned in the notification is correct and that the names of the authors are full.

Processing of the declaration and registration of the association

The Government of the patent and registry shall verify that:

(1) it was adopted in accordance with Article 48;

(2) the name of the association is clearly distinguished from the names of associations already in the register and is not misleading;

(3) there is no obstacle to the registration of the association in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 1; and

4) there is no other legal obstacle to the registration.


If, on the basis of paragraph 1, the registrant is an obstacle, the notification shall not, however, be rejected as inadmissible or immediately refused, the notifier shall be given an opportunity to complete or rectify the notification or to make an opinion. This shall be done within the time limits laid down by the Government of the Patent and Registration, and at the risk of otherwise falling, subject to special circumstances. Where there is an obstacle to the registration, even after the notification has been completed or corrected or an opinion has been given, the registration shall be refused. However, a new deadline may be given to the notifier if there is reason to do so. (13.12.1994/1177)

If there is no obstacle to registration, the association shall register without delay. (8.12.1995/80)

§ 50
Label indicating registration

When the association is entered in the register, add the words'registered association' or 'ry' or, if the statutes of the association are Swedish, the words'registrerad förening' or 'rf'.

If, in accordance with Article 9, the association has a name in Finnish and Swedish, it shall be added to the name of the Finnish language in Finnish and Swedish in the name of the Swedish. If the association also has the accompanying name, insert the words "registreresmoothly" or "rs" in this name.

Registration of a two-language association

The association shall be entered in the register in both Finnish and Swedish if the association's rules are drawn up and the register is entered in both languages. In addition, in the case of a declaration of cancellation or modification of the rules, or within the period laid down by the Regulation, a certificate issued by the official translator shall be provided that the rules are identical.

Notification notice

A notification shall be made in the register of the amendment of the statutes of the association and the change of the name of the President and the nominee ( Declaration of change ), to which the amended rules must be attached. The notification, signature and declaration of the declaration shall be valid, as provided for in Article 48.

The change in the rules will enter into force once it is entered in the register.

When the change in the President of the Government or of a signatory is entered in the register, the change shall be deemed to have come to the attention of the bystander, except where it is found that the bystander did not know and was not obliged to know. Until such time as it has been entered in the register, it cannot be relied on for anything other than the one which appears to have been informed. (16.7.2010/678)

Compression declaration

An announcement by the President or a liquidator of the association shall be made in the register ( Discharge declaration ), indicating who has acted as liquidator, as well as the fact that the liquidation is completed.

Processing of amendments and outbursts

For the verification and labelling of notices of amendment and discharge, the register shall apply mutatis mutandis, which shall be subject to the verification of the withdrawal declaration and its registration in the register.

Ex ante verification

The Board of Patents and Registration may, upon application by the association or its founders, carry out a prior inspection of the rules or amendments thereto ( Prior checking ), when the size of the association, the meaning of the change in the rules, or any other reason, is justified. The application may also apply to the statutes of the association, whether directly or indirectly, or belonging to the association. (13.12.1994/1177)

The ex ante verification shall be subject to the conditions set out above for the verification of the basic and change reports. The decision on the ex-ante verification shall be binding, except where the association has amended the rules or changes to the rules which have been subject to prior checking, in order to ensure that a new inspection is necessary. The decision shall be valid for two years from the date of its adoption.

In spite of the ex ante verification, the initial and amending declarations shall be made as set out above and shall also indicate the decision on the ex-ante verification and the extent to which the rules have been amended after the ex ante verification.

The association may decide that, in the course of the period of validity of the decision on the ex-ante verification of the rules reviewed in advance, an amendment of the rules which has been adopted in the form of an unamended version of the rules must be respected in the internal operation of the association, even if the change is not yet Entered in the register.

Appeals and annulment of registration

The decision to make a modification of the patent and the Government of Registration under this Act shall be determined separately. However, the decision that the ex-ante verification referred to in Article 55 is not carried out shall not be subject to appeal. (13.12.1994/1177)

He who considers that the name of the association or any other entry in the register infringes his/her right, may be brought before the court of the association's seat of the association to bring proceedings against the association for the annulment of the register.

More detailed provisions

More detailed provisions on the register, labelling and processing of notifications, and ex-ante verification shall be laid down, where appropriate, by a regulation.


Unregistered associations

Responsibility for obligations

The association, which is not entered in the register, is unable to obtain the rights of its name or to enter into commitments or to comment or answer.

The obligation arising from the action taken on behalf of a non-registered association has been or has been jointly and severally determined by the parties involved in the action. Other members of the association are not personally responsible for such an obligation.

Acting on behalf of the Society

In the case of a non-registered association, a court or other authority may act on its behalf by the Chairperson of the Association or its Government or by any other person acting on its behalf. Such a person may also be given a communication intended for the association.

In order to abolish an unregistered association, one or more members of the association or one of its members may be promoted. The action shall be brought before the courts of the place where the defendant or any of them is domiciled.

Without prejudice to the provisions of Articles 1 to 5, 10, 11, 43, 44, 60 and 62, unregistered associations shall otherwise apply mutatis mutandis.


Miscellareous provisions

ARTICLE 60 (13.12.1994/1177)
Reporting obligation of the Court

The court or tribunal shall inform the Government of the patent and registry office of the bankruptcy of the association's assets and the termination of the bankruptcy proceedings pursuant to Articles 41, 43, 44 or 45 and of the law The decision to revoke the entry in the register, or where it has been established that the decision of the association, which must be entered in the register, is invalid, or which has imposed such a decision on the prohibition or withdrawal of the prohibition.

The Court's obligation to notify the decisions referred to in paragraph 1 by way of information on the decision-making and decision-making system of the national system of judicial administration, or by providing the information The Legal Register Centre for the transmission of a patent and registration board shall be governed by a decree of the Ministry of Justice, where appropriate. The adoption of labelling and the provision of information shall be governed by the law of the national judicial system (192/2010) And is provided for. (14.5.2010/389)

Disclosure of property

The association's estate is decided by the Board of Directors of the Society.

§ 62
Penalty provision

Contrary to this law, the activities of an association which has been declared to be suspended or suspended shall continue to be prohibited by the association or acting on behalf of the association or by the association or implementation of the association The meeting, or any other such means, shall be condemned, unless the act has been subject to a heavier penalty elsewhere in the law, On the pursuit of illegal association activities Fine.

Which gives the Patente and the Registration Government a false declaration or declaration under the law, shall be condemned to the sentence in accordance with the criminal law (39/1889) Provides. (12/04/10/98)


Entry and transitional provisions

Entry into force

This Act shall enter into force on 1 January 1990. The Act repeals the Act of 4 January 1919 and its subsequent amendments.

Provisions contrary to this law

If the rules of the association registered before the entry into force of this Act are in breach of this law, they shall be replaced by the provisions of this Act, unless otherwise specified below.

Processing of registries

If the notification to register the association or to change the information contained in the register has been made before the entry into force of this Act, the notification shall be addressed and resolved under the previous law. Although the notice of amendment to the statutes has been made after the entry into force of the law, the former law must be applied in the event of a change in the statutes, if the association has decided to amend the rules before the law enters into force and the association The Chairman of the Board of Directors has informed the Commission of this.

Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1, the association may, after the adoption of the law, amend its rules in accordance with the provisions of this Act and make it in the register before the law enters into force. Such an amendment shall be entered in the register after the entry into force of the law.

ARTICLE 66 (13.12.1994/1177)

Article 66 has been repealed by L 13.12.1994/1177 .

§ 67
Order on the blocking minority

Paragraph 20 (2) of Article 20 (2) does not apply to the necessary minority, not to be applied to a society governed by the rules before the date of entry into force of this law.

Election fair

If, at the time of entry into force of this Act, the statutes of the association provide for a federal vote or a proportional representation in the elections, but not for the vote in the Bundestag or on how the proportional election is to be carried out, the In the case of a federal vote and a proportional representation of the procedure decided upon by the association until such time as the rules have been laid down.

Composition of government

The composition of the government elected before the entry into force of this Act shall be brought into conformity with Article 35 within two years of the entry into force of the law.

Restrictions on the right of name

Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 36 (3) on the limitation of the right to roll, the statutes of the association registered before the date of entry into force of this Act shall be valid until the limitation period: Amendment.

HE 64/88, Ivhms. 15/88, svk.M. 1/89

Entry into force and application of amending acts:


This Act shall enter into force on 1 January 1990.

HE 195/89, Ivhms. 14/89, svk.M. 210/89


This Act shall enter into force on 1 December 1993.

Maize to transfer the Register of Associations (506/89) To the relevant register office.

THEY 131/92 , LaVM 10/92

ON 30.12.1992/1614:

This Act shall enter into force on 1 January 1993.

THEY 120/92 , LaVM 16/92


This Act shall enter into force on 1 January 1995.

THEY 295/93 , TaVM 27/94, Annex XXII to the EEA Agreement: Council Directives (8 4/2 53/EEC, 78 /660/EEC, 83 /349/EEC)

13 DECEMBER 1994/117:

This Act shall enter into force on 1 January 1995.

At the time of entry into force of this Act, cases pending at the Ministry of Justice shall pass on to the patent and registration board, with the exception of the exemption provisions referred to in Article 35 of the Law on Trade and Industry, which are transferred to the Ministry of Trade and Industry On the table.

The notification or application, which, according to the provisions in force at the time of entry into force of this Act, came to the Ministry of Justice and which has begun to run before the entry into force of this Act, shall be deemed to have been delivered within the time limit if the notification Or the application shall be submitted within a period of time to the Ministry of Justice or to the Government of the Patent and Registration. Charges for the purposes of the association register shall be determined by the date of initiation of the matter.

Address and personal identification number or date of birth shall be entered in the register at the latest when the association otherwise has an obligation to file a change in the name of the President of the Government or of the author.

THEY 217/94 , TaVM 30/94


This Act shall enter into force on 1 January 1996.

Where the declaration referred to in Articles 48, 52 or 53 of the Law of the United States or the application referred to in Article 55 has been submitted before the entry into force of this Act, the provisions in force at the time of entry into force of this Act shall apply.

THEY 149/95 , VaVM 25/95, EV 94/95

21 MAY 1999 685:

This Act shall enter into force on 1 December 1999.

30/1998 , Case 31/1998, EV 303/1998


This Act shall enter into force on 1 January 2003.

Upon entry into force of this Act, the pending application for authorisation shall be transferred to the Patents and Registration Board.

THEY 58/2002 , TaVM 16/2002 EV 115/2002


This Act shall enter into force on 1 January 2010.

Before the entry into force of this Act, measures may be taken to implement the law.

THEY 161/2009 , HVM 18/2009, EV 205/2009


This Act shall enter into force on 1 December 2010.

THEY 102/2009 , LaVM 2/2010, EV 21/2010


This Act shall enter into force on 1 September 2010.

The accounting provisions of this Act shall apply to the audit of the financial year starting with or after the entry into force of this Act.

The provisions relating to the performance of this law shall apply for the purposes of the audit of the financial year starting on or after the entry into force of this Act.

Where, on the basis of the law, the association does not have an obligation to choose the statutory auditor, the rules before the date of entry into force of this Act, on the basis of the statutory auditor and audit provisions, shall: The statutory auditor or statutory auditor and audit rules shall be deemed to be subject to audit and performance audit. Similarly, the Executive Officer may choose as the second auditor an association which is obliged to choose an auditor and whose rules have been taken before the entry into force of this law from more than one auditor.

THEY 267/2009 , LaVM 8/2010, EV 73/2010


This Act shall enter into force on 1 January 2014.

THEY 15/2013 , HaVM 7/2013, EV 77/2013


This Act shall enter into force on 1 September 2015.

THEY 149/2014 , EV 153/2014, TaVM 19/2014


This Act shall enter into force on 1 January 2016.

THEY 254/2014 , TaVM 34/2014, EV 371/2014