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, Which Regulates The Trade Of Molasses And Water Osmozovou

Original Language Title: , kterým se upravuje obchod melasou a osmozovou vodou

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619/1920 Sb.


the Government of the Czechoslovak Republic

of 12 June. November 1920

adapting trade osmozovou with water and molasses.

On the basis of the law of 15 December 1999. in April 1920, no. 337 Coll. and n.,

is this:

Article 1.

Establishment and purpose of the Czechoslovak Commission molasses.

Supervision of the production and consumption of molasses and water, jakoľ and osmozové

by modifying the melasovou and osmozovou water trade entrusts the jakoľto State

authority of the Czechoslovak Commission melasová based in Prague.

This Commission is subordinate to the Ministry of supply for the people, and if

as for exports and imports, the Bureau of foreign trade, and carries out his

activities according to their instructions.

The Commission is a legal person. Ľádným is not a profitable enterprise and

does not work, which would be directed to profit. The State and other

authorities are obliged to podporovati the Commission in its scope, in particular

then, these offices are obliged to set out to do, within their scope of action

laid down by the Commission.

Article 2.

Sloľení Czechoslovak Commission molasses.

The Czechoslovak Commission melasová shall consist of:

and 3 representatives of the industry) cukerního,

(b)) of 2 representatives of the Czechoslovak Commission cukerní,

(c)), from 3 industry representatives of the spirits,

(d)) of 2 representatives of the Czechoslovak Commission, alcohol,

(e)) of representatives of the droľďáren,

(f)) of 2 representatives of manufacturers of feedingstuffs,

(g) the representative of the State of obilního) of the Institute,

(h)) of 2 representatives of the growers of sugar beet,

ch) of 4 representatives of agricultural advice, and one representative of the agricultural

the Council in Prague, Brno, Opava and Bratislava,

I) of 5 representatives of the Government.

Members of the Commission and under)-g) listed his name, vyslechnuvąi zájemníky,

the Ministry for the supply of the people, the members under h) and ch) Department of

Agriculture after slyąení přísluąných corporations.

After one government representatives appointed by the Department for the supply of people,

the Ministry of finance, Ministry of agriculture, the Ministry of trade and

the Bureau of foreign trade.

These government representatives cater to State supervision of the Czechoslovak

the Commission melasovou. Are invited to the meetings of the full vąem and the work of the Committee

the Commission, and shall be entitled to speak at any time and suggestions, nichľ

It is the resolution. Also are entitled to odloľiti the implementation of the resolution

the full meeting of the Working Committee of the Commission and, in the meantime, upto decides

přísluąné Ministry. This decision is binding on the Commission. Government

representatives have the right to see into him téľ all books, records, and meeting

the Commission's file, and poľadovati for an explanation, which they consider necessary.

Article 3.

The authorities of the Commission.

The authorities of the Commission are:

and the President and the two Vice-Presidents),

(b)), the Commission, the Working Committee

(c)) full meetings of the Commission.

The Commission President and the Vice-Presidents shall elect from their number a full meeting

of the Commission. These officials elected in the full meeting of the Commission shall be subject to the approval

the Ministry of supply for the people.

Full meeting shall elect the Working Committee.

Members of the Commission are, if you are in the činni the Commission, its subsidiary bodies

public administration, the State with the rights and obligations of the position of the sluľebního

public authorities and, as such, will be taken into sluľebního the promise.

The Chairman and Vice-Chairmen of the Commission for the management of the Commission přísluąí,

jejíľ way and provides for the Ministry of supply of 1500 people.

The Czechoslovak Commission melasovou shall represent on the outside Chairman

(Vice Chairman). These officials are authorized to pověřiti third parties

that is on the outside, and is represented by the zplnomocniti, to the instruments and regulation

The Czechoslovak Commission molasses for them podpisovaly.

Article 4.

The tasks of the Commission and of the work of the Committee.

The task of the Commission is in particular:

1. Kontrolovati and have an eye on the manufacture of molasses and water, osmozové

vypracovati the rules of procedure, which would contain the téľ partition plan.

Rules of procedure subject to the approval of the participating ministries. Further

rozdělovati produced molasses and water consumers, osmozovou

kontrolovati, whether the consumers efficiently and in a timely manner runs molasses and osmozové

the water allocated to them.

2. the Commission shall be both to producers and to the consumers of all

measures and issues regulations that are necessary or advisable for

management of molasses and osmozovou water.

3. The Commission shall submit to the Ministry of supply people to his invitation and téľ

on its own initiative, proposals and opinions regarding the management of molasses and

about the price of molasses, jakoľ and in all issues related to the management

molasses and osmozovou water and its misuse. As regards imports,

the transit and export of molasses and osmozové water, tutéľ has an obligation to the Office

for foreign trade.

The task of the work of the Committee is in particular připravovati proposals that have

be made to the full meeting of the Commission.

The Working Committee is entitled to do veąkerá measures not

principielní důleľitosti, concerning the management of molasses and osmozovou

water, veąkerá measures and facilities, which was referred to the NEB.

uloľena full meetings of the Commission to deal with it, and finally all

the measures, which as a result of the sudden necessity of grace for nepřipouątějí upto

the resolution of the full meeting of the Commission.

The Working Committee is entitled to zříditi Advisory Councils of experts for the purpose of

consultation on the zvláątních záleľitostech of each of the expert groups. It is not

need to make members of these congregations were members of the Commission.

Article 5.

The obligation of notification.

Sugar factories, distilleries, ľivnostenské jakoľ i pressed factory droľdí and

concentrated feedingstuffs are obliged to oznámiti the Commission at any time to order your

stocks of molasses and osmozové water from the State in a day marked by the Commission and

in the manner specified by the Commission.

Tutéľ duty kaľdý else who has molasses and water in the osmozovou race

or in storage, převyąují-if these stocks 100 q.

Sugar factories are required to oznamovati the Commission for its production on 1 May 2004. and

15. kaľdého the month, how much molasses and water in half osmozové předeąlé

month and how many were produced in the following half of the month as they will get.

To the Commission are obliged to ľádosti sugar oznámiti how much diabetes and

raw sugar processed.

® ivnostenské distilleries and factories pressed droľdí and concentrated feedingstuffs,

jakoľ i vąichni others consumers molasses and osmozové of water are required to

oznamovati the Commission to order periodic or case by case,

how much molasses and osmozové water processed with regard to otherwise and

How many will be potřebovati for a period laid down by the Commission.

Article 6.

The seals.

Veąkeré stocks of molasses and water in osmozové day vyhláąky being readily

of this regulation, the jakoľ and veąkerá molasses and water osmozová onwards

they are produced under the conclusion. The latter has the effect that the substance given below

the conclusion may not even zpracovati, spotřebovati, zkrmiti, or voluntarily

or forcibly zciziti, if this does not dictate otherwise.

Seals shall be extinguished by the Czechoslovak Commission that melasová allocates supplies

to the consumer. However, the Commission is entitled to a credit under the conclusion again, molasses and

osmozovou water while being allocated, but not raw.

Molasses and osmozová water, which the Consumer Commission has allocated melasová

in the production of the period 1919/1920, may be further consumed and processed,

If the Commission does not give her the Czechoslovak melasová again under the conclusion.

Sugar refineries is permitted not later than 31 December 2006. May 1921 zkrmiti in its

nejvýąe own holdings to 10 percent (10 percent contingent)

molasses in the production period of the 1920/21, or special ordered produced to be fed

farmers-these however only molasses nesmíąenou-at a price that, when

populate into the barrel nepřevyąuje 106 USD per 100 kg (article 9, para. 1.).

The amount of molasses, delivered within the limits of 10% of the contingent, be in the day when

removed from the sugar refinery, are notified to the Commission with the Czechoslovak molasses

indication of the name and bydliątě odběratelova and buďteľ in addition, cumulatively

ohlaąovány at the same time with the announcement of the proposed regulation from the third

paragraph of article. 5.

In cases worthy of considerations which the Czechoslovak Commission melasová

povoliti prodlouľení the time limits laid down in the preceding paragraphs.

Veąkerá measures and regulation of the Commission, which is molasses concern of molasses and

osmozové of water produced in a production period of 1919/1920, remain

continue to be in force.

Article 7.

The distribution of molasses.

Veąkeré, selected from the molasses in the production period of the 1920/1921, reserves,

If the Ministry concerned otherwise ordered, at least 30% to be fed.

These amounts of molasses, if according to the article. 6. para. 4., sugar factories

neodevzdají its economy or farmers (a 10 percent

contingent), jakoľ and molasses and osmozovou water, which is not intended to

feedstuff, divides the Czechoslovak Commission melasová according to the laws of the

obsaľených in the rules of procedure (article. 4., para. 1.).

Molasses is the explicit allocation of the Czechoslovak Commission divides the molasses.

Article 8.

The adjustment of consumption and use.

The Czechoslovak Commission melasová go exclusively entitled and required to

veąkerou under the conclusion the molasses and osmozovou water kupovati and follow

This regulation to stack.

Producers, drľitelé and schovatelé molasses and water, the osmozové under the conclusion

and consumers, who ľádají for allocation of molasses and water, are osmozové

required to uposlechnouti statements and measures of the Czechoslovak Commission molasses

for the delivery and receipt of molasses and osmozové water, in particular the guidelines issued

According to the rules of procedure (article. 4., para. 1.) on the signing of the closing of the leaves and
binding prohláąení. Téľ are required to předloľiti the Czechoslovak Commission

molasses to its ľádosti veąkeré and jichľ statements, the Commission

He needs to carry out its task. The Commission is authorized to dovolávati with

the interplay between the public authorities, so that the accuracy of these data was


Kaľdý consumer molasses and osmozové water is required to pouľíti molasses and

osmozové of water, which he was the Czechoslovak Commission allocated melasovou

solely for the purpose specified in the allocation. Also, you may be molasses

sugar factories according to the article. 6. para. 4. supply farmers, pouľíti exclusively

to feed on the farm to apply.

Vąelijak otherwise upotřebiti, in particular, for consideration or free of charge to third parties

přenechati molasses, which was a Czechoslovak Commission melasovou it

or sugar delivered (article. 6. para. 4.), is obstructed.

If the consumer does not comply with the measure or the Czechoslovak Commission Regulation

molasses on the usage of molasses and osmozové of water allocated to him or

runs the molasses, which he added sugar factory (article. 6. para. 4.), to another

purpose than that is established in paragraph 1(b). 3. This article, can

The Czechoslovak Commission melasová naříditi, or allocated to sugar factories

the supplied molasses and water was osmozová law enforcement manner are withdrawn. This

the measure makes political office (administrative suzerain) first


With molasses odňatou law enforcement in a manner naloľí Czechoslovak Commission

melasová according to this regulation.

Molasses odňatou law enforcement in a way replaces the amount that, when

the metric system is about CZK 30 cents lower neľli admission price according to the provisions of the

article. 9. From this refund collides with in addition, the cost of the forced withdrawal.

Molasses withdrawn to law enforcement in a way budiľ the last drľitelem up to

the ride without the expense and professionally handled.

Profit from the continuing sale of acquired such a molasses, Czechoslovak Player saves

the Commission melasová to the Fund, on whose usage decides the Ministry for

the supply of people in agreement with the Ministry of finance.

Undertakings processing molasses and water osmozovou are obliged to molasses and

osmozovou water, which they have in stock and by the Czechoslovak Commission

melasová, zpracovati in the production of the period 1919/1921 in the enterprise,

jemuľ allocation has been given. If the Commission does not allow Czechoslovakia melasová

the exceptions to this obligation are required to undertakings processing molasses

its production so timely započíti and in it according to the allocation of molasses téľ

Let us proceed to the production period of the 1920/1921 ensure full

processing of molasses and molasses inventory allocated.

If an undertaking does not comply with this obligation, can his Czechoslovak

melasová, the Commission should be a reasonable period to comply with the obligations; to comply with the

in this period of commitment, can the Commission melasová without injury, Czechoslovakia

regulations, obsaľených in the article. 16. otherwise, use molasses naloľiti,

aniľ has a firm entitled to reimbursement of travel expenses, which he vzeąly uloľením,

transport, etc. molasses and water osmozové him and saved him for allocated.

Poruąení legislation obsaľených in paragraph 3. and 10. This article has

In addition to the legal consequences referred to in výąe then, that as bezprávný

the transferee, and the transferor shall cease to claim bezprávný molasses on its

more rations.

Against the vąem of the commands and the measures of the Czechoslovak Commission přísluąí molassed

participants within one week after the measures notified to the Commission a statement or

stíľnost to the Ministry of supply for the people.

Kaľdý the manufacturer, schovatel and consumer molasses and osmozové water shall be liable for

molasses and osmozovou water, which, for him, for whatever reason, is

uloľena, tudíľ, in particular also for the molasses and osmozovou water, which for him

the Czechoslovak Player saves the Commission melasová.

Kaľdý přejimatel osmozové water and molasses assumes all risk

transport of molasses and water osmozové him to be sent regardless of whether the molasses

and osmozová water has been allocated or just to save his intended.

Article 9.

Acceptance price, delivery, taking over and payment; přiráľky.

Acceptance of the price of molasses under the conclusion if it comes from the production period

1919/1920, is 50 CZK, if it comes from the period of the 1920/1921, 100

$ 10 per 100 kg, 50% polarisace, net cash without sráľky from

delivery stations, supplied to the boiler. Supplied to ľádosti

přejimatelově in barrels, zvyąují these prices by CZK 5 per 100 kg.

The required boiler cars and barrels, special ordered my přejimatel paid to the station


When the supply of water, either taken to the osmozové base price of molasses,

that for 100 kg of water osmozové dluľno polarisační pay for grade 1/50

the price of molasses, when čemľ and polarisačních degrees with fractions

be included.

Of delivery, taking over and payment of molasses and water in contact osmozové

The Czechoslovak Commission with molasses sugar factories, in this

Regulation or the rules of procedure (article. 4., para. 1.) otherwise, neustanovuje,

practice praľské Bursa with the difference that the molasses under 46% polarisace

can be special ordered with the usual sráľkou on the price.

The Czechoslovak Commission melasová determines whether the molasses is special ordered in boiler

wagons or in tonnes or in barrels. Kaľdý sugar factory is obliged to

the voucher Commission special ordered at least 15% of its production in barrels, nečítajíc in it

a contingent of 10 percent.

Disobeying this order constitutes an offense under article 16.

of the regulation.

Of delivery, taking over and payment of molasses and water in contact osmozové

The Czechoslovak Commission molasses with consumers the provisions

the previous paragraph, with the difference that the purchase price of molasses, doąlo to the challenge

cars were delivered to the boiler or barrels, to be pay in advance on

the basis of a 50% polarisace, the purchase price on the basis of osmozové water

30 percent polarisace, kdeľto súčtování, and that occurs later in the

allocations smaller than 150 molasses q obnáąí advance on the purchase price 115 Usd

for q; Furthermore, that when the supply of distilleries dluľno compensation for higher

polarisaci a percentage below 50 percent upto 45% 1/50, from 45 percent

in 43 percent of the 1/30 and under 43 percent 1/20 the price of $ 50, with regard to the 100

CZK, and that eventually can be special ordered molasses and osmozovou water below 75 degrees

sacharisace, aniľ sráľka occurs from prices for sacharisaci below 75 degrees.

The Ministry for the supply of the people can for molasses to industrial purposes in

the agreement with the Ministry of trade, which ustanoviti prices are turning from the prices

výąe listed.

If the Player saves the Czechoslovak Commission melasová molasses and water and osmozovou

It will allocate another přejimateli than by custodians, can from přejimatele

vymáhati vzeąlé uloľením expenses, transportation, and draw on,

interest etc.

For all disputes arising from the acceptance and delivery of molasses and

osmozové of the water determines if they have vztahovati habits

praľské Bursa and not the provisions of this regulation or the rules of procedure

(article. 4., para. 1.), the Court of arbitration praľské Bursa.

The Czechoslovak Commission melasová can osmozovou molasses and water from her

vybírati allocated to cover the costs of the Commission přiráľky to set the price,

jejichľ 1500 approved Ministry of supply people.

From molasses and osmozové of water, which is assigned the Czechoslovak Commission

melasovou from one sugar factory on his own fodder for alcohol

or pressed droľdí, if this factory already in the time of vyhláąení

of this regulation, the přiráľky téľ vybírati, however, it may not

převyąovati $ kaľdý 1.0-assigned a Quintal. The Czechoslovak

the Commission is entitled to melasová téľ vybírati přiráľku up to Czk 1.0-for

kaľdý quintal of molasses by sugar zkrmí within 10%

contingent (article. 6. para. 4.), or-if they allowed-téľ

over 10% of her contingent in their own farms, jakoľ and some molasses,

that will give farmers sugar factories to be fed according to the provisions of the article. 6.,

paragraph. 4., or on the basis of commitments for the delivery of beet (article. 11.).

Article 10.

Obligations of the ľivnostenských distilleries and factories pressed droľdí.

® ivnostenské distilleries and factories pressed droľdí, ľádají of

allocation of molasses or osmozové of water are required to prompt the Czechoslovak

the Commission přenechati molassed your boiler cars and storage room

(nádrľky) to all molasses and osmozová water, supplied in the production

the period 1920/1921, could be taken over and uloľena.

Also are required to take care on your own risk, and thy molasses and

osmozovou water for executing them (section 8, paragraph. 14.) and the Czechoslovak

the Commission has přísluąné molassed pay the price even with the přiráľkami.

If the molasses and osmozová water, uloľená in the distillery or at the factory to

pressed droľdí, has been assigned to a different business than by custodians,

the Commission will pay the Czechoslovak melasová to the distillery or factory

on the droľdí price vyąetřenou moulded according to the article. 9. with interest and with reasonable

the replacement for the transport, storage and other expenses according to the instructions in obsaľených

the rules of procedure.

1500 of these refunds and interest provides the Commission with the Czechoslovak melasová

the approval of the Ministry of supply for the people.

Article 11.

Zruąení contracts.

All the purchasing, sales and delivery of the contract about the molasses and water from osmozové

of the period 1920/1921, concluded before the beginning of the validity of this

Regulation, is zruąují.

The validity of obligations for the supply of molasses obsaľených in contracts for the supply of

beets, which were concluded before the production period of 1914/1915, then the validity of the
contracts entered into by the melasová Commission on the molasses and water osmozové

from the period of 1919/1920, is not affected.

Article 12.

Exports, imports and the parade of molasses and water osmozové.

Molasses and osmozovou water from the Customs cizozemska be dováľeti only with

the authorization of the Bureau of foreign trade, and through the Commission. The Commission

has the right to water, molasses, and osmozovou which was the third parties against this

under the regulation, credit and take care of her domestic skladiątě

for the price of the original, however, if this price is higher than the price of acceptance in the article. 9.

laid down, for the acceptance price.

Prodávati molasses and osmozovou water for export and the vyváľeti is through customs

the line, ąetří-if applicable regulations and obmezení, can be used only with the authorization of the

the Bureau of foreign trade, and by the Commission itself, or on the

the basis of the statement issued from it. The Commission's earlier than vyľádá, the uzavrou

the contract in question, the permission of the Office for foreign trade and the Ministry of

the supply of people.

When the molasses or osmozová cizozemska water, transit operations, are

the owners or drľitelé, jakoľ and all transportation, translation, uloľením

or jinakou the handling of an authorised person shall be obliged to immediately oznámiti

The Czechoslovak Commission molasses.

Article 13.

The export and import permits.

The Minister responsible for the guidance of the Bureau of foreign trade can pověřiti

the Commission authorisation of exports and imports of molasses and water osmozové.

The export and import permits on the molasses and water osmozovou issued on

zvláątních forms.

From the export and import permits collected by the Commission fee up to výąe 1/2

% of the value of the goods on the buyer's account and takes away this fee the authority for

foreign trade.

Article 14.

The way the activities of the Czechoslovak Commission molasses.

The Commission is entitled to the Czechoslovak melasová entrust the implementation of a purely

the business activities of his Office and procurement náleľející agenda

the third person or professional firm, that this activity will be vykonávati under the

supervision of the Commission, and that in this property přísluąejí rights and náleľejí

duties of the public authority (article. 3. para. 4.).

Article 15.

Brokerage fee provise and.

The current contract between the sugar factories and their agents and agents

remain as regards the brokerage fees and provise, which dluľno

pay through the, the intact.

Article 16.

Offences, punishment of the political authorities.

Infringements of this regulation, and also each interaction in the doom

the obligations laid down in this regulation, if they are not to be punished

Criminal Court, punishing political offices I., Slovakia and

Carpathian Ruthenia, the administrative police authorities a fine of up to 20,000

CZK or prison (locking) to ąesti months.

Article 17.

The beginning of the scope.

This Regulation shall enter into force on the day of vyhláąení. At the same time shall cease to

the validity of the regulation of the Government of the Republic of Czechoslovakia of 14 June. November

1919, no. 610 Coll. and n, and from 30 October. January 1920, no. 67 Coll. and n.

Article 18.


Exceptions this regulation imposes with Ministers for the supply of people,

Finance, agriculture, trade and to the Minister responsible for the leadership of the Office for

foreign trade.

Black in r.

Dr. Cinderella in r.

Dr. Burger in r.

Dr. Hotowetz in r..,

as Minister of trade and Minister responsible for the leadership of the Office for foreign

trade and the Minister of Finance on behalf of the absent.

Průąa in r.

Husák in r.

Dr. Kovarik in r.

Dr. Group in r.

Dr. Gruber v. r.

Dr. Hannah F in r.

Dr. Mičura in r.

Dr. Fajnor in r.

Dr. © usta v. r., Dr.

A walk in the r.