ON THE STABILITY OF TEACHING STAFF, INDICATING, bearing in mind that the National Congress has given its approval to the following Bill: "Single article.-Add the following second indent to Article 8 of Law No. 18.602:" No However, as set out in the previous paragraph, the teaching staff of the individual educational establishments supported under the decree with force of law N ° 2, of Education, of 1989, will also be entitled to the benefit it grants Article 10 of this Law. '.'; As I have had to approve and sanction it, therefore promulgate and take effect as the Law of the Republic. Santiago, May 11, 1990.-PATRICIO AYLWIN AZOCAR, President of the Republic.-Ricardo Lagos Escobar, Minister of Education. What I transcribe to you for your knowledge.-Raul Allard Neumann, Undersecretary of Education.