GRANTS READJUSTMENT OF SALARIES TO THE PUBLIC SECTOR, GRANTS CHRISTMAS AGUINALDO, INCREASES UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFIT, AND DICTATES OTHER PECUNIARY RULES Having regard to the fact that the National Congress has given its approval to the following Article 1 of the Law: " Article 1.-Grant, as from 1 December 1990, a general adjustment of 25% to remuneration, allowances, benefits and other remuneration in respect of money, taxable, taxable for health and pensions, or non-taxable persons, public sector workers. The above adjustment shall not, however, apply to workers in the same sector whose remuneration is fixed in accordance with the collective bargaining provisions laid down in the Labour Code and its accompanying rules, or for workers whose remuneration is established, agreed or paid in foreign currency. Nor shall it govern the appropriations of the decree with force of law No 150 of 1981 of the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, the Social Welfare Secretariat, or of workers in the public sector whose remuneration is fixed by the employer. The additional remuneration referred to in the first subparagraph, fixed in percentage of the salaries, shall not be directly re-adjusted but shall be calculated on the basis of the adjustment in accordance with the provisions of this Article at 1 ° December 1990. Article 2.-The general readjustment laid down in the first indent of the preceding article shall apply, at 1 ° December 1990, to the remuneration in force of the professional officials governed by Law No 15,076. Article 3.-Readjust, as from 1 December 1990, by 25%, the current amounts corresponding to the grants provided for in Article 5 ° of the decree with force of law N ° 1,385, 1980, of the Ministry of Justice, and in their complementary rules. Article 4.-Concedese, for one time, a Christmas bonus for workers who, at 30 November 1990, perform in the entities referred to in Article 1 of Law No 18,998, in any of the qualities determining the same and the persons referred to in Article 3 of that law, who are the same on the same date. The amount of the aguinaldo will be $8,000 for the workers whose paid liquid remuneration in the month of November is equal to or less than $75,000 and $4,000 for those whose liquid remuneration exceeds that amount. For these purposes, the total of the permanent character corresponding to that month shall be understood as a liquid remuneration, with the sole deduction of the taxes and the pre-viewing contributions of a compulsory nature. Likewise, for once, the pensioners who, on the date indicated in the preceding paragraph, are from one of the entities listed in Article 2 of Law No. 18,998, a Christmas aguinaldo of $1,500, for each person for the who perceive a family or maternal assignment. Pensioners who do not receive family or maternal allowance will be entitled to a $1,500 aguinaldo. The same aguinaldo granted by the preceding paragraph will correspond to those who have the quality of the beneficiary of the aid pensions of Decree Law No. 869, 1975, at the date indicated in that paragraph. In the case of downwater, the rules laid down in Articles 4, 5, 6 and 7, second and third, of Law No 18,998, and Articles 2 and 6 of Law No 18,190 shall apply in respect of downwater. This article may impetre the aguinaldo of two or more different entities, they shall only be entitled to that which corresponds to them for the remuneration of greater amount. The workers who, in turn, are pensioners of some system of foresight, will only be able to perceive the aguinaldo in this last quality. Each pensioner will be entitled to only one bonus, even if he has more than one pension. Article 5.-Substitute, to be counted from 1 ° December 1990, in Articles 46 and 64 of the decree with force of law N ° 150, 1981, of the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare, Subsecretariat of Social Welfare, the amounts of $6,000, $4,000 and $3,000 for $9,000, $6,000 and $4,500, respectively. Article 6.-Increase, in $757,549 thousands the contribution provided by article 2 ° of the decree with force of law N ° 4, 1981, of the Ministry of Public Education. The distribution of this increase among the higher education institutions will be done in the same proportion as the initial contribution. Article 7 °.-The Minister of Finance may provide, in respect of entities with the public sector's own assets and of the undertakings referred to in Article 11 of Law No 18,382, the supply of the quantities necessary to pay the increases in remuneration for 1990, which orders this law, if they cannot finance them, in whole or in part, with their own resources or surpluses. Article 8.-Substitute, as from 1 January 1991, the first indent of Article 4 (1) of Decree Law No 2.325 of 1978, as follows: ' The members of the Special Courts of Alzada and its Secretaries, in accordance with Article 121 of the Tax Code, they will enjoy an assistance, which will be a fiscal charge, of five thousand pesos per session to be attended, with a maximum of seventy thousand pesos per calendar month. " Article 9 °.-The highest fiscal expenditure representing in 1990 the application of this law will be financed from item 50-01-03-25-33.004, from the budget item Treasury Public. For the payment of the water, funds may be made available with direct imputation to this item. " And because I have had to approve and sanction it; therefore, promulgate and take effect as the Law of the Republic. Santiago, November 16, 1990.-PATRICIO AYLWIN AZOCAR, President of the Republic.-Alejandro Foxley Rioseco, Minister of Finance.-René Cortazar Sanz, Minister of Labor and Social Welfare. What I transcribe to you for your knowledge.-Salute to you-Pablo Pinera Echenique, Undersecretary of Finance.