AUTHORIZES THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION PRO BOY AND ADULT MENTAL DEFICIENT TO DISPOSE OF REAL ESTATE Having present that the National Congress has given its approval to the following Bill: " Article 1 °.-Authorize the Corporation of Private Law "National Pro Child and Poor Adult Mental Association" to make the real estate of its property located in Santiago, Avenida Irarrazaval N ° 2305 of the commune of Nunoa, which was free of charge of the Fisco and that the public deed granted dated June 21, 1971, to the Notary Public of Santiago don Demetrio Gutiérrez López and registered to fojas 17.183 N ° 23,909 of the Land Registry of the Conservative Real Estate of Santiago, corresponding to the year 1971. Article 2 °.-Repeal Article 2 of Law No 17.348. ' As I have had to approve and sanction it, therefore promulgate and take effect as the Law of the Republic. Santiago, 16 November 1990.-PATRICIO AYLWIN AZOCAR, President of the Republic.-Luis Alvarado Constenla, Minister of National Assets. What I transcribe to you for your knowledge.-Salute to you-Maria Pia Figueroa Edwards, Undersecretary of National Assets.