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(i) APPROVE THE LAW ON PUBLIC SECTOR BUDGETS FOR 1991, bearing in mind that the National Congress has given its approval to the following Bill: " I.-CALCULATION OF INCOME AND ESTIMATES OF EXPENDITURE |! | Article 1. Revenue and the |! | Estimate of the Expenditure of the Sector Budget |! | Public, for the year 1991, according to the detail that is |! |indicates: A.-In National Currency: In Thousands of $Summary of the Deductions From Budget Transfers of the Intra Sector Net Value _______________ ______________ __________ REVENUE 2.655.304.329 140.995.582 2,514.308.747 ________ _____________ ___________ _____________ Income from Operation 168.082,769 2.415.482 165.667.287 Previewing Impositions 193.741,652 193.741,652 Income Tax 1,825,257,484 1,825,257,484 Sale of Assets 113.048.020 113.048.020 Loan Recovery 62.112,068 62.112,068 Transfers154,354,793 138,580,100 15,774,693 Other Revenue -111.207,956 -111.207,956 Indebtedness 188,425,227 188,425,227 Operations Previous Years 4,553,854 4,553,854 Initial Balance Box 56,936,418 56,936,418 EXPENSES 2.655.304.329 140.995.582 2,514,308,747 Expenditure on Personnel 326.050.177 326.050.177 Consumer Goods and Services 172,282,332 172,282,332 Goods and Services for Production 14,818,159 14,818,159 Previewing Benefits 634,430,969 634,430,969 Current Transfers 840,429,952 120,005,233 720.424,719 Real Investment 270,748,586 270,748,586 Financial Investment 82,375,151 82,375,151 Capital transfers 57.549,135 9.066,099 48.483,036 Public Debt Service 184,401,073 11,924,250 172,476,823 Operations Previous Years 6,602,456 6,602,456 Other Outstanding Commitments 1.882,777 1.882,777 Final Balance of Box 63,733,562 63,733,562 B.-In Foreign Currency converted to dollars. In Thousands of US$ Summary of Budget Deductions Transfers of Intra Items Sector Net Value _______________ ______________ __________ INCOME 1.333,516 151.596 1.181.920 ________ _________ _______ _________ Operation Income 249,022 249,022 Income Tax 241,063 241,063 Loan Recovery 337 337 Transfers 151,596 151,596 Other Income 510,887 510,887 Debt 164,592 164,592 Operations Previous Years 52 52 Initial Balance Of Box 15,967 15,967 EXPENSES 1.333.516 151.596 1.181.920 ________ _________ _______ _________ Expenses in Staff 61,535 61,535 Consumer Goods and Services 115,351 115,351 Goods and Services for Production 230 230 Preview Benefits 155 155 Current Transfers 178,230 150,000 28,230 Real Investment 25,014 25,014 Financial Investment 130,340 130,340 Capital Transfers 7,631 7,631 Public Debt Service 809,884 1,596 808,288 Operations Previous Years 980 980 Other Outstanding Commitments 405 405 Final Balance of Box 3,761 3,761 Article 2 °-Approve Income Calculation |! | General of the Nation and the estimate of the contributions |! |prosecutors in national currency and in Foreign currency |! |converted to dollars, for the year 1991 to the Partidas |! |which are indicated: In Thousands of $In Thousands of US$ _____________ _______________ GENERAL INCOME OF THE NATION Income from Operation 37,929,716 227,015 Income Tax 1,825,257,484 241,063 Sale of Assets 1,012,702 Recovery of Loan 267,899 Transfers 4,748,477 Other Income -95,233,192 329,587 Debt 46,014,163 150,000 Initial Balance of Cash 25,000,000 2,000 Total Revenue 1.844.997,249 949,665 TAX CONTRIBUTION: Presidency of the Republic 1.580.237 755 National Congress 10.667.189 Judiciary 10.518.954 Comptroller General of the Republic 2.972.482 Ministry of the Interior 31.141,882 Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2.999.037 79,826 Ministry of Economy, Development and Reconstruction 6.424.816 Ministry of Finance 14.176.201 3,500 Ministry of Education 255.548,992 Ministry of Justice 24.061,769 Ministry of National Defense 202,628.180 93,618 Ministry of Public Works 70.585,026 Ministry of Agriculture 8.878,979 Ministry of National Goods 783,037 Ministry of Public Works of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare 527.206.976 Ministry of Health 86.232.114 Ministry of Mining 3.505,535 1,705 Ministry of Housing and Urbanism 74.432,458 Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications 1,622.610 General Secretariat of Government 2.255.242 532 Ministry of Planning and Cooperation 7.985.922 3.090 Ministry General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Republic 751,078 Special Programs of the Public Treasury: -Subsidies 88,270,231 National Family Allowance Fund 12,032,100 Other Subsidies 76.238.131-Additional Operations 351.896,695 166,808-Public Debt 57.871,607 599,831 TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1.844.997.249 949,665 II-SUPPLEMENTARY PROVISIONS Article 3.-The prior identification of investment projects, as referred to in Article 19a of Decree Law No. 1.263, 1975, corresponding to items 61 to 74 of this budget for public bodies and services, shall be approved by supreme decree issued by the Ministry of Finance, which will carry, in addition, the signature of the Minister of the respective branch. With respect to the items mentioned above that correspond to the budgets of the National Regional Development Fund, the identification of the investment projects will be carried out by resolution of the Secretariat for Regional and Administrative Development. of the Ministry of the Interior, endorsed by the Budget Directorate. These resolutions and those which are issued during the year 1991 in accordance with the provisions of the seventh paragraph of this Article shall be construed as immediate execution, without prejudice to the referral of the originals to the General Accounting Office. Republic for its taking of reason and subsequent control. Notwithstanding the foregoing paragraph, the investment projects whose total cost for each project is not more than four million pesos will be identified by resolution of the respective Regional Mayor. The total amount of these projects may not exceed the amount of the sum that represents 3% of the transfer from the Regional Development and Administrative Department of the Ministry of the Interior. initially to the Region in this Budget and the one that means the effective cash income that it obtains on the basis of the sales of physical assets that are carried out in 1991, including those arising from the application of Article 12 of this law. Regional Intenders may directly contract the execution of the approved investment projects for the corresponding Region in accordance with the provisions of the second and third subparagraphs of this Article. These contracts must be awarded through the public proposal mechanism. The investment of the quantities entered in the items referred to in the preceding points may be made only after the approval of the identification. The identification in the form predisposed will be applied in respect of the approved funds for item 53 "Studies for Investments". In these identifications, it is not necessary to record the quantity for the corresponding study. By way of derogation from the preceding points, the identification of the allocations to be created during the year 1991 shall be in accordance with the general rules laid down by Article 26 of Decree Law No 1,263 of 1975. No organ or public service may conclude contracts that commit the investment of resources of the items indicated above or of other resources associated with investments of the same nature, without first having made the identification refers to this article. Authorization to carry out in the month of December 1990, publications of call for public proposals, studies and investment projects for 1991, which are included in decrees or resolutions of identification, as appropriate, in The Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic. Also, these publications of studies and investment projects, which are included in decrees of budgetary modifications of 1991, may be carried out since the respective document enters the procedure in the Comptroller General of the Republic. Article 4 °.-The public authorities and services, included in this law, will need prior authorization from the Ministry of Finance for the acquisition or leasing of data processing equipment and its complementary elements. The same authorisation shall require the procurement of data processing services either independently or as part of a service delivery agreement which includes them and any extensions or modifications thereof. The leases of data processing equipment, which have been sanctioned in previous years by the Ministry of Finance and which maintain the agreed conditions, will not need to renew their approval. The provisions of this Article shall not apply in respect of equipment which is part of or components of an investment project identified in accordance with the provisions of Article 3. Article 5 °.-Authorize the President of the Republic to contract obligations, either in the country or abroad, in national currency or in foreign currencies, up to the amounts of $46,014,163 thousand and US$ 150,000 thousand, which by concept of Debt is included in the General Revenue Calculation of the Nation. In addition, you will be authorized to contract obligations, either in the country or abroad, up to the amount of US$ 1,400,000 thousands of the United States of America or its equivalent in other foreign currencies or national currency. In no case shall the obligations in the country exceed 10% of this total. For the purposes of this Article, bonds and other documents in national or foreign currency may be issued and placed, which may be printed by the signature of the Treasurer General of the Republic. The share of the obligations under this authorisation, which is amortised within the financial year 1991, shall not be considered in the calculation of the margin of indebtedness set out in the preceding subparagraphs. The authorization granted to the President of the Republic will be exercised by supreme decrees issued through the Ministry of Finance, in which the specific destination of the obligations to be contracted will be identified. Article 6.-The number of hours of overtime, fixed in the budgets of each public service, is the maximum for the respective service, and includes both the estimated and the estimated overtime to be followed by the the ordinary day, such as the night or on Saturday, Sunday and public holidays. The number of ordinary hours which are fulfilled on Saturday, Sunday and public holidays or at night time is not included in that number, but the surcharge corresponding to those hours is included in the resources which are indicated for the payment of overtime. Resolutions that provide for the execution of works from the overtime programs included in this law will not require the visation of the Ministry of Finance. Article 7 °.-Prohibit public organs and services, the acquisition or construction of buildings for the exclusive use of their staff. It will not govern this prohibition with respect to the programs on this matter incorporated in the budgets of the Judicial Branch, the Ministry of National Defense, and the National Regional Development Fund. The same ban will apply to the municipalities except for housing for teachers and health personnel in remote areas and rural areas. Article 8 °.-The maximum number of motor vehicles fixed in the Parties to this law for public services comprises all those intended for the carriage of passengers and cargo by land, including those purchased directly from investment projects. The allocation may be increased in respect of some or some of these, by means of a supreme decree issued by the corresponding Ministry, dictated by the formula "By order of the President of the Republic", which must be endorsed by the Ministry of Finance, with a reduction in the maximum allocation of other services, without any increase in the maximum amount of the Ministry in question. In the respective supreme decree, the transfer of the corresponding vehicle or vehicles from the service in which it is reduced may be made available. To this effect, the vehicles must be properly identified and the decree will serve as sufficient title to transfer the domain of them, and must be registered in the Registry of Motor Vehicles. The public services which are fixed in this law maximum of motor vehicles, may not take in lease any kind of such vehicles without prior authorization from the Ministry of Finance. Article 9 °.-Public services of the civil administration of the State, will require prior authorization from the Ministry of Finance for the acquisition of any kind of motor vehicles destined for the land transport of passengers and cargo. The acquisition, free of charge, which is authorised shall increase the maximum amount of motor vehicles referred to in the previous Article up to the amount entered in the authorization and shall be fixed by means of a supreme decree of Finance. Article 10.-The resources referred to in Article 38 of Decree Law No 3,063 of 1979 corresponding to the commune referred to in Article 46 (2) of Decree Law No 2,868 of 1979, as long as the installation of the The respective municipality, will be delivered by the Service of the Treasury to the Intendant of the XII Region, for its use in the jurisdictional area of that commune. Article 11.-Public bodies and services, governed by Decree Law No 1,263 of 1975, will require prior authorization from the Ministry of Finance to commit themselves through the system of contracts for the lease of goods. furniture with option to buy the well-leased. Article 12-The proceeds of the sales of tax real estate which are not intended for the purposes of Article 56 of Decree Law No 1.939 of 1977, which the Ministry of National Assets carried out during the year 1991, and the Quotas to be received in that year for sales from 1986 to 1990 shall be temporarily incorporated as the budget revenue of that Ministry. These resources will be allocated to the following objectives: 65% to the National Regional Development Fund of the Region in which the property was located; 5% to the Ministry of National Assets, and 30% to the tax benefit, which will be paid to general. The rule laid down in this Article shall not govern the sales made by the Ministry to public bodies and services, or to undertakings in which the State, its institutions or undertakings have a capital contribution of 50% or more, or of the enajenations which are carried out in accordance with the provisions of Article 1 of Law No 17.174 and in Decree Law No 2,569 of 1979. Nor shall it govern in respect of the enajenations whose price balances are the subject of interest rebates, grants, reprogramming, payment waivers or consolidations, by virtue of legal provisions dictated or dictated to the effect. Article 13.-Conventions or agreements concluded by the public bodies and services included in this law and which import the acceptance of donations of goods or resources for the performance of their activities, shall require prior authorization from the Ministry of Finance. Article 14.-Authorize the President of the Republic to subscribe, on behalf of the Government of Chile, the Ninth Replenishment of Resources of the International Development Association, up to a value of US$ 96,312 (Ninety-six thousand three hundred The United States of America (US), payable in Chilean pesos at the exchange rate of 31 October 1989, that is, the amount of $26,162,192 (Twenty-six-million-sixty-two-thousand-ninety-two-pesos). The President of the Republic may delegate to the Minister of Finance the power to subscribe to the foregoing paragraph. Article 15.-The provisions of this law shall apply from 1 January 1991, without prejudice to the fact that the decrees referred to in Articles 3 and 5 and the resolutions referred to in the Articles may be issued in December 1990. 3 ° and 6 °. Article 16.-The supreme decrees of the Ministry of Finance to be issued in compliance with the provisions of the various articles of this Law shall be in accordance with the provisions of Article 70 of Decree Law No 1,263 of 1975. This procedure shall also apply in respect of all the decrees which it is necessary to issue for the implementation of the budget and to comply with Article 3 of this Law. The approvals and authorizations of the Ministry of Finance established in the article of this law, for whose granting are not expressly required to be carried out by supreme decree, and the prior authorization prescribed in Article 22 of the Decree Law No. 3.001, 1979, and Article 6 of the decree with force of law No. 1,046, of the Treasury, of 1977, will be fulfilled by the office or the office of the Deputy Minister of Finance. Article 17.-Substitute, in Articles 38 of Decree Law No 3,529 of 1980, and 1 °, second indent of the decree with force of Law No 15, of the Treasury, of 1981, the reference to the year "1990" per year "1991". ' And because I have had to approve and sanction it; therefore, promulgate and take effect as the Law of the Republic. Santiago, November 28, 1990.-PATRICIO AYLWIN AZOCAR, President of the Republic.-Alejandro Foxley Rioseco, Minister of Finance. What I transcribe to you for your knowledge.-Salute to you-Pablo Pinera Echenique, Undersecretary of Finance.