MODIFIES THE D.F.L. N ° 1 (G), 1968, STATUTE OF PERSONNEL OF THE ARMED FORCES Having present that the H. National Congress has given its approval to the following Bill: " Single article.-Enter the following |! |modifications to the decree with force of law N ° 1 (G), of |! | 1968, Staff Regulations of the Armed Forces, whose |! |text recast, coordinated and systematized was fixed |! |by Supreme Decree (G) N ° 148, 1986: 1.-Replace the N ° 2 of the article 5 ° by the |! |following: " 2.-Armada a) Line-Of Arms * Executives and Naval Engineers. * Marines. * Cover and Machines. -Supply-Of The Coast-Of Sea (b) Of The Services-Of Justice-Of Dental Health-Of Marine Services * Practitioners * Of Religious Service-Of Bands ". 2.-Interleave The Following (e) new, al |! passing the current letter e) to be letter f): " e) Officers of the Litoral Guardiamarine ........................ 1 year Sublieutenant .......................... 3 years Lieutenant 2 ° .......................... 5 years Lieutenant 1 ° .......................... 6 years Captain of Corbeta ................... 5 years Captain of Fragata ................... 5 years Captain of Navio ..................... " 3.-Replace the letter (d) of the article 48 °, by the |! |following: " d) Officers of the Marine Practical Services Capt of Corbeta ................... 5 years Captain of Fragata ................... Inspectors Captain of Corbeta ................... 5 years Captain of Fragata ................... " 4.-Substitute in Article 108 (c), the |! |expression "Maritime Services Officers (Littoral, |! | Practice and Inspectors)" by the following "Officers |! |of the Litoral, Practices and Inspectors". 5.-Substitute in the third subparagraph of the Article |! | 179 °, the phrase "To the staff of the Maritime Services" |! |by "To the Officers of the Litoral and to the staff of the |! | Marine Services". 6.-Replace in the sixth paragraph of article 179 ° |! |the expression " Officers of the Services Maritime ", por |! |" Officers of the Litoral, Practical and Inspectors ". 7.-Substitute in Article 239 ° bis, the phrase |! | "the staff of the Maritime Services" by "the |! | Officers of the Litoral and the staff of the Services |! | Maritimes". ". And because I have had to approve and sanction it; therefore, promulgate and take effect as the Law of the Republic. Santiago, December 13, 1990.-PATRICIO AYLWIN AZOCAR, President of the Republic.-Patricio Rojas Saavedra, Minister of National Defense. What I transcribe to you for your knowledge.-Salute atte., to you-Tomas Puig Casanova, Deputy Secretary of the Navy.