FUSIONA PLANTS OF THE MINISTRY OF EDUCATION Having present that the H. National Congress has given its approval to the following Bill: " Article 1.-Merge the Plants of the Ministry |! |of Education, established in the laws N ° s. 18.827, |! | 18.830 and 18.886 and suitable by the decree with force of |! |law No. 1, 1990, of that Ministry, which were |! |set separately for the Central Level and for the |! | Regional level, which form a Plant |! | National, in the The following is indicated: _____________________________________________________ National Grade Plant Cargos Ministry of Education _____________________________________________________ Minister B 1 Assistant Secretary C 1 ____ Directives 2 Head Division General Education 2 1 _____________________________________________________ National Grade Plant Cargos Ministry of Education _____________________________________________________ Head Division Higher Education 2 1 Head Division Cultural Extension 2 1 Head Division Planning and Budgets 2 1 Head of Department Legal Department 3 1 Head of Department General Administration 3 1 Head of Department Head of Training and Research Centre (C. P. E. I (C.P.E.I.P.) 3 1 Chief Cabinet Minister 3 1 Regional Secretaries-Ministry of Education Head of Department Cultural Extension Activities 4 1 Heads of Departments 4 9 Heads of Departments 5 7 Heads of Departments 6 18 Heads of Department 7 1 Heads of Departments 8 56 Directives 9 4 Heads of Departments 9 41 Directives 10 14 Directives 12 9 Managers 13 18 Managers 14 60 Managers 15 30 Managers 16 59 Managers 17 51 Managers 18 21 ___ 420 Professional Professionals 4 1 Professionals 5 2 Professionals 6 10 Professionals 7 9 Professionals 8 33 Professionals 9 60 Professionals 10 183 Professionals 11 259 Professionals 12 548 Professionals 13 60 Professionals 14 54 Professionals 15 84 Professionals 16 33 Professionals 17 8 Professionals 18 65 Professional 19 1 Professionals 20 7 ___ 1,417 Technical Technicians 10 1 Technicians 12 4 Technicians 13 3 Technicians 14 8 Technicians 15 6 Technicians 16 12 Technicians 17 9 Technicians 18 9 Technicians 19 25 Technicians 20 2 Technicians 21 3 Technicians 23 5 Technician 24 1 ____ 88 Administrative Administrative 14 6 Administrative 15 36 Administrative 16 14 Administrative 17 4 Administrative 19 112 Administrative 20 90 Administrative 21 86 Administrative 22 36 Administrative 23 72 Administrative 24 2 Administrative 25 46 Administrative 26 58 Administrative 27 46 Administrative 28 2 ____ 610 Auxiliary auxiliaries 22 1 Auxiliary 25 49 Auxiliary 26 76 Auxiliary 27 70 Auxiliary 28 143 ---- 339 ---- TOTAL 2,876 Article 2 °.-The application of this law may not mean a reduction of the current The total of 2,253 charges currently covered by the Ministry of Education's National Regional Plant, fixed in DFL No 1, shall be maintained by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Education. 1990, of that Ministry. Article 3.-The annotations relating to changes and deletions of charges as they become vacant, which are contained in the decree with force of law N ° 1, 1990, of the Ministry of Education, concerning the Central and Central Level Regional, they remain in force with respect to the merged National Plant. Article 4 °.-The pigeonage which originates the merger provided for in Article 1 of this Law, shall proceed in full right and shall be governed from the date of publication in the Official Journal of the decree with force of law N ° 1, 1990, of the Ministry of Education, the rules of the first transitional article of Law No. 18,834 on Administrative Staff Regulations should be applied in their respect. The decree or resolution referred to in the final paragraph of the first transitional article of Law No. 18,834 shall be issued in respect of the pigeonings ordered by this law. Article 5.-The requirements for the entry and promotion of the respective plants, are those referred to in the decree with force of Law No. 1, 1990, of the Ministry of Education. " And for I have had to approve and sanction it; therefore promulgate and take effect as the Law of the Republic. Santiago, January 23, 1991.-PATRICIO AYLWIN AZOCAR, President of the Republic.-Ricardo Lagos bromar, Minister of Education. What I transcribe to you for your knowledge.-Salute to you-Raul Allard Neumann, Undersecretary of Education. Finance.