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REORGANIZES THE MINISTRY GENERAL SECRETARY OF GOVERNMENT Having present that the National Congress has given its approval to the following Bill: " Article 1 °.-The Ministry General Secretariat of Government is in charge of acting as an organ of government communication, which can be used to carry out its relations with social organizations, in its broadest sense; to exercise the capacity of the government communications system, and to serve as the Secretariat of the Cabinet Council. Article 2.-Corresponding to the Ministry's Ministry of Government in particular: a) To carry out all the work of the Secretariat of Government and of the Cabinet Councils; as well as to register and communicate, when it comes, the agreements, conclusions and determinations of such Councils; b) Establish effective channels of communication between rulers and governed; c) Constituir a channel of linkage between the government and the various social organizations, whatever their nature, respecting fully the autonomy of these, with the purpose of facilitating the expression of the needs of the public and to resolve them according to the social interest; to promote the national values of national culture through the participation of the citizenry, in coordination with the Ministry of Education; and) to serve as an organ of government information, providing the material that corresponds to the media (f) Identify the overall and specific communication needs of the various governmental bodies and propose to them the appropriate strategies to meet them; (g) Collaborate with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the linkage and cultural insertion of Chile at the level (h) To participate in the elaboration of the Government's global policies, and (i) to give an annual account of citizen participation in public administration, for the which should establish the relevant coordination mechanisms. Article 3 °.-The Ministry General Secretariat of |! | Government will be composed of the Minister, the |! | Undersecretary and the Office of Planning. In turn, |! |the Subsecretariat will be integrated by the Divisions of |! | Social Communication and Civil Organizations and the |! | Coordination and Administrative Departments. Empower the President of the Republic to |! |within one year you can modify the |! |organization that treats this article. Article 4 °.-The Plant of the Ministry General Secretariat of Government is fixed by the Decree with Force of Law No. 17 of 16 March 1990, published in the Official Journal of 21 April 1990. Article 5.-For all legal purposes, references which, in any legal or regulatory text, are made to the General Secretariat of Government, shall be understood as references to the Ministry of Government. Article 6.-Decree Law No. 1.385 of 1976 and the Decree with Force of Law No. 11 of 30 November 1976. Transitional Article.-The Ministry General Secretariat will continue to develop, until 31 December 1991 at the latest or until the date of its transfer to other entities, the functions detailed: 1) Supreme Government with women's organizations to integrate women into the social, cultural and economic development of the country. For this purpose: (a) To carry out programmes aimed at the training of women; b) To disseminate family values; c) To highlight the importance of women and to cooperate in guidance for their best performance as a mother, spouse and householder; Women's participation in social, cultural and economic development; and) Collaborating in programmes that contribute to the training and development of the child in the family context; f) Collaborating with other female institutions in tasks (g) Collaborating on the specific tasks that each of the Member Ministry entrusts her and they have a relationship with her functions and objectives, and h) Relate with Embassies, International Organizations and foreign women's institutions and appoint their representatives in the international women's events, in coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 2) To collaborate in the Supreme Government's relationship with youth organizations, to integrate the youth into the cultural, social and economic development of the country. For this purpose: (a) Propose plans and programmes for the promotion of education, sport, culture, recreation and youth welfare; b) Promote the creation of youth bodies that will complement the training of their members, develop their (c) Support, coordinate, advise, train and guide the organisations referred to in the previous point; (d) to identify the concerns and needs of young people and youth organisations; and (e) To promote, in the international arena, the exchange of experience and knowledge They say they are related to youth work. The powers set out in the preceding letters are granted without prejudice to those of other ministries. As from 1 January 1992 or the date on which the said functions are transferred to other bodies, the staff of the Ministry of Government General Secretariat shall be removed from the staff of the Ministry of Government. These functions and will be reduced from the authorizations to hire in Special Programs granted in the Law of Budgets, the number of jobs that is assigned to the above functions. Similarly, the maximum allocation of the Ministry in the number of jobs that corresponds will be reduced. " And because I have had to approve and sanction it; therefore, promulgate and take effect as the Law of the Republic. Santiago, January 14, 1991.-PATRICIO AYLWIN AZOCAR, President of the Republic.-Enrique Correa Rios, Secretary General of Government. What I transcribe to Ud., for your knowledge.-Saluda atte. Jorge Donoso Pacheco, Deputy Secretary General of Subrogating Government.