REPLACE ARTICLE 26 OF LAW NO 6,640 AND AMEND LAW N ° 18.846 Having regard to the fact that the National Congress has given its approval to the following Bill: " Article 1 °.-Replace Article 26 of Law No 6,640, the text of which was fixed by Article 32 (b) of Law No 18,899, as follows: " Article 26.-The Council of the Corporation, by agreement established by the four-fifths of its members in exercise, without prejudice to its general powers, may provide the disposal of its loans to banks and financial institutions by means of public tender and The price may be lower than the nominal value of these, starting from a minimum value to be fixed for that purpose. The Corporation shall communicate to the debtor, by registered letter addressed to the registered office of the institution, that its credit has been included in the portfolio to be tendered, 30 days in advance, at least, to the date of opening of the offers. Within 10 working days from the date of the opening of tenders, the Corporation shall, by means of a certified letter, provide the debtor with the right to pre-pay its debt in an amount equal to the largest of the offers received in the corresponding tender. The option must be exercised by the debtor within the 15-day period from the date of issue of that letter by the Post Office and must include the payment of an additional amount not exceeding 3% of the amount established, fixed at the basis of the invitation to tender and which shall yield to the benefit of the bank or financial institution which has made the best offer in case the latter or the latter is not awarded the tendered credit, or the Corporation, if the prepayment is not made within 30 days from the date of the option. If the debtor does not exercise the option or will not make the prepayment within the respective pazos, the Corporation shall award the tendered credit to the highest bid. " Article 2.-The Corporation for the Promotion of Production, without prejudice to the powers granted to it by its organic rules, may dispose of the goods that form part of its patrimony, whatever its nature, according to the (a) The provisions shall be made for consideration and shall be arranged by resolutions of the Executive Vice-President, after approval by the Council of the Corporation. Decisions shall express whether the disposal shall be carried out by public auction or public proposal. Article 3.-The following amendments to Law No 18.846: 1. Article 12 (2), as follows: ' Article 12.-The price of the concession shall be 40% in favour of the Municipality of Iquique, 30% in favour of the other municipalities. of the province of Iquique, by equal parts, and by thirty percent in favor of the National Fund for Regional Development, I Region of Tarapaca. "." Attended to the provisions of Article 82 of the Constitution of the Republic and the judgment of the Excmo. The Constitutional Court dated September 9, 1991, and because I have had to approve and sanction it; therefore, promulgate and take effect as the Law of the Republic. Santiago, September 17, 1991.-PATRICIO AYLWIN AZOCAR, President of the Republic.-Carlos Ominami Pascual, Minister of Economy, Development and Reconstruction. What I transcribe to you for your knowledge.-Salute attentively to you-Jorge Marshall Rivera, Undersecretary of Economy, Development and Reconstruction.