MODIFY INTERNAL TAX SERVICE PERSONNEL PLANTS Having present that the H. National Congress has |! |given its approval to the following Bill of Law: " Article 1 °.-Modify the Plants of Personnel of the Internal Revenue Service, approved by Article 14 of Law No. 19,041, and governed by the Remuneration Scale of the Comptroller General of the Republic and the Fiscalizing Institutions, in the following terms: 1) PLANT OF DIRECTORS a) Believe, to count from the date of publication in the Official Journal of the present law, the following charges: Nineteen Chiefs of Department grade 5. Thirty-one Department Grade 7 Chiefs. Fifty-four Heads of Department grade 8. (b) Create, at 1 January 1993, fifty-nine charges of Head of Head 9. c) Suprimense, to count from the date of publication of this law, the following charges: Nineteen Heads of Department National Directorate grade 5. Thirty-one Heads of Department Regional Directorates Metropolitan, Valparaiso and Conception grade 8. Fifty Heads of Department Regional Directorates grade 9. 2) PLANT OF PROFESSIONALS a) Believe, at 1 ° January 1993, the following charges: Six Professionals grade 6. Three Grade 7 Professionals. Two Grade 8 Professionals. A Professional Grade 9. Five Grade 10 Professionals. Four Grade 12 Professionals. Two Grade 13 Professionals. b) Suprimense, to count on the same date, the following charges: Three Grade 11 Professionals. Nine Professionals grade 14. Two Grade 15 Professionals. Nine Professionals grade 17. 3) AUDIT PLANT a) Believe, at 1 January 1993, the following charges: Thirty-nine Fiscalizers grade 10. Forty-nine Fiscalizers grade 11. Thirty-four Fiscalizers grade 12. Fifty-eight Fiscalizers grade 15. (b) From the same date, the following charges: Twenty-five Fiscalizers grade 13. One hundred and ninety-nine Fiscalizers grade 14. 4) ADMINISTRATIVE PLANT a) Create, at 1 January 1993, the following charges: Fifty Administrative grade 16. Thirty-six Administrative grade 18. Sixty-three Administrative grade 19. b) From the same date, the following charges: Three Administrative grades 17. Twenty-three Administrative Grade 20. Sixty-five Administrative Grade 21. Fifty-eight Administrative Grade 22. 5) AUXILIARIES PLANT a) Believe, at 1 ° January 1993, the following charges: Thirty-nine Auxiliary Grade 19. Thirty-two Auxiliary Grade 20. (b) From the same date, the following charges shall apply: 19 Auxiliary Grade 21. Thirty Auxiliary Grade 22. Twenty-two Auxiliary Grade 23. Article 2 °.-Believe in the Fiscalizers Plant of the Internal Revenue Service, one hundred and twenty charges grade 14. The provision of these charges will be made by contest. The officials who are exonerated from the Internal Revenue Service referred to in Article 10 of Law No 19,041, who will nominate a contest to choose these charges, will preferably be appointed on an equal footing with another contestant. Article 3.-For the purposes of the provisions of Article 156 of Law No 18,834, establish that they serve as audit functions, in the Internal Revenue Service, the grade 9 Headquarters of the Plant of Directors, the staff of the Plant of Fiscalizers, the staff of the Plant of Professionals and the contracted staff assimilated to one of these last two Plants. The staff who are carrying out oversight functions will be subject to the provisions of Article 51 of the Organic Law of the Internal Revenue Service, approved by the decree with force of Law No. 7, of 1980, of the Ministry of Finance. Article 4 (1)-Amend the decree with force of law N ° 6, 1991, of the Ministry of Finance, in the following terms: Replace the N ° 1 of Article 1 °, by the following: " 1.-PLANT OF DIRECTORS: Grades 1 to 8: Haber estado, a la date of publication of law No 19,041, exclusive trust in the Internal Revenue Service or at least in possession of the Media Education licence or equivalent studies. Grade 9; alternatively: (a) Be in possession of the university professional title of civil engineer, commercial engineer, forestry engineer, agronomist, accountant, public administrator, architect or civil builder; or (b) Haber The State is holding a position as the holder of the Internal Revenue Service's Fiscaliser Plant at the date of publication of Law No. 19,041, and is in possession of the title of the general accountant. As long as the special status referred to in Article 156 of Law No 18,834 is not given, these charges shall be provided with officials of the Plant of Fishers, prior to internal competition. " Replace Article 1 (2), by the following: " 2.-PROFESSIONAL PLANT: To be in possession of the university professional qualifications indicated for each grade: Grade 5: 3 charges shall be exercised by lawyers or engineers commercial, and 3 charges for civil engineers or execution engineers in the area of computer science. Grade 6: 7 charges should be exercised by lawyers or commercial engineers, and 5 charges by civil engineers or execution engineers in the area of computer science. Grade 7: 7 charges should be exercised by lawyers or commercial engineers, and 4 charges by civil engineers or execution engineers in the area of computer science. Grade 8: 10 counts should be exercised by lawyers or commercial engineers, and 4 charges by civil engineers or execution engineers in the area of computer science. Grade 9: 8 charges should be exercised by lawyers or commercial engineers; 3 charges by civil engineers or execution engineers in the area of computer science, and 2 counts must be exercised, interchangeably, by lawyers, commercial engineers, Civil engineers or execution engineers in the area of computer science, accountants, public administrators, forestry engineers, agronomists, architects or civil builders. Grade 10: 10 counts must be exercised by commercial lawyers or engineers; 5 counts by civil engineers or execution engineers in the area of computer science, and 2 counts must be exercised, interchangeably, by lawyers, commercial engineers, Civil engineers or execution engineers in the area of computer science, accountants, public administrators, forestry engineers, agronomists, architects or civil builders. Grade 11: 6 charges must be exercised by lawyers or commercial engineers; 4 counts by civil engineers or execution engineers in the area of computer science, and 3 charges must be exercised, interchangeably, by lawyers, commercial engineers, Civil engineers or execution engineers in the area of computer science, accountants, public administrators, forestry engineers, agronomists, architects, civil builders or social workers. Grade 12: 10 counts must be exercised by lawyers or commercial engineers; 4 counts by civil engineers or execution engineers in the area of computer science, and 2 counts must be exercised, interchangeably, by lawyers, commercial engineers, Civil engineers or execution engineers in the area of computer science, accountants, public administrators, forestry engineers, agronomists, architects, civil builders or social workers. Grade 13: 4 charges should be exercised by lawyers or commercial engineers; 3 charges by civil engineers or execution engineers in the area of computer science, and 5 charges must be exercised, interchangeably, by lawyers, commercial engineers, Civil engineers or execution engineers in the area of computer science, accountants, public administrators, forestry engineers, agronomists, architects, civil builders, social workers, librarians or educators parvulos. Degree 14: 3 charges must be exercised by commercial lawyers or engineers; 3 charges by civil engineers or execution engineers in the area of computer science, and 12 counts must be exercised, interchangeably, by lawyers, commercial engineers, Civil engineers or execution engineers in the area of computer science, accountants, public administrators, forestry engineers, agronomists, architects, civil builders, social workers, librarians or educators parvulos. Grade 15: 1 position must be exercised by commercial lawyers or engineers; 1 count by civil engineers or execution engineers in the area of computer science, and 6 charges shall be exercised, interchangeably, by lawyers, commercial engineers, Civil engineers or execution engineers in the area of computer science, accountants, public administrators, forestry engineers, agronomists, architects, civil builders, social workers, librarians or educators parvulos. Grade 16: 8 charges should be exercised, interchangeably, by lawyers, commercial engineers, civil engineers or execution engineers in the area of computer science, auditors, public administrators, forestry engineers, engineers agronomists, architects, civil builders, social assistants, librarians or parvulus educators. Grade 17: 2 counts must be exercised, interchangeably, by lawyers, commercial engineers, civil engineers or execution engineers in the area of computer science, accountants, public administrators, forestry engineers, engineers agronomists, architects, civil builders, social assistants, librarians or parvulus educators. " Article 5 °.-The President of the Republic shall be empowered to, within the period of 180 days to count from the date of publication of this law, by supreme decree emanated from the Ministry of Finance, set a recast and updated text containing the Plants of staff of the Internal Revenue Service and the respective requirements of income and promotion. Article 6.-The decree with force of Law No. 4, 1991, of the Ministry of Finance. Article 7 °.-The expenditure that represents the application of this law will be financed with the resources provided in the current budget of the Internal Revenue Service. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Ministry of Finance, under item 50-01-03-25-33-104 of the Public Treasury Party, may supplement the said budget in that part of the expenditure that cannot be financed by the aforementioned resources. Transitional articles Article 1 °.-The Director of the Internal Revenue Service shall, at the discretion of the Service staff, in the positions set out in Article 1 ° and in the posts which are subsequently vacant to the consequence of the provision of the created charges. The typesetting referred to in the preceding paragraph shall apply from 1 January 1993, except in the case of the posts of Heads of Department grades 5, 7 and 8 which shall govern from the date of publication of this law. In order to house staff, the Director of the Internal Revenue Service, by way of resolution, may waive the requirement of title required for the performance of certain charges. You will also be able to leave vacant positions in different grades. Article 2.-In the case of a vacancy at the Fiscaliser Plant, once the casings referred to in the previous Article have been carried out, the Director may appoint the contracted officials treated as such, to the the date of this law, have a year or more in such quality and that, prior to that, they would have been exonerated from the Internal Revenue Service by virtue of having been declared interim in their plant charges, without having to have a summary Administrative or administrative or other procedures which have justified the measure. These appointments will run from 1 January 1993 and may be placed on officials who do not meet the requirements that are currently required to enter the Fiscaler Plant. Article 3.-The exercise of the power of typecasting as laid down in Article 1 of the transitional measure may not mean the elimination of staff or the reduction of remuneration, nor shall it mean loss of degree or other benefits. In the event of a difference, this will be paid by additional payroll, which will be taxable in the same proportion of the remuneration that it compensates, and readjustable in the same way and amounts in that the remuneration of the public sector is. Article 4 °.-Officials who, at the date of publication in the Official Journal of the present law, comply with the requirements to qualify for the right granted by article 132 of the decree with force of law N ° 338, 1960, in relation to the Article 14 of Law No. 18,834, shall maintain it, regardless of its location as a result of the modifications of the Plants. For the purposes of the seniority allowance to be established for the benefit of the officials of the Internal Revenue Service, no grade increases shall be considered to be experienced by officials under the application of the present law. Article 5 °.-The modification of the plant referred to in Article 2 ° shall enter into force within one year from the date of publication of this law. " Article 6.-The health contributions that |! |correspond to the increase of |! |remuneration derived from the application of this law, |! |corresponding to the period between 1 ° |! |January 1993 and the date of publication of this |! |legal body, regarding the workers who during the |! |the aforementioned lapse would have had a contract with some |! | Institution of Health Care to which the |! | Title II D the Law N ° 18.933, will increase the account |! |of capitalization Member's individual in the |! |respective Pension Fund Administrator. Regarding the workers referred to in the report |! |the quality of the Imposers of the Institute of Standardisation |! | Pension, the contributions referred to in the paragraph |! |above will be allocated to the Pension Fund |! |corresponding to that Institute. The increases in remuneration derived from the |! |application of this law corresponding to the period |! |comprised between 1 January 1993 and the date of |! |their publication, will not entitle the respective |! |employer to request returns to which it is |! |refers to article 12 of the law N ° 18,196, |! |equivalent to the incapacity for work allowance of the | !|D.F.L. No. 44, 1978, of the Ministry of Labor and |! | Social Security, in relation to the aforementioned increases of |! |remunerations during the lapses in which during the |! |period indicated your officials would have made use |! |of medical license. And because I have had to approve and sanction it; therefore, promulgate and take effect as the Law of the Republic. Santiago, June 14, 1993.-PATRICIO AYLWIN AZOCAR, President of the Republic.-Alejandro Foxley Rioseco, Minister of Finance. What I transcribe to you for your knowledge.-Salute to you-Marta Tonda Mitri, Subsecretary of Hacienda Subrogante.