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Bearing in mind that the National Congress has given its approval to the following Bill: " Article 1.-Authorize the erection of three monuments, in the cities of La Serena, Vicuña and Santiago, respectively, by popular subscription, in memory of the poet Gabriela Mistral, Nobel Prize in Literature. Article 2.-The works will be financed through the realization of public collections throughout the country, the dates of which will be determined by the Special Commissions referred to in Articles 4 and 5, in coordination with the Ministry of the Interior. Article 3.-Two funds shall be created, which shall be administered by the Special Commissions referred to in Articles 4 and 5, respectively, in order to receive the resources from the collections referred to in the previous Article, such as also other donations. Article 4 °.-Create a Special Commission of nine members ad honorem, charged with executing the objectives of this law regarding the monuments that will be erected in the cities of La Serena and Vicuña, which will be constituted by the two Senators of the IV Region, the two deputies of the District 7, the Mayor of the IV Region, the Mayors of the Municipalities of La Serena and Vicuna and a representative of the literary associations of greater representativeness of each of the cities mentioned, appointed by those associations. The Commission will be chaired by the Mayor of the IV Region, will operate in the city of La Serena, and its agreements will be adopted by a simple majority and with the presence of at least five members. In the event of a tie, the President of the Commission shall address. Article 5.-Create, likewise, a Special Commission of seven members ad honorem, charged with executing the objectives of this law regarding the monument that will be erected in the city of Santiago, which will be constituted by a representative of the National Service of Women, who will preside, the Mayor of the Municipality of Santiago, the Director of the National Museum of Fine Arts, the President of the Society of Writers of Chile, the President of the Group of Painters and Sculptors of Chile, a Deputy and a Senator. The Deputy and the Senator will be appointed by their respective Chambers. Article 6.-The Special Commissions referred to in Articles 4 and 5 shall have the following functions: a) Prepare the bases and solve the public contest for the execution of the works; b) Determine within the cities of La Serena, Vicuña and Santiago, respectively, the location of the monuments; c) Organize and perform the public collections (d) Manage the funds set out in Article 3, and deposit their resources into a special account in the banking institution determined by each Commission, and (e) Manage before the Council of National Monuments the approval of the works chosen. Article 7 °.-The pecuniary surpluses which may be produced once the monuments referred to in this law are erected, shall be destined, in the case of the first two, to the acquisition of texts for the Public or Municipal Library of the city from Vicuña, and from the third, to public beneficence. " And because I have had to approve and sanction it; therefore, promulgate and take effect as the Law of the Republic. Santiago, October 22, 1993.-PATRICIO AYLWIN AZOCAR, President of the Republic.-Enrique Krauss Rusque, Minister of the Interior. What I transcribe to you for your knowledge.-Salute to you-Belisario Velasco Baraona, Under-Secretary of the Interior.