GRANTS BENEFITS TO PROFESSIONALS FROM THE ARMED FORCES AND THE CARABINIERI DE CHILE AFFECTIONS TO LAW N ° 15,076, BEARING IN MIND THAT THE H. National Congress has given its approval to the following Bill: " Article 1. The benefits provided for in Articles 1 and 2 of Law No 19,432, as well as the provisions of Articles 4, 5 and 6 thereof, shall apply, as appropriate, to professional officials of the Chilean Armed Forces and of the Carabinieri the remuneration and incompatibilities arrangements laid down in Law No 15,076. The benefit referred to in Article 1 (1) of Law No 19,432 shall be granted as from 1 August 1995. The allocation of the stimulus referred to in Article 2 (2) of Law No 19,432 shall be granted on the day 1 of the month following the publication of the law. The determination of priority days and the distribution of daytime days to which this provision refers will be made, in this case, by the directors of the personnel of the Armed Forces and of the Carabineros of Chile, on the proposal of the directors or heads of health and in accordance with the respective legislation and regulations, subject to the limitations laid down in the second, third and fourth subparagraphs of that article. Article 2.-The expenditure corresponding to the implementation of this law will be financed from item 50-01-03-25-33.104, from the budget heading Public Treasury. " And because I have had good to approve and sanction it; therefore, promulgate and take effect as Law of the Republic. Santiago, July 31, 1996.-EDUARDO FREI RUIZ-TAGLE, President of the Republic.-Edmundo Pérez Yoma, Minister of National Defense.-Eduardo Aninat Ureta, Minister of Finance.-Carlos Massad Abud, Minister of Health. What is transcribed for his knowledge.-Jorge Burgos Varela, Undersecretary of War.