[passage] [passage] [passage] [passage] [passage] [passage] [passage] [passage] [passage] [passage] [passage from the Spanish Government] [passage] [passage] [passage] [passage] [passage from the Spanish Government] amendments to Law No 19,420: (a) In Article 1: 1. Replace, in the fourth indent, the expression "to the housing use," by "to offices or to the housing use-whether they include commercial premises, parking lots or holds-,". 2. Add, at the end of the fifth indent, replacing the point followed (.) by a comma (,), the following: "with the exception of special off-road vehicles with mounted machinery." (b) Substitute, in the fourth indent of Article 4 °, the word "precedent" for "first". (c) To replace, in the first paragraph of Article 7 °, the words "money laundering and drug trafficking" for the words "referred to in law No 19.366". (d) Substitute, in Article 10 (5), the words "administered" by "administrators". (e) Eliminate, in the fourth indent of Article 12, the words "or nationalised". (f) Add, in the final paragraph of Article 19, by replacing the final point (.) with a comma (,), the following: "without prejudice to those referred to in the preceding paragraph." (g) Replace, in Article 21, the ordinal "8 °" by the ordinal "7 °". (h) Substitute, in Article 29 (a), by means of which Article 1 of Law No 19.288 is amended, the terms "Arturo Merino Benítez Airport of Santiago and at the International Airport of Chacalluta de Arica" by the phrase " the International Airports Arturo Merino Benítez de Santiago, Chacalluta de Arica and Diego Aracena de Iquique, (i) Attaché, in the second indent of Article 27 of the decree with force of law N ° 341, of Hacienda, 1977, replaced by point (b) of Article 30, between the words "Las" and "claims", the expression "interpretations or". Article 2 °.-REPEALED |! | |! | | Article 3 °.-Attaché, in the second indent of Article 7 of Decree Law No 1.939, in point (.) followed, the following final sentence: " This provision shall not govern the real estate referred to in the Article 19 of Law No 19,420. '.'; And as soon as the National Congress has approved the observations made by the executive branch, it therefore acts as a law of the Republic. Santiago, 16 October 1996.-Carlos Figueroa Serrano, Vice President of the Republic.-Eduardo Aninat Ureta, Minister of Finance.-Belisario Velasco Baraona, Minister of the Interior Subrogante.-Oscar Landerretche Gacitua, Minister of Economy, Promotion and Subroganing Reconstruction. What I transcribe to you for your knowledge. Salutes a Ud., Manuel Marfan Lewis, Undersecretary of Finance.