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AUTHORIZES ERECIR MONUMENT IN MEMORY OF TUCAPEL JIMÉNEZ |! | ALFARO Having present that the H. National Congress has |! |given its approval to the following P r o y c t o d e l e y: " Article 1.-Autorizase erect a monument, in the city of Santiago, by Popular subscription, in tribute to the former President of the National Grouping of Fiscal Employees, Don Tucapel Jiménez Alfaro. Article 2.-This work will be financed through popular services, obtained through public collections, donations and other private contributions. Public collections shall be made on the dates determined by the special commission created by Article 4. Article 3.-Create a fund with the purpose of receiving the erogations, donations and other contributions that the previous article points out. Article 4-Create a special committee of seven members ad honoem, which is responsible for implementing the objectives of this law, which shall consist of: (a) Two Senators; (b) Two Members; (c) The Minister of Education, or who represents him; (d) The President of the National Association of Tax Employees, and (e) The Director of the National Museum of Fine Arts. Deputies and Senators will be appointed by their respective Chambers. The quorum for sessioning shall be that of the majority of its members. The Commission shall be chaired by the Minister for Education or the Minister of Education. Article 5.-The special commission shall have the following functions: (a) determine the date and the manner in which the public collections are to be carried out, as well as the legal steps to be taken; b) Manage the fund set up under Article 3; c) Call for public tenders for projects for the execution of the work, establish its bases and resolve it; d) Establish the location of the monument, in coordination with the respective municipality and the Council of National Monuments, and e) Open a special current account to manage the fund Article 6. Article 6.-If at the end of the construction of the monument it will be surpluses of the relocations received, these shall be intended for the purpose of the special commission to determine. '; And because I have had to approve and sanction it; therefore, promulgate and take effect as the Law of the Republic. Santiago, 11 August 1997.-EDUARDO FREI RUIZ-TAGLE, President of the Republic.-Carlos Figueroa Serrano, Minister of the Interior. What I transcribe to you for your knowledge.-Salute to Ud., Belisario Velasco Baraona, Under Secretary of the Interior.