AMEND LAW NO. 6.371, OF 1939, WHICH PROTECTS THE EMBLEM OF THE RED CROSS Having present that the H. National Congress has |! |given its approval to the following P r o y c t o d e l e y: " Article unique.-Enter into law |! | No. 6,371, the following modifications: |! | 1. Replace article 1, by the following: "Article 1.-The emblem of the Red Cross on |! |white background and the expressions" Red Cross "or" Cross of |! | Geneva ", can only be used, be it in time of peace or |! |in time of war, in the terms marked by the |! | Geneva Conventions of August 12, 1949 and their |! | Additional Protocols of 1977. " 2. Replace article 3, by the following: " Article 3.-Exceptionally, and with the |! express approval of the National Society of the Cross |! | Red Chilena may be authorized, in cases that |! |will determine the regulation of this law, the use of the |! |emblem of the Red Cross in peace time for |! |identify vehicles, ambulances and relief posts |! |used in free assistance to injured or |! |sick. " 3. Delete in article 4 the sentence between |! |parenthesis that says "(article 28, paragraph a), of the |! | Geneva Convention of 1929)". 4. Replace the article 5, by the following: " Article 5.-In reason of the homage rendered to the |! | Swiss Confederation, by the adoption of the colors |! |federal invested, it is prohibited, at all times, the |! |employment by individuals or by Societies, The weapons |! |of the Swiss Confederation or of signs that constitute |! |an imitation, be as a brand of factory or trade or |! |as elements of these marks, or in forms of |! |advertising or in conditions that may injure the |! |national feeling 5. Replace in article 6, the quantity of |! | "$60" for the expression "one to ten tax units |! |monthly". 6. Delete in article 7th the final sentence "Your |! |value will be delivered to the Central Committee of the Red Cross |! | Chilena.". " And because I have had to approve and sanction it; therefore, promulgate and take effect as the Law of the Republic. Santiago, July 31, 1997.-CARLOS FIGUEROA SERRANO, Vice President of the Republic.-Mariano Fernández Amunategui, Minister of Foreign Affairs Subrogante.-Belisario Velasco Baraona, Minister of the Interior Subrogante.-Alex Figueroa Munoz, Minister of Health. What I transcribe to US. for your knowledge.-Cristian Barros Melet, Ambassador, Managing Director General.