LAW NO. 19,692 AMENDS LAW NO. 19.418, IN TERMS OF ENABLING THE |! | INDEFINITE RE-ELECTION OF LEADERS OF ORGANIZATIONS |! | COMMUNITY Having present that the H. National Congress has given |! |its approval to the following P r o y c t o d e l e and: " Single article.-Eliminate in the second paragraph of article 21 of Law No. 19,418, which establishes rules on Juntas of Neighbors and other Community Organizations, whose consolidated, coordinated and systematized text was established by supreme decree No 58 of the Ministry of the Interior, published in the Official Journal of 20 March 1997, the "In any case, those who are elected can only be re-elected for one time." And for how much I have had to approve and sanction it; |! |therefore promulgate and take effect as Law of the |! | Republic. Santiago, 12 September 2000.-RICARDO LAGOS |! | ESCOBAR, President of the Republic.-José Miguel Insulza |! | Salinas, Minister of the Interior.-Claudio Huepe García, |! | Minister General Secretary of Government. What I transcribe to you for your knowledge.-Salute a |! | Ud., Jorge Burgos Varela, Undersecretary of the Interior.