[passage] [passage] [passage] [passage] [passage from the text of the bill] [passage] [passage] [passage] [passage] [passage] [passage from the text of the bill] [passage] [passage from the text of the bill] 18.382, the phrase "excepted institutions of foresight", including the comma (,) preceding it. Article 2.-Intercalase in article 4 of Law No 17.322, the following second indent, new, passing the current second indent to be third indent: " The referred pre-visionary debt collection resolutions may be signed in form (a) the rules governing the application of the rules of procedure laid down in Regulation (EEC) No 530/83 on the application of the rules of procedure laid down in Regulation (EEC) No 530/83; For all legal purposes, the mechanically stamped signature shall be understood as underwritten by the person whose entry has been reproduced. ' Article 3.-Add, in Article 6 of Decree Law No. 3.502, of 1980, the following third and fourth, new points: " Authorize the National Director of the Institute of Normative Normalization to make the resolutions he dictates, direct or by delegation of powers, they may carry a signature stamped through mechanized procedures, which will be authorized in the regulation that will be dictated to the effect, in the cases and with the formalities that in it will be established. For all legal purposes, each document bearing a signature stamped in machined form shall be understood to be subscribed to by the person whose entry has been reproduced. ' Article 4.-Law No 14.139. The workers of urban, rural and interurban collective locomotion will be applicable to the rules of the decree with force of law No. 150, of 1981, of the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare, on a single system of family benefits. Article 5.-Reposition, in the first paragraph of Article 7 of Law No 17.393, the final sentence "that shall be paid directly by the Service", by the following: " in accordance with the provisions of Article 31 of the Decree with the force of law No. 150, from 1981, from the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare. " Article 6.-Intercalase in Law No. 17.373 the following article 9th, new: " Article 9.-The pensions mentioned in this law, shall be paid by the Institute of Normative Standardisation, in its capacity as Administrator of the pension system of the former Social Security Service. " Transitional article.-The signatures of the National Director of the Institute for Contingency Standards, which for good service reasons have been stamped through mechanical procedures until the date of entry into force, are valid. this law. ' And because I have had to approve and sanction it; therefore, promulgate and take effect as the Law of the Republic. Santiago, 31 January 2002.-RICARDO LAGOS ESCOBAR, President of the Republic.-Ricardo Solari Saavedra, Minister of Labour and Social Welfare.-Nicolas Eyzaguirre Guzmán, Minister of Finance. What I transcribe to you for your knowledge.-Salute to Ud., Alejandro Ferreiro Yazigi, Under-Secretary of Social Security (S).