AMENDS ARTICLE 158 OF LAW NO. 18,892, GENERAL OF FISHERIES AND AQUACULTURE, EXCLUDING MARITIME AREAS OF THE STATE PROTECTED WILD AREA SYSTEM Having present that the National Congress has given its approval to the following Project Article 158 of Law No. 18,892, whose consolidated, coordinated and systematized text is contained in the Supreme Decree No. 430, 1991, of the Ministry of Economy, Development and Reconstruction, and its amendments After the following, for the following: " Article 158.-The lake, river and sea areas are part of the National System of Protected Wild Areas of the State, which are excluded from all extractive and aquaculture fishing activities. However, those activities may be carried out in the sea areas forming part of the National and Forestry Reserves. Subject to the authorisation of the competent bodies, the use of land portions forming part of these reserves may be permitted to supplement the maritime activities of aquaculture. ' And as soon as the National Congress has approved the observations made by the executive branch, therefore, enact and take effect as the law of the Republic. Santiago, 22 April 2002.-RICARDO LAGOS ESCOBAR, President of the Republic.-Jaime Campos Quiroga, Minister of Agriculture.-Jorge Rodríguez Grossi, Minister of Economy, Development and Reconstruction.-Mario Fernández Baeza, Minister Secretary General of the Presidency. What I transcribe to you for your knowledge.-Salutes intently to Ud., Arturo Barrera Miranda, Undersecretary of Agriculture.