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LAW ON PUBLIC SECTOR BUDGETS FOR 2003, bearing in mind that the H. National Congress has given its approval to the following Bill: " I.-ESTIMATES OF REVENUE AND ESTIMATES OF EXPENDITURE Article 1. |! |the Estimate of the Expenditure of the Sector Budget |! | Public, for the year 2003, according to the detail that is |! |indicates: A.-In National Currency: In Thousands of $Summary of Deductions Budgets of the Transfers Total Items REVENUE 12.848.900.197 958.654.90 11.890.245.607 OPERATION REVENUE 659,859,347 6.213,523 653.645.824 IMPOSITIONS PREVI-SIONALES 718,960.317 718,960.317 TAX RECEIPTS 8.336.278.017 8.336.278.017 SALE OF ASSETS 465.637.242 465.637.242 RECOVERY OF LOANS 170.199.669 170.199.669 TRANSFE-RENITOS 1,041.543,018 952,441,067 89.101,951 OTHER INCOME 1,194,712,643 1,194,712,643 INDEBTEDNESS 100,691,812 100,691,812 OPERATIONS PREVIOUS YEARS 26.889,964 26,889,964 INITIAL CASH BALANCE 134,128,168 134,128,168 EXPENSES 12,848,900.197 958,654,590 11,890,245,607 STAFF EXPENDITURE 1.955.148.455 1,955,148,455 CONSUMER GOODS AND SERVICES 591.433,924 591.433,924 GOODS AND SERVICES FOR PRODUCTION 69.824.098 69,824,098 BENEFITS PREVISIO-NALES TRANSFE-CURRENT RENCES 3.641.480.470 613.611.897 3.027.868.573 REGIONAL ALLOCATION SECTOR INVESTMENT 45.481,912 45.481,912 REAL INVESTMENT 921.651,340 921.651,340 FINANCIAL INVESTMENT 903.597,653 903.597,653 TRANSFER-CAPITAL RATIOS 1,051,505,806 249.981,172 801,524,634 PUBLIC DEBT SERVICE 290,613,764 95,061,521 195.552,243 PREVIOUS YEARS 39,614,652 39,614,652 OTHER OUTSTANDING COMMITMENTS 3.010.658 3.010.658 FINAL BALANCE OF CASH 129.361.497 129.361.497 B.-In Foreign Currency converted to dollars: In Thousands of US$ Summary of Deductions Budgets of Transfers Total Items REVENUE 923.135 923.135 OPERATING INCOME 274,823 274,823 TAX REVENUE 221,600 221,600 LOAN RECOVERY 819 819 TRANSFERS 1,617 1,617 OTHER INCOME -936,360 -936,360 INDEBTEDNESS 1.325,641 1,325,641 OPERATIONS YEARS PREVIOUS 700 700 INITIAL CASH BALANCE 34,295 34,295 EXPENSES 923.135 923.135 EXPENDITURE ON STAFF 104,712 104,712 CONSUMER GOODS AND SERVICES 148,964 148,964 GOODS AND SERVICES FOR PRODUCTION 16,369 16,369 PREVISIONAL BENEFITS 598 598 TRANSFE-CURRENT RENCES 35,106 35,106 REAL INVESTMENT 48,030 48,030 FINANCIAL INVESTMENT 823 823 TRANSFER-CAPITAL RENCES -245,738 -245,738 LA SERVICE PUBLIC DEBT 783,540 783,540 OPERATIONS PREVIOUS YEARS 21 21 OTHER OUTSTANDING COMMITMENTS 609 609 FINAL CASH BALANCE 30.101 30.101 Article 2.-Approve the Revenue Calculation |! | General of the Nation and Estimate of the Amounts |! | Prosecutors in national currency and foreign currency |! |converted to dollars, for the year 2003, to the Items |! |that are indicated: Thousands of $Thousands of US$ GENERAL INCOME OF THE NATION: OPERATING INCOME 179,833,632 217,259 TAX RECEIPTS 8.336.278,017 221,600 ASSET SALE 42,435 LOAN RECOVERY 3.881.255 TRANSFERS 3.747,915 1,617 OTHER INCOME 785.089,712 -965,222 INDEBTEDNESS 1.325,641 INITIAL CASH BALANCE 110,000,000 30,000 TOTAL REVENUE 9.418.872,966 830,895 TAX CONTRIBUTION: Presidency of the Republic 6.540.640 National Congress 45.752,726 Judiciary 116.008.484 Comptroller General of the Republic 19.203.049 Ministry of the Interior 227.471,896 Ministry of Foreign Affairs 17.597.469 115.747 Ministry of Economy, Development and Reconstruction 40.894.196 Ministry of Finance 125.838.091 Ministry of Education 1.954.656.137 Ministry of Justice 205.483.961 Ministry of Education Defense 831.184,500 147,736 National Ministry of Public Works 520,646,014 Ministry of Agriculture 144.065,076 Ministry of National Goods 6.418.269 Ministry of Labor 2.674.065.583 and Social Welfare Ministry of Health 656.691.158 Ministry of Mining 22.548.922 Ministry of Housing 302.661.729 and Urbanism Ministry of Transport 45.547.165 and Telecommunications Ministry Secretariat 33.130.624 General Government Ministry of Planning 93.341,478 and Cooperation Ministry General Secretariat of the Presidency 14.164.071 of the Ministry Public Treasury 44,721.399 Special Programs: -Operations 738.971.091 -216.028 Complementary-Public Debt Service 164.120.568 783.440-Subsidies 367.148,670 TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS 9.418.872.966 830.895 II.-SUPPLEMENTARY PROVISIONS Article 3.-Authorize the President of the Republic to contract obligations, in the country or abroad, in national currency or in foreign currencies, up to the amount of US$ 1,325,641 thousand that, by way of debt, is included in the General Revenue Calculation of the Nation. Authorize it, in addition, to contract obligations, in the country or abroad, up to the amount of US$ 174,359 thousand or its equivalent in other foreign currencies or in national currency. For the purposes of this article, bonds and other documents may be issued in national or foreign currency, which may be printed by the signing of the Treasurer General of the Republic. The share of the obligations under this authorisation which is amortised within the financial year 2003 and those which are contracted for the advance payment of debts established in previous financial years, periods equal to or less than the average for the service of the debts to be extinguished, deducted the amortisation included in this law for the year 2003, shall not be considered in the calculation of the margin of indebtedness set out in the incisos previous. The authorization granted to the President of the Republic will be exercised by supreme decrees issued through the Ministry of Finance, in which the specific destination of the obligations to be contracted will be identified, indicating the the sources of resources to which the debt service should be made. Copies of these decrees will be sent to the Finance Committees of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies within ten days of their total processing. In the decrees issued in accordance with the preceding paragraph, the power to conclude contracts for the exchange of interest and coin fees in respect of the obligations that they authorize may be included in the terms to be established in the respective decrees. decrees or in which they are dictated in the same way as the effect. Article 4.-Notwithstanding the provisions in the |! |article 26 of Decree Law No. 1.263, 1975, only in |! |authorization virtue granted by law may |! |increase the sum of the net value of the amounts for |! |the Expenses in Personnel, Goods and consumer services, |! | Previewing stations and Current transfers, |! |included in article 1 of this law, in currency |! |national and foreign currency converted to dollars. Do not govern the provisions of the preceding paragraph |! |in respect of the higher discharges that occur in the |! |item of the referred subtitles that are legally |! |exceeded according to article 28 of the decree law Nº |! | 1,263, of 1975, and to the glosa 01, Program Operations |! | Complementary of this law or increases |! |originated in application of donations, in application or |! |return of third party funds, in the incorporation of |! |such returns in the receiving service, in the |! |allocation of largest initial cash balances except |! |the corresponding to the Treasury Item Public, in sale |! |of financial assets, in own income allocable to |! |benefits or expenses, in resources obtained from funds |! |ables of public entities or under the |! |provided in article 21 of decree law No. 1,263, of |! | 1975. The higher effective expenses or increases that are |! |have such concepts, in the amount that |! |exceed the budgeted, will increase the amounts |! |maximums mentioned in the preceding paragraph, according to |! |correspond. Equal legal authorization will be required to increase |! |the sum of the amounts, approved in the cited |! |article 1, of the actual Investment subtitles, |! | Regional allocation sector investment and |! | Capital transfers to agencies or companies not |! |included in this law, in an amount greater than 10% of |! |that sum, except that the increases are financed with |! |reallocations of budget from the amount |! |maximum set out in the first paragraph of this article |! |or by incorporation of higher initial cash balances, |! |except for the Item Public Treasure, |! |asset sale product, application |! |third party funds, resources earned from funds |! |ables from public entities or recovery from |! |advances. Only by law can the transfer be authorized to the |! |different items of the Law of Budgets of |! |those resources that, previously, have been |! |passed from them to the Public Treasury, as |! |also contributions to enterprises of the State, these |! |public or anonymous companies, that are not included |! |in this law. The contributions to each of the companies included in this law can be raised to 10%. Article 5.-The prior identification of the |! |investment projects, as referred to in article 19 |! |bis of decree law No. 1.263, 1975, corresponding to |! |items 61 to 73 of subtitle 30 and items 61 to |! | 74 and 79 to 97, of the subtitle 31, of this budget |! |for the organs and public services, must be |! |approved by supreme decree of the Ministry of Finance, |! |the one that will lead, moreover, the signature of the minister of the branch |! |respective. For these purposes, the entities before |! |marked must accompany the background and other |! |information that is required by the referred |! | Ministry. However, the identification of the on the |! |investment projects corresponding to the |! |budgets of the Regional Governments approved by |! |the respective regional administration, will be done by |! |resolution of the Regional Development Sub-Secretariat and |! | Administrative of the Ministry of the Interior, visada by |! |the Directorate of Budgets, for the purposes of the |! |compliance with the provisions of Articles 72 and 74 of |! |the law No. 19.175, on Government and Administration |! | Regional. However, the same procedure is |! |you can delegate the function in the Regional Intendant |! |respective, who will exercise it through resolutions |! |that will only require the visation that is available in the |! |delegatory document corresponding, replacing the |! |the above mentioned. Notwithstanding the above, the investment projects |! |the total cost for each project is not greater than |! |twenty-five million pesos, corresponding to the item |! | 77, of the subtitle 31, will be identified by |! |resolution of the Mayor Regional respective. The amount |! |total of these projects will not exceed the amount |! |that represents 7% of the investment budget of the |! |respective region. The identification in the form willing |! |precedence will be applied with respect to the funds |! |approved for item 52 "Land and Buildings", in the |! |concerning purchase of houses, buildings, offices, |! |premises and other similar, and for the item 53 "Studies |! |for Investments". No organ or public service will be able to celebrate |! |contracts that compromise the investment of resources of |! |the items mentioned above, make the investment of such |! |resources or other associated investments of the same |! |nature, without before the |! |identification referred to in this article. Article 6.-Authorize to effect from the date of publication of this law the calls for public proposals, studies and investment projects to be carried out in 2003, that are included in decrees or resolutions of identification, as appropriate, pending in the Comptroller General's Office. Similarly, such calls for studies and investment projects, including in order to identify or change the budget for the year 2003, may be carried out since the respective document enters the process. in the Comptroller General of the Republic. As of 1 June 2003, the proposal or public invitation to tender shall be binding in respect of the investment studies and projects referred to in the preceding paragraph, when the total amount of the project contained in the decree or resolution of the identification is greater than the equivalent in pesos of a thousand monthly tax units in respect of investment projects, and of five hundred of such units in the case of investment studies, except for exceptions for Emergency measures referred to in the relevant legislation. For those included in the Partidas Ministry of Public Works and Ministry of Housing and Urbanism, the aforementioned amounts will be ten thousand monthly tax units for investment projects and three thousand such units in the investment studies. Where the amount concerned is lower than the preceding paragraph, the award shall be made in accordance with the procedure laid down in a regulation issued through the Ministry of Finance, which shall be issued within the the ninety days following the entry into force of this law. However, in the contracts or awards of proposals for studies or investment projects which are initiated during the year 2003, or have been initiated in 2000, 2001 and 2002, the sum of their amounts and that of the commitments they import for future exercises, shall be in accordance with the maximum limits to be determined, by one or more supreme decrees of the Ministry of Finance, for each organ or public service. In respect of studies and investment projects for the year 2003, the identification decree to be issued in accordance with Article 5 may include, in addition, programmes, dates and amounts of the respective contracts or awards. and of the disbursements that matter, by concept of expenditure. Article 7.-In the decrees that you have |! |transfers with imputation to items 32, 33, 86 and 87 |! |of this budget for the organs and services |! |public, it may be indicated the use or destination that must |! |give to the resources the institution The |! |conditions or modalities of drawback of these to which |! |it will affect that entity and the information about its |! |application that will have to refer to the organism that is pointed |! |in the respective decree. Those transfers included in the subtitle |! | 25, which constitute global allocations to units of |! |a Service or programs executed total or |! |partially by this, must be broken down in form |! |prior to the budget execution, in the different |! |concepts of expenditure, by internal document of |! |administration of the respective Service, visa by the |! | Direction of Budgets, and refer monthly to |! |the latter a report on progress of discharges and |! |activities, together with the information of |! |monthly budget execution. This breakdown |! |will constitute the maximum expense authorization in the |! |respective concepts, without prejudice to the |! |modifications that are introduced to you by the same |! |procedure. The issue of the document and its |! |visation may be made to count from the date of |! |publication of this law. Article 8.-Grant to the organs and services |! |public included in this law the power of |! |accept and receive donations of goods and resources |! |destined to the fulfillment of activities or functions |! |that they compete. Notwithstanding the above, such public entities |! |require prior authorization from the Ministry of |! | Finance to exercise the power granted to them by the |! |preceding paragraph or the one that is contemplated with equal |! |sense and scope in the legislation to be |! |applicable. Donations are excluded, in kind or |! |money, in emergency situations or calamity |! |public, or whose value or amount does not exceed the amount |! |that the Ministry of Finance establishes without prejudice to its |! |subsequent communication. The proceeds of the donations will be incorporated into the |! |budget of the beneficiary institution directly |! |or through the Public Treasury Party, according to the |! |instructions given by the Minister of Finance. With |! |all, donations consisting of goods will pass to |! |be part of your estate, when it is sourced. The above, without prejudice to compliance |! |later of the regulations to be found affected |! |the document that accounts for such donations. Dealing with cooperation donations |! |international or cooperation agreements or assistance |! |non-refundable technique, the organs and services |! |public mentioned in the first paragraph will be understood |! |authorized to pay taxes, contributions, |! |rights or levies, established in the legislation |! |chileans, third party charge and which, under the |! |respective convention or contract, are to be assumed |! |by the donor. In the case of personnel that the source |! |foreign cooperation send to Chile, to their own |! |coast, to develop activities in compliance with the |! |respective program, the referred faculty will be limited to the |! |payment of income tax that serious your salary or |! |retribution. Payments that are made in accordance with the |! |provided in the above paragraph, may be made |! |by entering the collecting entity |! |corresponding, refund to the body or entity |! |international donor, or your refund or payment |! |subject of right, according to the tax, contribution, |! |right or lien in question, according to the |! |regulations contained in the supreme decree No. 209, |! |of 1993, of the Ministry of Finance. The Ministry of Finance must submit to the |! | Senate and Chamber of Finance Committees |! | Deputies, copy of the authorizations to receive |! |donations granted in each month. In the office remisor |! |the identification of the service or |! |donatary entity and the donor, the modalities and |! |obligations of the donation, and the specific purpose that is |! |will give to the resources or goods received. This |! |information must be submitted within the first |! |fifteen days of the month following that of the authorizations. Article 9º.-Prohibit the organs and services |! |public, the acquisition, construction or lease |! |of buildings to exclusively target them to houses |! |room of their staff. Do not govern this ban |! |regarding the programs on this subject |! |incorporated in the budgets of the Judiciary, |! |of the Ministry of National Defense and in the of |! |regional investment of the Regional Governments in the |! housing for education staff and |! |health in remote areas and rural localities. Article 10.-Public organs and services, governed by decree law No. 1.263, of 1975, will need prior authorization from the Ministry of Finance to commit themselves through the system of contracts for the lease of goods. with an option to purchase or purchase another title of the well-leased property; to agree on the purchases made, the payment of all or part of the price within a period exceeding the financial year and to conclude rental contracts for real estate whose monthly income or period exceeds those fixed by the Ministry. The institutions referred to in the preceding paragraph may not agree on the contracts for studies, projects or the execution of works which they conclude, whatever the name of the contract, the payment of all or part of their value or price within a period exceeding the financial year in which the study, project or contract is to be terminated; in a manner other than that which results from relating the payments to the actual advance in the execution of the same, or any other form of deferred payment, except that they exceptionally have the effect with prior authorization and established from the Ministry of Finance, in which the terms in which the obligation of the payment. Bodies governed by law No 18,695 may require prior authorizations as referred to in previous points where they prove that, at the date of the application, they do not owe contributions to the Municipal Fund or register themselves or the corporations through which they administer the services transferred under the decree with force of law No. 1-3063, 1979, of the Ministry of the Interior, debts for the concept of pre-visionary contributions. Article 11.-The organs and public services |! |of the civil administration of the State included in |! |this law will need prior authorization of the |! | Ministry of Finance for the acquisition to any |! |title of all kinds of vehicles (i) for the carriage of passengers by land and |! |cargo, the price of which exceeds those fixed by the Ministry. Equal prior authorization will require the organs and |! |services that have fixed maximum amount of |! |motorized vehicles, to take on lease |! |such vehicles or to agree, in any type of |! |contracts, that they are provided by the other |! |part, for use in functions inherent to the |! |service. Purchases free of charge that are |! |authorized, will increase the maximum amount of |! |motor vehicles referred to in article 12 |! |of this law, up to the amount entered in the |! |authorization and be fixed by Supreme decree of the |! | Ministry of Finance. Article 12.-The maximum amount of vehicles |! |motorized fixed in the Parties of this law for the |! |public services comprises all destined to the |! |land transport of passengers and cargo, including |! |those acquired directly with charge to projects of |! |investment. The envelope may be increased with respect to |! |some or some of these, by supreme decree |! |issued by the corresponding Ministry, |! |dictation with the formula "By Order of the President of the |! | Republic", which must be The Ministry's visa |! |of the Treasury, with charge to decrease the endowment |! |maximum of other of those services, without that it can be |! |augmented, in no case, the maximum endowment of the |! | Ministry in question. In the respective supreme decree, it may be available |! |the transfer of the corresponding vehicles |! |from the service in which it is diminished to the one in which it is |! |increases. To the effect, the vehicles must be |! |properly identified and the decree will serve as |! |sufficient title to transfer the domain of them, |! |must register in the Register of Vehicles |! | Motorized. Article 13.-For the purposes of the provisions of the third paragraph of Article 9º of Decree Law No. 1.263, 1975, the maximum amounts of personnel fixed in this law include plant personnel, hired, hired for fees assimilated to the degree and the wage in those services whose laws provide for this quality. The decrees or resolutions that approve the hiring of natural persons to fees, whatever the item of imputation, must be provided by the corresponding Ministry, for which a certificate issued by the the respective body or service on the record that the amount committed is in accordance with the budgetary availability and, where applicable, the maximum authorisation granted in this law. The procedure referred to in the preceding paragraph shall also apply to the hiring of the same service in accordance with the provisions of Article 81 (d) of Law No 18,834. Persons engaged in fees, in whatever form the payment is expressed, shall report to him or the Heads of the respective Service, through the corresponding unit, by means of a simple affidavit, if they provide services in any legal quality in another public distribution. In this case, they must individualize the other Service, specifying the legal quality with which they work in it, the amount of the corresponding emoluments, the contracted tasks and the duration of the delivery of their services. Copy of the above mentioned antecedents must be submitted to the Comptroller General of the Republic. At the time of the subscription of a fee contract, the Service concerned shall have the obligation to require the information referred to in the preceding paragraph, and the Head of Service must note that there is no current or possible conflict of interests in the performance of the contracted functions, and certify such a circumstance. It shall be understood that there is a conflict of interest when the tasks entrusted to the various bodies put the person to whom he has been entrusted with tasks in order to injure the objectives of any of those entities or when their personal interests may conflict with those of one of them. In the event that a person has more than one contract for fees in public entities, it will require the prior approval, in the corresponding administrative act, of the respective minister. The same assessment shall be required where the person engaged in fees has, in addition, a contract with suppliers or contractors or with private institutions which have agreements for the execution of projects or have been granted transfers, in relationship to the distribution in which it provides services. Except for the rules laid down in the two preceding points, the teaching tasks which these persons develop in higher education institutions are excluded. During 2003, the rules on the administrative incompatibilities and incompatibilities set out in Articles 54, 55 and 56 of Law No. 18,575, Constitutional Organic on General Bases of State Administration, shall also apply to (a) a fee contract, which must be recorded in the respective contracts of a clause which so provides. Similarly, each Head of Service must inform all those who work in it, in any legal condition, about the various inabilities, incompatibilities and prohibitions that the laws establish, such as Nº 18,834, Statute Administrative, Nº 18,575, Constitutional Organic on General Bases of State Administration and others affecting the corresponding distribution. Those budgetary programmes in which the majority of persons employed are employed in fees shall be regulated by resolution of the entities concerned as regards the terms and conditions of their performance, instruments which shall be issued within 30 days of the date of publication of this law. Article 14.-The recoveries referred to in Article 11 of Law No. 18,768, which receive the public organs and services included in this law, shall constitute own revenue and shall be incorporated in their respective budgets. Article 15.-The product of sales of goods |! |real estate not destined for |! |application of the provisions of article 56 of the decree |! |law No. 1.939, of 1977, which I made during the year 2003 |! |the Ministry of Goods National, and the quotas that are |! |received in that year by sales made since 1986 to the |! | 2002, will be incorporated transiently as income |! |budget of said Ministry. These resources will be |! |destined for the following objectives: 65% to the Regional Government of the Region in which the property is located, for its investment program; 10% to the Ministry of National Goods, and 25% to the tax benefit, which will be to general income of the Nation. The rule set out in this article will not govern |! |with respect to the sales made by that Ministry to |! |organs and utilities, or to companies in which the |! | State, its institutions or companies have input of |! |capital equal to or greater than 50%, To satisfy |! |own needs of the acquirer, nor with respect to the |! |enajenations that are carried out according to the |! |provided in article 1 of the law No. 17.174, in |! |the decree law No. 2,569, of 1979 and in the law Nº |! | 19,229. Notwithstanding the above, if the companies to which are |! |refer to the preceding paragraph, they will be used in all or part of the |! |the real estate acquired from the Ministry of Goods |! | Nationals within the period of one year counted from the |! |date of registration of the The domain name, the Fisco |! |will contribute to the respective Regional Government 65% of the |! |price paid to the mentioned Ministry, in the proportion |! |corresponding if the sale is partial. Article 16.-The Ministries, the Intendencias, the Governorates and the public bodies and services that make up the State Administration, will not be able to incur other expenses for advertising and dissemination that are necessary for the compliance with their duties and in those which are intended to inform users of the way in which the benefits they provide are accessible. The entities referred to in the preceding subparagraph shall send to the Budget Directorate, before 30 April 2003, a report on the advertising and dissemination expenditure which they have incurred in the financial year 2002, specifying the activities and their respective amount. This Directorate shall transmit the reports to the Senate and Chamber of Deputies ' Finance Committees within 30 days of the expiration date of that period. The advertising and dissemination expenses authorized in this article must be reported to the Finance Committees of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate. The information requested shall be submitted to the Congress no later than 30 days after the end of each semester of the year. Article 17.-All organizations not |! |government who receive income contemplated in |! |this law shall identify the use or destination of such |! |funds, which shall be subject to the audit |! |of the Comptroller General of the Republic, according to |! |the instructions given by that body |! |regarding the accountability. The organs and utilities through whose |! |budgets are made transfers to corporations |! |and foundations, according to conventions, shall require |! |the balance sheet and the financial statements of the exercise of |! |the referred entities; a report of the execution of |! |the agreed activities or programs, the payroll of their |! |directories, as well as those of their senior executives. Copy of the above mentioned antecedents will be |! |referred by the respective public institutions to |! |the Senate and House of Finance Commissions |! | Deputies within the first quarter following the |! |annuity term, without damage to the |! |publication, by the entity receiving the |! |resources, from a summary of its balance sheet in a |! |national circulation journal. Notwithstanding the above, when the transfers |! |to such entities do not exceed in the exercise |! |budget of the equivalent in weights of five hundred |! |monthly tax units, the report that must be |! identification of the |! |recipient of the transfer, with expression of its role |! |only tax, the object of that and its amount. Likewise, the organs and utilities that |! |correspond to them authorize or register donations with |! |right to tax credit regulated in the article 8th of |! |the law No. 18,985, in article 69 of the law No. 18,681, |! |in article 3 of the law Nº 19.247 and in Paragraph 5 |! |of Title III of Law No. 19.712, must issue a |! |annual listing, identifying the recipient of the donation, |! |with expression of its unique tax role, the object of |! |that and the amount received. This information must be |! |sent to the Senate Finance Committees and |! |of the Chamber of Deputies, during the month of January of the |! |year 2004. Article 18.-The Directorate of Budgets |! |will provide the Senate Finance Commissions and |! |the Chamber of Deputies with the reports and documents that |! |are noted, in the form and opportunities that a |! Monthly budget execution of |! |income and expenses of the Central Government, at the level of |! | Subtitles, within forty-five days |! |following the end of the respective month. 2. Quarterly Budget Execution Report |! |Central Government revenue and expenditure, at the level of |! | Subtitles, within forty-five days |! |following the term of the respective quarter, |! |including in annexes a breakdown of the Income |! |period tributaries, other sources of financing |! |and gross debt behavior of the Central Government. 3. Quarterly financial report of the companies |! |the State and those in which the State, its |! |institutions or companies have equal capital contribution |! |or greater than fifty percent, that will comprise a |! |consolidated balance sheet by company and results status |! |at the consolidated level and per company. Said report will be |! |elaborated by the Committee of Companies of the |! | Production Promotion Corporation and will be remitted |! |within sixty days following the term of the |! |respective quarter. 4. Semi-annual report of gross public debt and |! net of the Central Government; of the gross and net debt of the |! | Central Bank, with its explanatory notes and |! |supplementary background within ninety days |! |following the respective term semester. 5. Copy of the annual balance sheets and states |! |half-yearly financial statements of the companies of the State, |! | National Television of Chile, the State Bank of |! | Chile, the Corporation of the Copper of Chile, of all |! |those in which the State, its institutions or companies |! |have capital contribution equal to or greater than fifty |! |percent, performed and audited according to the |! |rules established for anonymous companies |! |open, and of the entities referred to in the law No. |! | 19.701. Such copies will be sent within the |! |fifteen days following the expiration date of the |! |respective filing deadline set by the |! | Superintendence of Securities and Insurance. Also, it will provide the above mentioned Commissions, |! |information of the quarterly execution of the |! |revenue and expense budget of the items of |! |this law, at the level of chapters and programs approved |! |with respect to each of them, structured in |! |initial quote; current budget and amount |! |executed to the respective date. On a monthly basis, the |! |mentioned Address will draw up a payroll of the decrees |! |that they have transfers in charge of the allocation |! | Provision for Committed Financing and Provision |! |for Capital Transfers of the Treasury |! | Public, fully processed in the period, which |! |will transmit to such Commissions within 15 days |! |following the term of the respective month. Article 19.-The social programs, of promotion |! |productive and institutional development included in this |! |budget for the public organs and services, |! |may be the object of an evaluation of their results, |! |the one that will constitute a antecedent on the allocation of |! |resources for future financing. The evaluations must be carried out by a |! |group of experts that will be integrated by at least two |! |external members, selected by their competencies in |! |the areas covered by the respective program and whose |! |number will constitute, as minimum, half of their |! |members. However, they will not be able to be part of the group |! |corresponding, officials of the Service running |! |the program to evaluate. The institutions whose programs are the object of |! |evaluation, must provide the group to which it is |! |refers the preceding paragraph corresponding, all the |! |information and background that it requires, |! |including those studies specific and |! |complementary that need to be performed. Through one or more decrees of the Ministry of |! | Hacienda, the programs will be determined to evaluate |! |during the year 2003; the procedures and frames of |! |reference that will be applied in this respect, the entities |! |participants in their execution and the mechanisms of |! |monitoring of compliance with commitments which, in |! |their case, are determined. The mentioned Ministry |! |will communicate within thirty days of the |! |publication of this law, to the Finance Commissions |! |of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies, the payroll of the |! |programs that will be evaluated. The Directorate of Budgets will forward to the |! |alluded Commissions copy of the reports |! |corresponding, no later than the month of August of the |! |annuity. Article 20.-The public bodies and services governed by Title II of Law No 18,575 shall be required to provide information about their objectives, goals and results of their management. For these purposes, in 2003 they will have to produce and disseminate a report including their budgetary implementation and an account of the results of their operational and economic management of the previous year, with the fulfilment of objectives, tasks and goals. that they were obliged or that they were fixed. The report shall be published and disseminated by 30 April of this year at the latest, with copies of it being sent to both branches of the National Congress. The preparation, presentation and dissemination of this report shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Decree No 47 of 1999 of the Ministry of Finance and its amendments. Article 21.-Authorize the President of the Republic so that, by means of one or more supreme decrees of the Ministry of Finance, he shall replace the promissory notes issued pursuant to Article 75 of Law No. 18,768, for other documents issued in pesos of national currency, of the General Treasury of the Republic, which shall maintain the half-yearly maturity periods fixed for the first. The substitution procedure, interest rate, capitalization regime and other characteristics, conditions and modalities of such promissory notes, shall be as determined in the respective decree. Article 22.-The supreme decrees of the |! | Ministry of Finance to be dictated in |! |compliance with the provisions in the different |! |articles of this law, will conform to the established in |! |article 70 of decree law No. 1.263, of 1975. |! | Also, this procedure will be applied with respect to |! |all the decrees that correspond to the |! |budget execution and to comply with the |! |article 5 of this law. The approvals and authorizations of the Ministry |! |of Finance established in this law, for whose |! |grant are not expressly required to be carried out |! |by supreme decree, the authorizations that prescribe |! |the articles 22 and 24 of the decree Law No. 3.001, of |! | 1979, and the exception referred to in the final paragraph |! |of article 9º of Law No. 19.104, shall be fulfilled |! |by trade or visation of the Deputy Secretary of |! | Hacienda, who may delegate such powers, total or |! in the Director of Budgets. The determination and fixing of quantities and |! |amounts referred to in Articles 8 and 10 of this |! |law shall be made by the Ministry of Finance. |! | The visations that correspond to the application of the |! |articul or 13 of this law, will be made by the |! | respective undersecretary, who will be able to delegate such |! |faculty in the Ministerial Regional Secretary |! |corresponding and, in the case of the Governments |! | Regional, in the Intendente itself. Article 23.-The provisions of this law |! |shall apply from 1 January 2003, without |! |prejudice that they may be dictated from the date of |! |their publication the decrees referred to in the |! |articles 3rd and 5th and the resolutions And because I have had to approve and sanction it; therefore, promulgate and take effect as the Law of the Republic. Santiago, 28 November 2002.-RICARDO LAGOS ESCOBAR, President of the Republic.-Nicolas Eyzaguirre Guzmán, Minister of Finance. What I transcribe to you for your knowledge.-Salutes intently to Ud., Maria Eugenia Wagner Brizzi, Undersecretary of Finance.