LAW NO. 19,999 ESTABLISHES RULES REGARDING THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE INSTITUTIONAL MANAGEMENT OF THE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN RELATIONS, bearing in mind that the National Congress has given its approval to the following Bill: " Article 1.-Enter into the decree with |! |force of law No. 161, of 1978, of the Ministry of |! | External relations, which fixes its Organic Statute, |! |the following modifications: |! | 1) Replace in article 2, point c) by |! |the following: |! | " c) The Undersecretary and your Cabinet; ". |! | 2) Reposition in article 10th, the expression" of |! |the Secretariat " by "from the Cabinet" and in the name |! |from the 3rd paragraph, replace the word "Secretariat" with |! | "Cabinet". |! | 3) Add in article 25, the following |! |numeral 3), passing the current numerals 3) to 7) a |! |be numerals 4) to 8), respectively: |! | "3) The General Directorate of Consular Affairs and |! | Inmigration;". |! | 4) Enter into article 34th, the following |! |modifications: |! |a) In the first indent, delete the final sentence |! |that follows the point followed (.). |! |b) Replace the final paragraph with the following: |! | " The Directorate General will be in charge of a Director |! | Administrative General, with the rank of Ambassador, who will be |! |the exclusive trust of the President of the |! | Republic, who must be in possession of a title |! |professional of an end to the tasks of the |! |unit of, at least, ten semesters of duration, |! |awarded by a university or professional institute of the |! | State or recognized by this one and credit experience |! |professional in the area not less than five years. Similarly, those who perform functions of |! |head of addresses and departments dependent on |! |this Directorate General shall be in possession of a |! |professional title of a run afto the functions |! |of such units, to the less, eight semesters of |! |duration, awarded by a university or institute |! |state professional or recognized by this and accredit |! |a professional experience in the respective area no |! |less than three years. ". |! | 5) Suffer in the article 35º, the letter b), |! |passing the current literal "c)" to be "b)". |! | 6) Replace the Name of paragraph 20º por |! |the following: |! | "Paragraph 20 of the Directorate General of Consular and Immigration Affairs". |! | 7) Replace Article 44th by the following: |! | " Article 44th.-To the Directorate General of Affairs |! | Consular and Immigration is the responsibility of the study, |! |design, proposal, coordination and execution of the |! consular policy of Chile and ensure the proper |! |service and consular representation abroad and in |! |the country. |! | It will also be up to you to intervene in the |! |accreditation and attention of the foreign consuls |! |destined to serve in Chile, to take care of the protection |! |and defense of the rights and interests of the Chileans in |! |the exterior and lend them In accordance with the |! |regulations in force, collaborate with the policies of |! |immigration in accordance with national interests |! |and execute the acts that in matters of immigration to you |! |entrusts the laws. |! | The Directorate General of Consular Affairs and |! | Immigration will depend on the Assistant Secretary of Relations |! | Foreign and will be in charge of a Director General of |! | Consular and Immigration Affairs, with a range of |! | Ambassador. " Article 2.-Establish a monthly allocation of stimulus associated with the implementation of management improvement plans and institutional efficiency. It will benefit the staff of the Foreign Service's Foreign Service plant when it is performed in the country and will be remunerated from the budget in national currency. It shall also extend to plant and contract officials of the Secretariat and General Administration of that Ministry when they receive the remuneration in national currency established at the plant B of that Secretariat and the officials of the Ministry of Agriculture. plant and contract from the National Directorate of Borders and Limits of the State and the Chilean Antarctic Institute. The amount of the allowance shall be up to 15% of the sum of the basic salary allocated to the respective grade plus the allocations laid down in Article 19 of Law No. 19,185; Article 10 of Decree Law No. 924, 1975; article 5 of the decree law No. 2.964, 1979; article 6 of Decree Law No. 1,770, 1977; article 2 of Law No. 19,699, and Articles 17 and 18 of Law No. 19,185, in the modalities of both incites of the latter provision. For these purposes, the Assistant Secretary for Foreign Relations, the National Director of Borders and Limits of the State and the Director of the Chilean Antarctic Institute, as appropriate, will hold a compliance agreement with the Minister of the Portfolio. objectives and goals for improvement of management and institutional efficiency for the following year, which shall be ratified by 30 November of each year, by means of one or more decrees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, issued under the formula "by order of the President of the Republic." These decrees will have to be endorsed by the Budget Directorate and will also define the percentages of the allocation to be paid according to the level of compliance of the committed targets, which may be differentiated between the different plants and Staff's staff. By decrees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, issued under the above formula, which will also be signed by the Minister of Finance, it will be established, for each entity, the degree of fulfillment of the objectives and goals achieved and determine the percentages to be paid for this allocation. The verification of the degree of compliance with these objectives and targets will correspond to the internal audit unit of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, with the collaboration of the audit units of each Service, which will be formalized by resolution of the Deputy Secretary of State for the Budget. The allocation of the stimulus shall be paid to the officials in service to the date of payment, which, with the exception of the officials of the Foreign Service plant, shall have been at least for six months in the calendar year. above; it shall be taxable and taxable for the purposes of health and pensions, and shall not serve as the basis for the calculation of any other remuneration or legal benefit. The perception of this assignment shall be incompatible with the performance assignment of critical functions established in the third-third article of Law No. 19,882. They shall not be entitled to receive the assignment of this article by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Deputy Secretary of the Portfolio, the National Director of Borders and Limits of the State, and the Director of the Chilean Antarctic Institute. A regulation, issued through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which, in addition, must be signed by the Minister of Finance, will establish the way to determine the percentages to be paid annually; the mechanisms for fixing, controlling, evaluation and verification of the achievement of the objectives and goals of improvement of management and institutional efficiency; the timetable of the procedures necessary for the granting of the benefit, and any other relevant standard for the appropriate application of this Article. Article 3.-The following amendments are inserted in Law No. 18,989: 1) Substitute in Article 1, the phrase "and to guide the international cooperation that the country receives and grants", replacing the comma (,) preceding the phrase " of (2) Rule 2 (3) of Article 2 (3), in the name of Title III, the words "of Chile", following the word "International". (4) Intercalase the expression "of Chile", following the locution "Agency of International Cooperation", the times appearing in the first paragraph of Article 17, in the first paragraph of Article 18, in Article 24 and in Article 28. 5) Add the following second indent, in Article 17, to the current third indent: "In addition, the Agency has the purpose of implementing, implementing and implementing international cooperation for and between developing countries." 6) the current second indent of Article 17, which has become the third indent, the expression "Planning and Cooperation" for "External Relations". (7) Add in Article 19 the following point (e), passing the current literal (e) to be (f): " e) Promote, sponsor, administer or coordinate studies and scholarship programmes for training, training or further training at the levels of undergraduate, postgraduate and post-title imparted in the country to foreign students and trainees, and ". 8) Incorporate, in the letter" e) "of article 19, which becomes" f) ", the voice" programs ", followed by a comma (,) between the words" execute "and" projects ". 9. In Article 21, the following amendments shall be made: (a) Substitute, in point (a) of the second subparagraph, the expression "Planning and Cooperation" by "External Relations"; (b) Replace in point (b) of the second indent, the expression "External Relations" by "Planning", and (c) Add to the (ii) the following subparagraph shall be inserted after the separate point (.): " In addition, one or more officials of the Agency shall be appointed to perform the function of Council Secretaries in the event of an impediment or absence of the (10) Intercalase, in the first paragraph of Article 22, the sentence ' shall have the Ambassador's rank ", preceded by a comma (,) after the expression" President of the Republic ". Article 4.-To count from the date of entry into force of this law, the Ministry of Planning and Cooperation, created by law Nº 18.989, will be called " Ministe " and, consequently, modify in this sense the expression in all the references in which it appears. Transient Articles |! | Article first.-Payment of the |! |stimulus provided in the article 2nd will govern to count |! |the day first of the month following that of the publication |! |of this law. |! | For these purposes, the compliance of the |! |objectives and goals of management improvement and |! |institutional efficiency that condition the provenance |! |of this benefit will not be required during the six |! |first months of its application. The percentages of |! |allocation to be paid in this period will be |! |determined by decree of the Ministry of |! | External relations, issued under the formula "by |! |order of the President of the Republic" and visa by the |! | Address of Budgets. |! | Once the semester mentioned in the |! |above, and so the calendar year in which |! |has completed this period, the allocation of |! |stimulus will be paid in connection with the compliance |! |the objectives and goals of the improvement of the management and |! |institutional efficiency that are defined to the effect. With |! |this purpose, within thirty days of |! |the publication of this law in the Official Journal, will be |! |will hold the relevant convention, according to the |! |procedure set forth in the third indent of the |! |article 2 °. Article 2.-The President of the Republic shall be empowered to do so within the period of six months from the date of this law, through one or more decrees with force of law issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, In addition, they will be subscribed by the Ministry of Finance, modify the staff of the Secretariat and General Administration of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, national currency budget; of the National Directorate of Borders and Limits of the State; the Chilean Antarctic Institute, and the Directorate General for Economic Relations International. In the exercise of this power, the President of the Republic may modify and adjust the grades assigned to the charges, fix and adjust the requirements for the provision of the charges, lay down the rules necessary for the correct structuring and operation of the modifications that you enter and for the determination of the levels of the charges regarding the application of Law No. 19,882. If necessary, as a consequence of the modification of the plants of the Directorate General of International Economic Relations, the President of the Republic may adapt the assimilation to the degree contained in the article 15º of the decree with force of law No. 105, 1979, of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The typecasting of the staff in the posts of all the plants that are modified, will be carried out according to the norms contained in the law No. 18,834, fixing the president of the Republic the dates of validity of the plants, the pigeonhole of the staff and the maximum staffing levels. Changes of grade which are caused by the effect of the pigeonings shall not be considered as promotions and the officials shall, as a result, retain the number of biennies they are receiving, and shall also maintain the length of stay in the Grade for this purpose. The application of the provisions of this Article shall not mean loss of employment, reduction of remuneration, or modification of the civil servants ' prior and statutory rights. Any difference in remuneration will be paid by additional payroll, which will be taxable in the same proportion as those granted to public sector workers. The greatest expense that can be derived from the modifications of the plants and the pigeonhole that is practiced, considering its full year effect, will not be able to exceed the amount of $211,885 thousand, with respect to the Secretariat and General Administration; -$18,200 thousand in respect of the Chilean Antarctic Institute; $26,801 thousand, in respect of the National Directorate of Borders and Boundaries of the State; and $210,000 thousand, in respect of the Directorate General for International Economic Relations. Article 3-Officials who are currently serving the heads of the body and units referred to in Article 1 (4) (b) of this Law shall not be required to meet the requirements set out therein for the purposes of continue to perform these functions. Article 4.-The President of the Republic shall be empowered to, within a period of one year from the date of publication of this law, by means of decrees with force of law issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the recast, coordinated and systematised text of the decree with force of law No. 161, of 1978, Organic Statute of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and of the decree with force of law No. 33, of 1979, Staff Regulations of the Ministry of Relations Foreign nationals, both from that State Secretariat. Article 5.-The President of the Republic, by decree supreme issued through the Ministry of Finance, will create in the budget of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the revenue and expenditure chapter of the budget of the Agency International Cooperation of Chile, from the current International Cooperation Agency, under heading 21-Chapter 03-program 01, the financial resources not executed on the last day of the month in which this law is published. Article 6.-The greatest expenditure representing the application of this law will be financed with the resources provided in the budgets of the Secretariat and General Administration of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, of the National Directorate of Borders and Limits of the State, the Chilean Antarctic Institute and the Directorate General for International Economic Relations, as appropriate. " And because I have had to approve and sanction it; therefore, promulgate and take effect as the Law of the Republic. Santiago, 28 January 2005.-RICARDO LAGOS ESCOBAR, President of the Republic.-Francisco Vidal Salinas, Minister of Foreign Affairs (S).-Nicolas Eyzaguirre Guzmán, Minister of Finance.-Yasna Provoste Campillay, Minister of Planning and Cooperation. What I transcribe to US. for your knowledge.-Demetrio Infante Figueroa, Ambassador, Managing Director General.