LAW NO. 20,012 GRANTS EXTRAORDINARY BONUS FOR THE LOWER INCOME SECTORS Having regard to the fact that the National Congress has given its approval to the following Bill: " Article 1. the following beneficiaries: -the pensioners of the Institute for Occupational Standardisation, of the provident boxes and of the Law Nº16,744, who are receiving minimum pensions as laid down in Article 24 of Law No 15.386, or minimum pensions established in the Articles 26 and 27 of the same law and of article 39 of Law No 10,662, whether by invalidity, old age, seniority or other causal retirement or by widowhood;-the pensioners of the system established in decree law Nº3,500 of 1980, who are receiving minimum pensions for old age, invalidity, widowhood or mother of children of non-marital affiliation, with state guarantee under Title VII of that legal body;-those who receive pensions from pension schemes of the pension schemes, from the Institute for Pension Standards, of the system set out in Decree Law No 3,500 of 1980, and the mutual societies of employers of law No 16,744, whether by invalidity, old age, seniority or other cause of retirement or by widowhood or mother of children of non-marital affiliation, of amounts higher than those of the respective minimum pensions cited This is the first time that the Commission has been able to make the most of the According to the measuring instruments established by the Ministry of Planning, the system established in Decree Law No. 3,500 of 1980 will have to prove their poverty status. The pensioners of the system established in Decree Law No. 3,500 of 1980, who do not prove their poverty status as of May 1, 2005, must obtain such accreditation prior to 1 July of that year, in which case they will be paid the extraordinary bonus in a single quota during the course of the last month;-the beneficiaries of pension assistance of decree law Nº869, of 1975;-beneficiaries of pension of grace whose amount to 1 April 2005 does not exceed $100,000 per month;-family allowance beneficiaries established in law Nº18.020;-workers Article 2 (a), (b) and (c) of Article 2 of the decree with force of law Nº150, 1981, of the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare, which perceive the benefit of the family allowance established in the aforementioned decree with force of law and whose Monthly income in March 2005 does not exceed $180,000. For these purposes, the monthly income referred to in Article 2 of Law No 18.987 shall be considered monthly income. -families who, as of 31 March 2005, had received the "Chile Solidarity" Social Protection System Protection Bonus, established in law Nº19,949, and-families who have received the Income Bonus established on the same date Article 2 transitional of the law cited above. Article 2.-The extraordinary bonus of $16,000 will be paid in two installments of $10,000 and $6,000, the first during the month of May 2005 and the second during the month of July 2005, along with pensions, subsidies, benefits or remuneration, according to corresponds. In the case of the beneficiary families mentioned in the last two points of the preceding article, the extraordinary bonus will be paid by the Instituto de Normalización Prepálique to the member of those families who receive the Bonus of Income or the Bonus protection, on the same dates as indicated above. The payment of the extraordinary bonus shall be made by the bodies and institutions to whom the respective pensions or allowances are payable. In the case of workers receiving family allowance, the bonus will be paid by the respective employer, applying the rules on payment and recovery of the family allowances set out in the aforementioned decree with force of law Nº150. The extraordinary bonus shall be a tax charge and shall be paid to all persons who have any of the qualities referred to in the Article before 1 April 2005. This will not constitute remuneration or income for any legal effect and, consequently, will not be taxable or taxable and will not be affected at any discount. Article 3.-Each beneficiary shall be entitled to an extraordinary bonus only, even if he reviews more than one of the qualities indicated to access it. If you have more than one quality of beneficiary, you will be awarded the bonus as a pensioner, and, in the event of being the holder of more than one pension, by the entity that pays the least amount. No special bonus shall be entitled to the bonus of more than one pension of any pension or welfare scheme, including social security of law No 16,744, or of grace pensions, except where they do not exceed, as a whole, from $100,000 monthly, to the date of payment of the benefit. To those who mischievously perceive the extraordinary bonus granted by this article, the administrative and penal sanctions that could be imposed on them will apply. Article 4: The greatest expenditure that the implementation of this law represents during the year 2005, will be financed by transfers of item 50-01-03-24-03.104 of the Budget Item Public Treasury of the Budget Law of this year, The sum of the net value referred to in the first paragraph of Article 4 of Law No 19,986. ', and as soon as I have had to approve and sanction it, shall be increased in the equivalent of that higher expenditure; effect as Law of the Republic. Santiago, 22 April 2005.-RICARDO LAGOS ESCOBAR, President of the Republic.-Nicolas Eyzaguirre Guzmán, Minister of Finance.-Ricardo Solari Saavedra, Minister of Labour and Social Welfare. What I transcribe to you for your knowledge.-Salutes intently to Ud., Maria Eugenia Wagner Brizzi, Undersecretary of Finance.