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LAW NO. 20.034 FUSES FEMALE AND MALE ESCALATIONS, OF |! | CHILEAN CARABINIERI OFFICERS Having present that the H. National Congress has |! |given its approval to the following Bill: " Article 1.-Declare the Escalafon Women of Order and Security (E.F.), referred to in Article 1 (2) of Law No. 18,291, which restructures and establishes the plant and grades of the staff of Carabineros of Chile, in order to create a unified order of Order and Security, Fila officers of the Supreme Nomination Staff. Article 2.-Attaché, in Title I, Supreme Nomination Staff, subtitle A, Fíla officers, from article 1 of Law No. 18,291, following the number 2, Women's Staircase of Order and Security (E.F.), the phrase "(in extinction)". Article 3.-The seats of Capitans, Tenants and Sublieutenants of the Women of Order and Security Escalafon (E.F.), declared in extinction, shall be transferred to the Escalafon of Order and Security, as referred to in Article 1 (1) of Law No 18,291, and their respective holders will be pigeonholed in the latter, with their male peers of equal degree and the regular promotion homologous, according to the date of entry to the School of Carabinieri and the average of notes obtained at the egress of the same. Article 4.-The places corresponding to the degrees of General, Colonel, Lieutenant Colonel and Major will continue to be served by their respective holders in the Women's Order of Order and Security (E.F.), declared to be extinct, and will be promotions when the respective vacancies occur, until the date of verification of the withdrawal, the resignation, the death of those, or any other causal that will motivate the vacancy of the charges. The places that are vacant in the ranks of Colonel, Lieutenant Colonel and Major will be transferred to the Order and Security Escalafon, once the vacancy of the last post of Colonel Grade 5 is declared. The General Square will be transferred to the aforementioned Escalafon when its vacancy is declared. Article 5.-The application of the provisions of Article 3 may not alter the age corresponding to the officers in the Women's Order of Order and Security (E.F.), declared to be extinct. Article 6.-Replace the first paragraph of article 48 of Law No. 18,961, a constitutional organic law of the Carabineros of Chile, for the following: " The antiquity among officers belonging to different scales, in equal degrees, shall be determined in accordance with the following order of precedence: (1) Officers of Order and Security; (2) Officers of Intendence; and (3) Officers of the Services. " Article 7.-As of the date of publication of this law, the Aspirants to Officers of Order and Security who graduate from the School of Carabineros, will be appointed or appointed Sublieutenants of the Escalafon of Officers of Order and Security, of agreement with its antiquity. Transitory articles Article 1 transient.-Create the following |! |transient plant, in order to materialize the |! |unification of the male and female escalations of |! | Order and Safety and the progressive extinction of the |! | Women's Escalafon Order and Security (E.F.): 20 Colonels grade 5 18 Tenants Coronels grade 7 Article 2nd transitional.-The pigeonhole of the staff referred to in Article 3, in the Order of Order and Security, will be made to the proposal of the Directorate General de Carabineros and it will materialize by means of supreme decrees signed by the Minister of National Defense, with the formula "By Order of the President of the Republic." Transitional Article 3.-The amendment referred to in Article 6 shall not apply to the officers of the Women's Order and Security (E.F.), declared in extinction, while remaining in the latter. Article 4-Transitional.-As a consequence of the progressive extinction of the Female Order of Order and |! | Security (E.F.) and the transfer of the places to which it is |! |refer to articles 3 and 4, will be incorporated into the |! | Order of Order and Security The following places: 1 General grade 3 7 Colonels grade 5 14 Teniors grade 7 22 Major grade 8 54 Captains grade 9 98 Tenors grade 11 42 Sublieutenants grade 12 Article 5-Transitional.-Application of this law may not mean increased fiscal expenditure. The plant referred to in Article 1 of the transitional article and the places referred to in Article 4 of the Transitional Article shall be financed from the resources arising from the vacancy of the positions of the Women's Order and Security (E.F.), declared to be extinct. Article 6-Transitional.-Facultate the President of the Republic so that, by means of one or more decrees with force of law, issued through the Ministry of National Defense, carry out, in article 1 of Law No. 18,291, that restructure and fix the plant and grades of the staff of Carabineros of Chile, and in the decree with force of law No. 2 (I), of 1968, Staff Regulations of the Carabineros of Chile, the adjustments that are derived from the application of the provisions in the articles 3 and 4 permanent and 1st and 4th transients of this law. Also, authorize the President of the Republic to fix the recast, coordinated and systematized text of the decree with force of law No. 2 (I), of 1968, Staff Regulations of the Chilean Carabineros. " Having complied with the provisions of Article 82 of the Constitution of the Republic of the Republic of the Republic of the Republic of the Republic of the Republic of the Republic of the Republic of the Republic of the Republic of the Republic of the Republic of Mexico, and because I have had to approve and sanction it, I therefore promulgate and take effect as the Law of Santiago, 5 July 2005.-RICARDO LAGOS ESCOBAR, President of the Republic.-Jaime Ravinet de la Fuente, Minister of National Defense.-Francisco Vidal Salinas, Minister of the Interior. What is transcribed for his knowledge.-Felipe Harboe Basquunan, Assistant Secretary of Carabineros. Constitutional Court Draft law that fuses the Escalafones |! | Women's and Men's of Carabinieri Officers |! | Chile The Secretary of the Constitutional Court, who |! |subscribes, certifies that the Honorable Chamber of Deputies |! |sent the Draft law enunciated in the rubric, approved |! |by the National Congress, in order that this Tribunal |! |exercise the control of constitutionality with respect to |! |the articles 3rd, 5th and 6th, permanent, and 3rd |! |transitory, of the same, and by judgment of June 15 |! |of 2005, dictated in cars Role No. 448, declared them |! |constitutional. Santiago, June 16, 2005.-Rafael Larrain |! | Cruz, Secretary.