LAW NO. 20.092 ESTABLISHES AN EXTRAORDINARY BONUS FOR THOSE WHO EXERCISE |! | AS VOWELS OF THE POLLING STATIONS Having present that the H. National Congress has |! |given its approval to the following Bill: " Article 1.-Conceal, by one time, an extraordinary bonus of $6,000, to the people who exercise, in an effective way, the functions of the vowels of receiving tables of suffragettes on the occasion of the second vote for President of the Republic to be held on January 15, 2006. The bonus will not constitute remuneration or income for any legal effect and, consequently, will not be taxable or taxable and will not be affected at any discount. This bonus will be paid by the General Treasury of the Republic by means of a registered cheque sent to the recipient's domicile or by depositing it in the bank account that he indicates to the effect. To this end, the delegates of the Electoral Boards, which correspond, shall forward to the General Treasury of the Republic, in the form and within the time limits laid down in Article 77 of the Law N ° 18,700, Constitutional Organic on Voting Popular and Ballots, the payroll with the full name, identity card number and address of the persons who had exercised, effectively, the function of vowels in the electoral act indicated in the first paragraph, in addition to the identification of the bank account indicated by the beneficiary, in the event that the beneficiary manifests his or her that the bonus be deposited on her. To those who mischievously perceive the extraordinary bonus granted by this article, the administrative and penal sanctions that may be imposed shall apply to them, without prejudice to the repayment of the sums wrongly received. Article 2 °.-The greatest tax expense that the application of this law represents during the year 2006, will be financed with the resources contemplated in the budget of the departure Ministry of the Interior, being able to carry out to the effect the reallocations and Transfers that are necessary. ' And because I have had to approve and sanction it; therefore, promulgate and take effect as the Law of the Republic. Santiago, December 26, 2005.-RICARDO LAGOS ESCOBAR, President of the Republic.-Nicolas Eyzaguirre Guzmán, Minister of Finance.-Francisco Vidal Salinas, Minister of the Interior. What I transcribe to you for your knowledge.-Salutes intently to Ud., Maria Eugenia Wagner Brizzi, Undersecretary of Finance.