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LAW NO. 20.104 AMENDS LAW NO. 18,291, WHICH RESTRUCTURES AND FIXES THE |! | PLANT AND GRADES OF THE CHILEAN CARABINIERI PERSONNEL Having present that the H. National Congress has |! |given its approval to the following Bill: " Article 1.-Modify the Article 1 of the law | !|Nº18,291, increasing the Plant and Grades of the Staff of |! | Carabineros of Chile in the following form: NUMBER OF JOBS DEGREES I.-STAFF OF SUPREME APPOINTMENT A) OFFICERS OF ROW 1) Escalafon of Order and Security 13 Colonels 5 17 Colonels 7 32 Older 8 90 Captains 9 220 Sublieutenants 12 II.-PERSONAL OF INSTITUTIONAL APPOINTMENT (A) PERSONNEL IN LINE 1) Order and Security Escalation and Service 401 Subofficers Major 11 551 Subofficers 12 1.136 Sargents 1 ° s 13 2,097 Sargents 2 ° s 14 1,443 Cabos 1 ° s 15 Article 2 °.-The increase of the Personal |! |of Carabineros of Chile, according to the provisions of the |! |previous article of this law, will materialize as |! |the following program of annual increases: I.-PERSONNEL OF SUPREME APPOINTMENT A) OFFICERS OF ROW 1) Escalafon de Orden and Safety Grades Years 2007 2008 2009 2010 Coronels 5 2 3 4 4 Tenors Coronels 7 2 3 6 6 Majors 8 8 8 8 8 Captains 9 10 20 30 30 Sublieutenants 12 0 0 110 110 II.-INSTITUTIONAL APPOINTMENT STAFF (A) RANK AND FILE STAFF 1) Order and Security Escalation and Services Grades Years 2007 2008 2009 2010 Senior Officers 11 112 94 97 98 12 155 133 133 130 Sargent 1 ° s 13 312 270 272 282 Sargentos 2 ° s 14 546 591 423 537 Cabos 1 ° s 15 353 378 417 295 Article 3 °-The increased tax expenditure representing the application of this law will be financed from the resources provided for in the Chile's Carabineros budget. Article 1 Transitional.-To count from 1 January 2009 and for a period of three years, the staff of Carabineros who are eligible for retirement with the right to a pension, will not be able to exceed, in each year, 1.5% of the total of the staff of the Institutional Plant existing to December of the previous year. In qualified and duly substantiated cases, by supreme decree, the General Director of Carabineros may be authorized to exceed that percentage. Article 2 ° transitory.-Set up a bonus of |! |permanency for staff of officers of Row of |! | Supreme Appointment and Staff of Appointment Row |! | Institutional of Carabineros which, to the date of |! |publication of this law, accredit be entitled to |! |retirement pension and hold twenty to twenty-one years |! |effective services. This benefit will be determined in relation to the |! |years of effective services to the date of publication of |! |this law and with the years of effective service at the time |! |of the withdrawal, and will consist of a number of months of your |! |last remuneration taxable, with a cap of five, |! |according to the following table: Years of effective services at the time of withdrawal Years of 29 30 31 and more effective services to date of publication of the law 20-21 2 months 3 months 5 months Article 3º transitional.- Set a |! |stay bonus for appointment row staff |! |institutional, which to date publication of the |! |present law compute between 30 and 31 years of services |! |effective. This benefit will be determined in relation to the |! |years of effective services to the date of publication of |! |the present law and years of effective services to the |! |moment of withdrawal, and will consist of a number of months |! |of your last remuneration taxable, with a stop of |! |three, according to the following table: Years of effective services at the time of retirement Years of 32 33 34 35 and more effective services to date of publication of law 30 0 1 month 1 month 2 months 31 0 1 month 2 months 3 months Transitional Article 4-The bonds established in Articles 2 and 3 shall be calculated on the basis of the last taxable remuneration and will be paid in the value of such remuneration at the time of withdrawal, without any increases. The payment will be made by Carabineros of Chile, one year after the withdrawal. Article 5-Transitional.-The bonds established in the preceding articles shall not be remunerated for any legal effect, consequently they shall not be affected by taxation or social or other security discounts, and shall be incompatible with those laid down in Law No 19,941. These bonds will not be awarded to the staff of institutions other than Carabineros of Chile, even if they are directly or indirectly applicable to them, the legislation relating to Carabineros of Chile. " And because I have had to approve and sanction it; therefore be enacted and take effect as the Law of the Republic. Santiago, April 24, 2006.-MICHELLE BACHELET, President of the Republic.-Viviane Blanlot Soza, Minister of National Defense.-Andres Zaldivar Larrain, Minister of the Interior.-Andres Velasco Branes, Minister of Finance. What is transcribed for his knowledge.-Marcelo Ortiz Aravena, Assistant Secretary of Carabineros.