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LAW NO. 20.113 CREATES NEW ESCALATIONS IN THE POLICE PLANTS OF |! | INVESTIGATIONS OF CHILE Having present that the H. National Congress has |! |given its approval to the following Bill: " Article 1.-Replace the letter A of the numeral I |! |from article 1 of Law No. 19,586, for the following: " A.-Police Officers High Command: 1 Director General 1 2 Prefect General 3 3 Prefect Inspector 15 Professional Police Officers Line 5 Prefect 47 7 Subprefect 246 8 Commissioner 402 9 Deputy Commissioner 853 11 Inspector 1240 12 Sub-inspector 900 13 Detective 300 Police Officers Professionals 5 Prefect 24 7 Subprefect 134 8 Commissioner 658 9 Deputy Commissioner 250. ' Article 2.-Enter the following |! |modifications in the decree with force of law No. 1, of |! | 1980, of the Ministry of National Defense, Status of the |! | Staff of the Police of Investigations of Chile: 1) Substitute Article 5 (j), by the following |! |: " j) Police officer: Official of the High Command |! | Escalafon, to the Official Escalafon |! | Professional Line Police or to the Escalafon of |! | Police Officers Professional. 2) Replace the letter A referred to in the number |! | I of article 7, by the following: "A.-Escalafon of Police Officers-High Command-Professional Police Officers of Line-Professional Police Officers." 3) Replace Article 16º by the following: " Article 16.-The appointment of the Detectives |! |of the |! | Line of Professional Police Officers Escalafon, as well as the |! Scalafon Substewards | Professional Police Officers, will fall |! |exclusively on alumni of the respective |! courses. Research. ". 4) Add, in article 30, the following |! |final paragraph:" Without prejudice to the provisions of the paragraph |! |second, in qualified cases and by resolution |! |founded in reasons of better service, the Director |! | General may dispense to the Prefects of the requirement of |! |time in the grade to ascend to the grade of Prefect |! | Inspector. However, you may not exercise this power |! |more than three times in the year. "5) Replace, in the numeral I." Plant of |! | Officers "of Article 32, the letter A, by the following |!:" A).-Police Officers Escalafon High Command Grade 3 Prefect Inspector 2 years Escalafon of Professional Officers of Line Grade 13 Detective 1 year Grade 12 Sub-inspector 3 years Grade 11 Inspector 5 years Grade 9 Deputy Commissioner 6 years Grade 8 Commissioner 5 years Grade 7 Sub-prefect 5 years Grade 5 Prefect 5 Year of Year of Professional Police Officers Grade 9 Sub-Commissioner 7 years Grade 8 Commissioner 8 years Grade 7 Sub-prefect 8 years Grade 5 Prefect 7 years. "6) Add, in article 33rd, the following paragraph |! |second, passing the current incissos second, third and |! |fourth to third, fourth and fifth, respectively:" If none of the Prefects of the Escalaphones |! | Professional Police Officers of Line and |! | Professional Police Officers meet the time |! |minimum stay in the grade, will not be able to impose the |! |time credit referred to the previous paragraph, if has not |! |approved the course of High Command. " 7) Add the following article 34th, new: " Article 34 °.-The Director General, the Prefects |! | Generals and the Prefects Inspectors will make up the |! | High Institutional Command. To these degrees may |! |ascend, in accordance with the rules on promotions, |! |the Prefects of the Escalafon of Professional Officers |! |of Line and the Prefects of the Escalafon of Officers |! | Professional Police. " 8) Amend article 35º of the following |! |form: a) Intercalase, in the first paragraph, between the |! |" Police "expression and the comma (,) that happens, the |! |phrase" Line Professionals and the |! Escalafon | Professional Police Officers " and add, a |! |continuation of the endpoint (.), the Next sentence: |! | "The course that confers this title cannot be repeated |! |during the official race.". (b) First the second indent. 9) Intercalase, in the first paragraph of the article |! | 36º, between the expressions "Police" and "and", the phrase |! | "of Line and of the Escalafon of Police Officers |! | Professionals". 10) Modify the article 39º of the following |! |form: a) First, going to be the |! |current incissos second and third, incissos first and |! |second, respectively. b) Replace, in the second indent, the expression |! | "Likewise" and the comma (,) that happens, by the phrase "The |! | Director General, by way of resolution founded", followed |! |of a comma (,). (11) The final paragraph of the second indent of Article 43 (12) should be replaced by the following: " Article 44th.-In the decree of appointment of |! |the Detectives of the Escalafon of Police Officers |! | Online Professionals and The |! | Escalafon of Professional Police Officers, of a |! |same promotion, the seniority will be fixed according to |! |the average of the notes obtained in the respective |! |courses of the School of Investigation. " 13) Interleave, in the third paragraph of the second indent of Article 65 (2) (a), between the |! |" Police "and" what ", the phrase |! |" Online Professionals and the Official Escalafon |! | Professional Police ". 14) Add the following article 103 °, new:" Article 103 ° bis.-Police Officers |! | Professionals will be entitled to an allowance |! |non-taxable professional, equivalent to thirty-five |! |per cent of your basic salary. Likewise, this |! |benefit will be perceived by the students of the Course of |! | Training of Professional Officers referred to in the |! |third paragraph of article 27º of Law No. 16.468. " 15) Replace, at the end of the first paragraph of the |! |article 136th, the period (.) by a comma (,) and add, |! |below, the following sentence: "excluded the |! |staff from the Escalafon of Police Officers |! | Professionals", preceded by a comma (,). 16) Intercalase, in the second paragraph of the article |! | 147th, between the expressions "Detective" and "de", the phrase |! | "and the Training Course of Police Officers |! | Professionals". Article 3.-Add, in Article 27º of Law No 16.468, the following third, fourth and fifth points: " The Training Course of Professional Police Officers shall be extended for one year, including practical work in a Brigade Criminal Investigation and its approval will result in obtaining the title of Police Investigator. To enter the Training Course of Professional Police Officers, you must be in possession of a degree awarded by a University or Professional Institute of the State or recognized by it, of a career of at least four years or eight years. semesters of duration. The Director-General shall, each year, determine the value of the course of registration for the students. The regulations shall determine the other entry requirements and procedures applicable to the application, selection and graduation of the students of the Training Course of Professional Police Officers. " Article 4 °.-Any time that, in a legal or regulatory standard referred to the Police of Investigations of Chile, reference is made to "Police Officers", this will be understood to be done to the High Command, to the Police Officers of Line and to Professional Police Officers. When reference is made to the "Escalation of Police Officers", it will be understood that the High Command Escalations, Professional Police Officers of Line and Professional Police Officers are mentioned. When referring to "Police Officer", the Police Officer of the High Command, the Police Officer of the Line and the Professional Police Officer shall be understood. TRANSITIONAL PROVISIONS Article 1.-Students of the |! Course | Training of Professional Police Officers |! |will be hired, assimilated to the office of Inspector |! |grade 11th of the scale of the current base salaries and not |! |will be entitled to trienes. The Director General will be able to hire 250 |! |students from the Training Course of Police Officers |! | Professionals, to count from the year 2006 and until 2009 |! |inclusive, while in the year 2010 you will be able to hire a |! | 66 students. Article 2.-The provision of the charges for the Escalafon of Professional Police Officers, which are created pursuant to Article 1 of this Law, shall be made progressively in so far as the Professional Police Officers entering into The aforementioned Escalafon, as Deputy Commissioners grade 9º, meet the requirements of permanence in each of the grades of the one. However, as long as the requirements that are required for the promotion of promotions to the higher grades are not met, the total of the charges of the aforementioned Escalafon will correspond to the degree of Deputy Commissioner grade 9 °. Article 3.-During the first two years of this law, they may apply to the Training Course of Professional Police Officers of the School of Investigation, the officials of the Police of Investigations of Chile belonging to the Official Plant or to the Scientific-Technical Support Plant which, at the date of its publication or during the two years following the date of its entry into force, complies with the corresponding entry requirements. These officials shall be subject to the provisions of Article 87 (d) of Law No 18,834 on Administrative Staff Regulations. Article 4.-The greatest expense that the application of this law will give in 2006, will be financed from item 50-01-03-24-03.104 of the Budget Item Public Treasury, and in subsequent years will be recorded in the Police Budget. ". And for how much I have had to apr to obtain and sanction it; therefore, promulgate and take effect as the Law of the Republic. Santiago, July 14, 2006.-MICHELLE BACHELET, President of the Republic.-Vivianne Blanlot Soza, Minister of National Defense.-Andres Velasco Branes, Minister of Finance. What I transcribe to you for your knowledge.-Salutes intently to Ud., Ricardo Navarrete Betanzo, Undersecretary of Investigations.