LAW NO. 20,161 AMENDS DECREE LAW NO. 3,557, 1981, WHICH LAYS DOWN PROVISIONS FOR AGRICULTURAL PROTECTION Having regard to the fact that the National Congress has given its approval to the following bill, originating in a motion of Deputies Mr Pedro Álvarez-Salamanca Buchi, Ramón Barros Montero, Marcelo Forni Lobos, Javier Hernández Hernández, Ivan Norambuena Farias, Manuel Rojas Molina, Gonzalo Uriarte Herrera, Gaston Von Muhlenbrock Zamora, and then Mr José Antonio Galilee Vidaurre and Pablo Prieto Lorca Bill of Law: Article 1.-Amend the Decree Law No 3,557 of 1981 laying down rules on agricultural protection in the form indicated: 1.-Reposition Article 21 by the following: Article 21.-Plants, animals, products of plant or animal origin, chemicals, and For use in agricultural activities, pharmaceutical products for exclusively veterinary use and animal feed products intended to be admitted to the country, shall be reviewed by the Agricultural and Livestock Service before their nationalisation. The Service may order some of the following measures: freedom of entry, re-export, disinfection or disinfection, industrialization, quarantine or disposal. The costs arising from the implementation of these measures shall be borne by the importers or interested parties. Any person entering the country, including Chilean diplomats and official officials, foreign governments and international organizations, must be sworn in on special forms, carrying or bringing with them, in their clothing, in their luggage or in some way in the means of transport in which they are moved, one or more of the goods referred to in the preceding paragraph, where they do not have the commercial character. The form in which the affidavit has already been made must be displayed to the immigration control official, which is a requirement to obtain authorization to enter the country. The audit of the content and veracity of the declaration shall be the responsibility of the Agricultural and Livestock Service in matters falling within its competence. The fact that the truth is missing in your declaration will be punished with a fine in accordance with this law, without prejudice to other measures that the health authority can take to protect the phyto and animal health. Where the offence referred to in the preceding paragraph is committed by the driver of a particular means of transport or vehicle, the owners of such means shall be jointly and severally liable for the payment of the fines which, pursuant to Article 4 (1) of the Article shall be applied. Air, sea and land transport undertakings shall make known to their passengers prior to the landing of the respective means of transport, the obligation to provide the affidavit referred to in this Article, the goods to be object of declaration and the penalty of its infringement. The Agricultural and Livestock Service will regulate and audit the way transport companies will have to comply with this obligation. The forms referred to in this Article, drawn up or approved by the Agricultural and Livestock Service, shall provide an adequate understanding of what is to be declared, and shall state by way of example the main goods to be understood included in the product concept of plant or animal origin. In addition, the Agricultural and Livestock Service may, in coordination with other public services requiring declarations of entry to persons, establish joint forms, in which case they shall exercise their powers of audit according to their 2.-Eliminate in the first paragraph of Article 42, the expression "21, fourth indent,". 3.-Rule 43. Article 2.-Add in the first paragraph of Article 49 of the Law No. 18,755, organic of the Agricultural and Livestock Service, following the word "plagues", the phrase " and of the violation of the affidavit of the decree law No. 3,557, of 1981. ' And because I have had to approve and sanction it; therefore, promulgate and take effect as the Law of the Republic. Santiago, 2 February 2007.-MICHELLE BACHELET, President of the Republic.-Alvaro Rojas Marin, Minister of Agriculture. What I transcribe to you for your knowledge.-Salutes intently to Ud., Cecilia Leiva Montenegro, Undersecretary of Agriculture.