LAW NO. 20,512 EXTENDS THE TERM OF VALIDITY OF THE FRANCHISES CONTAINED IN ARTICLE 28 OF THE DECREE WITH FORCE OF LAW NO 341, OF 1977, AND IN ARTICLE 35 OF THE LAW NO 19,420 Having regard to the fact that the National Congress has given its approval to the Bill of Law: " Article 1.-Substitute in the first paragraph of Article 28 of the decree with force of law Nº341, 1977, of the Ministry of Finance, whose consolidated, coordinated and systematized text was established by the decree with force of law Nº2, 2001, of the Ministry of Finance, the "2010" by "2012". Article 2.-Substitute, in the first paragraph of Article 35 of Law No. 19,420, whose consolidated, coordinated and systematised text was established by the decree with force of law Nº1, 2001, of the Ministry of Finance, the "2010" guitarianism for "2012". Transitional single article.-This law shall enter into force on the first day of January 2011. " And because I have had to approve and sanction it; therefore, promulgate and take effect as the Law of the Republic. Santiago, May 3, 2011.-SEBASTIAN PINERA ECHENIQUE, President of the Republic.-Felipe Larraín Bascunan, Minister of Finance. What I transcribe to you for your knowledge.-Saluda Atté. to you, Rodrigo Alvarez Zenteno, Undersecretary of Finance.