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LAW NO. 20,670 CREATES THE SYSTEM CHOOSES TO LIVE HEALTHY Having present that the H. National Congress has given its approval to the following Bill: " TITLE I Of the object and other general provisions Article 1 °.-This law aims to promote healthy habits and lifestyles to improve people's quality of life and well-being. For the purposes of this law, it will be understood by healthy habits and lifestyles, those that promote and promote healthy eating, the development of physical activity, family life and outdoor activities, as well as those of conduct and actions aimed at contributing to the prevention, reduction or reversal of risk factors and behaviors associated with non-communicable diseases. Article 2.-The organs of the State Administration with competence in matters related to promoting healthy habits and lifestyles will seek to incorporate into their policies, plans and programs, measures that aim to inform, educate and educate and encourage the prevention of risk factors and behaviors associated with non-communicable diseases, derived from unhealthy habits and lifestyles. A resolution, dictated by the Ministry of Health and also signed by the Ministry of Social Development, will determine the diseases that will be considered non-communicable due to unhealthy habits and lifestyles and those factors and factors. risk behaviors associated with them, in respect of which the System referred to in this law will be directed. The corresponding administrative acts should also set out the standards for advertising, promotion and corporate social responsibility that private companies and institutions will have to meet in order to be able to celebrate agreements with the Ministry of Social Development and other public bodies to participate in the initiatives related to the System Choose Living Sano and use its symbols. Any agreement with private bodies must incorporate the commitment to respect and comply with these standards at least to maintain the validity of the respective agreements. TITLE II The System Choose Living Sano Article 3 °.-Create the System Choose Living Sano, hereinafter "the System", which will be a management model constituted by policies, plans and programs elaborated and executed by various agencies of the State, intended to contribute to the generation of healthy habits and lifestyles and to the prevention and reduction of risk factors and behaviours associated with non-communicable diseases, as set out in the resolution referred to in the previous Article. The Ministry of Social Development, through the Executive Secretariat, Choose Living Sano under the Social Services Secretariat, will be responsible for the administration, coordination and supervision of the System. The evaluation of the implementation of the System will be carried out through the Social Assessment Secretariat. A regulation shall determine the functioning of the Executive Secretariat and lay down the rules necessary for the administration, coordination, supervision and evaluation of the System. Article 4 °.-The policies, plans and programs that are part of the System Choose Living Sano will have one or more of the following objectives: a) Promotion of healthy eating: it consists in the promotion of education in those eating habits teeth to improve overall nutrition and decrease in overweight. b) Promotion of sports practices: those that encourage exercise and physical activity as fundamental elements of health and well-being. c) Dissemination of activities in the open air: promotion of the benefits of actions in which there is contact with nature. d) Activities of family development, recreation and management of leisure time: are those that are aimed at strengthening families and that facilitate the development of activities aimed at the recreation and exercise of leisure or sports disciplines. e) Self-care actions: it involves developing skills that make it possible to opt for healthy decisions that, incorporated in everyday practices, improve the quality of life of the individual, the family or their community. f) Information, education and communication measures: those that disseminate, encourage and promote the development of healthy habits and practices. g) Contribute to reducing obstacles that make it difficult to access healthy habits and lifestyles of the most vulnerable people. Article 5 °.-The policies, plans and programs that are part of the System will be elaborated and implemented sectorial or intersectorally by the various organs of the State Administration, according to their respective competences and will be coordinated by The Executive Secretary chooses to Live Sano. Article 6.-The policies, plans and programmes outlined in the previous article must meet the following requirements to be part of the System: a) Design and carry out initiatives that have one or more of the objectives outlined in the Article 4 °. b) Goals, evaluation mechanisms, and objectives. c) To consider for their programs the procedures of information records of beneficiaries and applicants, that allow the measurement and evaluation of at least processes and results, such as coverage, effectiveness and quality. d) Contar with financing. Article 7 °.-The President of the Republic shall, on an annual basis, determine the policies, plans and programs that will be part of the System, provided that they comply with the requirements set out in the previous article, on the proposal of the Inter-Ministerial Committee Social Development regulated in law Nº 20,530, and report of the Executive Secretariat Choose Living Sano, prepared for the said Committee. The supreme decree that incorporates a policy, plan and program must be issued by the Ministry of Social Development and, in addition, signed by the Minister of Finance. Such a decree shall establish the coordination mechanisms between the organs of the State Administration participating in the policy, plan and programme, where the latter are inter-sectoral, and the other rules necessary for their operation. The procedure referred to in the preceding paragraphs shall also be used to determine the policies, plans and programmes which will cease to be part of the System when they no longer meet any of the requirements laid down in the Article 6 °. Article 8 °.-The programmes which form part of the System shall be subject to evaluations in accordance with the provisions of Article 3 (c) and (d) of Law No 20,530. This is without prejudice to the ability of the Budget Directorate to carry out, directly or through third parties, impact assessments of the System's programmes. For the above, each program should design and put into operation an information registry mechanism that allows for relevant and relevant background to the monitoring of the progress and results of its implementation. This information must also be entered in the register referred to in Article 6 of the Law Nº 19,949. For the purposes of the evaluations, the implementers of the programmes referred to above shall provide such databases, including the necessary personal data, to the evaluating entities and to the Budget Directorate. Copies of the final reports of the evaluations mentioned in the previous paragraph, must be sent to the Health and Sports Commissions of both Houses of the National Congress and published on the website of the Ministry of Social Development. Article 9 °.-The System may use information tools, including surveys carried out by public bodies, that contain information necessary for the monitoring of unhealthy habits and lifestyles and factors or risk behaviors associated with non-communicable diseases of the population. For these purposes, the Ministry of Social Development may request the corresponding entities in charge of these instruments, the databases, including the necessary personal data. Article 10.-Persons who access databases under this law, must respect the confidentiality of personal data that they contain in the information to which they have access, and their unauthorized dissemination by the law will be prohibited. Ministry of Social Development, as well as its adulteration. The infringement of this provision will be sanctioned in accordance with Law Nº 19,628 and, in addition, in respect of civil servants it will be considered a serious violation of the principle of administrative probity, which will be sanctioned in accordance with the law. law. Any commercial use and exchange of the databases referred to in the foregoing paragraph shall be prohibited, and any communication, academic or research use made of them shall ensure due dissociation, according to the established in law Nº 19,628, on the protection of personal data. Article 11. The Ministry of Social Development may conclude agreements with municipalities, with other organs of the State Administration or with private entities for the operation and financing of the System. Agreements with private entities for profit must ensure compliance with the advertising, promotion and corporate social responsibility standards referred to in Article 2, and must guarantee the possibility of giving (a) the abovementioned agreements to be found to have failed to comply with those standards. The administrative basis for these agreements should be ensured by the free procurement. Conventions to be signed with municipalities shall comply with the provisions of the penultimate paragraph of Article 5 °. of Law Nº 18,695, Constitutional Organic of Municipalities, whose consolidated, coordinated and systematized text was established by the decree with force of law No. 1, 2006, of the Ministry of the Interior. Article 12.-Create the position of Secretary, hires, grade 2, of the Executive Secretariat, Choose Living Sano in the Subsecretariat of Social Services, to which it will be the responsibility to perform functions of managerial or managerial character. Amend the Public Sector Budget Law for 2013, in Item 21, Chapter 01, Program 01, as follows: (a) Increase the maximum amount of current staff of the Social Services Secretariat, in a quota. b) Increase, in the Subsecretariat of Social Services, the maximum authorization for the fulfillment of the third-third article of Law Nº 19,882, in a quota. Article 13.-The greatest tax expense that the application of this law represents during the first year of its validity will be financed from the budget of the Ministry of Social Development. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Ministry of Finance, under the budget heading Treasury, may supplement the budget of that Ministry in the portion of the expenditure that it cannot finance with its resources. " And because I have had to approve and sanction it; therefore, promulgate and take effect as the Law of the Republic. Santiago, May 14, 2013.-SEBASTIAN PINERA ECHENIQUE, President of the Republic.-Joaquin Lavin Infante, Minister of Social Development.-Felipe Larraín Bascunan, Minister of Finance.-Carolina Schmidt Zaldivar, Minister of Education.-Jaime Manalich Muxi, Minister of Health. What you communicated to you for your knowledge.-Luz Granier Bulnes, Assistant Secretary for So-cial Services.