LAW NO. 20,683 AMENDS LAW N ° 20,340 IN ORDER TO EXTEND ITS APPLICATION TO THE HOUSING BENEFITS GRANTED BY THE STATE WITHOUT ANY OTHER CONSIDERATION THAN THE TARGETING OF RESOURCES. approval of the following bill originating in a Motion of the Honorable Senator Mrs. Lily Perez San Martin. Bill: " Single article.-Add, in article 1 ° of Law No. 20.340, which regulates the acts and contracts that can be celebrated with respect to homes acquired with the support of the state housing programs, the following point Second: " The provisions of the foregoing paragraph shall govern in all cases in which the State or its agencies grant benefits to the housing debtors. No additional requirements may be laid down to prevent such benefits from being obtained, which do not relate to the targeting of resources. "". And because I have had to approve and sanction it; therefore, promulgate and take effect as the Law of the Republic. Santiago, August 9, 2013.-SEBASTIAN PINERA ECHENIQUE, President of the Republic.-Rodrigo Pérez Mackenna, Minister of Housing and Urbanism. What I transcribe for your knowledge.-Francisco Javier Irarrazaval Mena, Undersecretary of Housing and Urbanism.