LAW NO. 20.714 RESETS EXCEPTION, IN THE REGIONS OF AYSEN AND MAGALLANES, ABOUT THE ESTABLISHMENTS OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES Having present that the National Congress has given its approval to the bill, of origin in motion of the lady Carolina Goic Boroevic and the deputies Gabriel Ascencio Mansilla, Miodrag Marinovic Solo of Zaldivar, David Sandoval Plaza and Pedro Velasquez Seguel. Bill: " Single article.-It incorporates into the law on the Expendium and Consumption of Alcoholic Drinks, contained in the first article of Law No. 19,925, following the transitional article, which becomes first transitional article, the following article: " Second transitional article.-Except as provided for in Article 14, the patents existing at the date of publication of this law, classified in the letters A and H of article 3, of the Aysen regions of General Carlos Ibanez del Campo and Magellan and the Chilean Antarctic. This exception will be for patents that have not been cancelled by the causes that determine the law, including the closure of the premises. " Transitional Article.-The patents of letters A and H of article 3 of the Law on the Expendium and Consumption of Alcoholic Drinks, contained in the first article of Law No. 19,925, of the Aysen regions of General Carlos Ibanez del Campo y de Magallanes and the Chilean Antarctic, which have been moved between the entry into force of that law and on 15 August 2013, may be granted the exception provided for in the second transitional article of that legal body. " And because I have had to approve and sanction it; therefore, promulgate and take effect as the Law of the Republic. Santiago, 6 January 2014.-SEBASTIAN PINERA ECHENIQUE, President of the Republic.-Felix de Vicente Mingo, Minister of Economy, Development and Tourism.-Andres Chadwick Piñera, Minister of the Interior and Public Security. What you transcribe, for your knowledge.-Salute attentively to you, Tomas Flores Jana, Undersecretary of Economics and Companies of Minor Size.