LAW NO. 20.722 INCORPORATES JUDICIAL OFFICIALS INTO LAW NO. 19.296 Having regard to the fact that the National Congress has given its approval to the following draft of the law of origin in a motion by the members of the Congress of Deputies Gabriel Ascencio Mansilla, Pedro Araya Guerrero, Jorge Burgos Varela, Alberto Cardemil Herrera, Marcelo Diaz Diaz and Felipe Harboe Basquunan and former deputies Mrs. Laura Soto Gonzalez and Mr. Eugenio Tuma Zedan. Bill: " Single article.-Please introduce the following amendments in Law No 19.296, on Associations of State Administration Officials: 1.-Intercalase the following second indent in article 1, passing the current one to be Third: "This law shall also apply to the members of the judicial branch currently in office or retired, without prejudice to the exceptions indicated." 2.-Add the following final point in Article 7: " The purposes indicated in point (d) and in the second part of point (f) of the second subparagraph, they shall not apply to the 3.-Intercalase the following third indent in Article 25, passing the current one to be fourth and so on: " Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 80 of the Political Constitution, it shall not be from the directors of the associations of officials of the judicial branch, the ratification by the Comptroller General of the Republic, of the disciplinary measure of dismissal referred to in the first subparagraph. " 4. the following final point in Article 31: " Without prejudice to the provisions of the preceding points, the permits to be granted to the directors of the associations of officials of the Judiciary, shall be governed by the rules that the Supreme Court has to the effect by means of an agreed order. " Transitional Article.-To benefit from the legal regime established by this law, the associations of the Judicial Branch, whose statutes will be in force on the date of publication of this legal text, will have to adapt them within two years. years, counted from the same date. During that period they shall enjoy the rights that law No 19.296 grants. " And because I have had to approve and sanction it; therefore, promulgate and take effect as the Law of the Republic. Santiago, January 20, 2014.-SEBASTIAN PINERA ECHENIQUE, President of the Republic.-Juan Carlos Jobet Eluchans, Minister of Labour and Social Welfare.-Juan Ignacio Pina Rochefort, Minister of Justice (S). What I transcribe to you for your knowledge.-Fernando Arab Verdugo, Assistant Secretary of Labor.